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I'm from Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. I've joined the forum because my employer recently purchased a 1960 Ferret MK2-4 and I'm trying to figure out an electrical issue. We also have a 1953 M37 fully restored troop hauler. I've added power steering to it as well. I hope to help as well as be helped in this forum. Also, we're looking to mount a gun in the turret of the Ferret if anyone has something suitable let me know. Browning .30cal 1919 I think will work for one option. Thank you for any and all assistance.

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Hello there


Welcome to the Forum, I can see that Clive is already helping out with an electrical problem :-) Regarding the Gun mount, does the ferret have a MG mount already in the Turret? Ferrets were fitted originally with .30 Cal brownings but later replaced be GPMG's (General Purpose Machine Gun) There was a different mount for each gun. It you can post a few pictures of the mounting then we should be able to see which mount (if it has one) it's got.


Also, would you mind confirming the Military Regaistration for the Ferret Register?





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