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White Poppies...


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So, White Poppies, are they right or wrong? Can we promote world peace whilst being involved with machines of war?


Do we have moral duty to wear them along side red poppies? Is that bringing politics into it?



Interested in your thoughts.

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A bit of history on the White Poppy..





The white poppy was conceived by the Women’s Co-operative Guild in 1933. Members of the Guild were themselves the wives, mothers, sisters and lovers of men who had died and been injured in World War One. They were only too well aware of the likelihood of another war, and chose this symbol for peace ‘as a pledge to Peace that war must not happen again’. The PPU joined with the Guild and later took over the distribution as Europe once again drifted to war.
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So, White Poppies, are they right or wrong? Can we promote world peace whilst being involved with machines of war?


Do we have moral duty to wear them along side red poppies? Is that bringing politics into it?



Interested in your thoughts.



Why should the government be allowed to change another deep rooted, time honoured tradition, everyone knows and respects the idea behind a red poppy symbol and what the people behind it do for our service men and women, it should not happen

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Why should the government be allowed to change another deep rooted, time honoured tradition, everyone knows and respects the idea behind a red poppy symbol and what the people behind it do for our service men and women, it should not happen



Are the Goverment trying to change them??

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So, White Poppies, are they right or wrong? Can we promote world peace whilst being involved with machines of war?


Do we have moral duty to wear them along side red poppies? Is that bringing politics into it?



Interested in your thoughts.



I don't think it matters what you wear as long as you show respect & remember..


& this is what it's all about, my grandad was an Ambulance Driver/Medic with the 8th Army, in his photo collection he has lots of funerals & graves, he use to take these photos so that he could try to pass copies of them on to their families when he got home to show them that their loved ones had a proper burial, these were taken in North Africa.


width=459 height=600http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/tom3.jpg[/img]

width=638 height=424http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/tom2.jpg[/img]



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Nice photo's Lee. Much credit must go to your granddad for his compassion in taking them for the families involved.


As regards the colour of poppies - well, the original flowers that grew in the shot and shell blasted fields of Flanders were red and this is why the poppies sold for Remembrance Day are red.


And why they should remain red


The group currently trying to get white poppies sold is a "Christian" group (quotes are mine!) called Ekklesia. There is a report here:



The orginal intention of the group Lee refers to in the 1930's might well have been to promote peace and unity. However in this day and age of political correctness, spin and rewriting/ignoring history I'm deeply supicious of any attempt to change a single factor relating to the Remembrance day activities. We already have church vicars deciding not to read the names of the fallen during the Remembrance service!! See http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/north_east/5399292.stm

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First I heard about white poppy's.

As a Dutchman we don't have such tradition.

However out of respect for our liberators (some I know personally and affectionally) and for feeling Britain as my 2nd motherland I wear a poppy even though hardly anyone here understands what's it about.


I say; keep them red!


We will remember

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