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NI Ferret Hull Shocker


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My Ferret served in NI from December 1970 to April 1976. As such it has various weld marks on the outside of the hull and turret for mods while in service in NI.


One item which came with the vehicle was a Hull Shocker. Does any one have information as to where the "Hull Shocker" was mounted in the Ferret?

Is there a REME installation pam on it, or was it just a local mod used just in NI?


I read somewhere a long time ago (perhaps on Ferret Heaven-link is gone now) about the system using a land rover washer fluid bag and pump to drip water on a chain attached to a underside hull access hole to ground the vehicle. Any info would be grand!


Attached is a photo of a hull shocker.


Any help on specific NI mods would be fantastic.



Hull Shocker..jpg

Edited by mkVsten
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I think you will find that this is a booster coil from a Centurion. I was told by the EMI of a LAD in Palestine that they first fitted this arrangement to Jeeps.


Ferrets of the Hong Kong Police were fitted with electrification. Before you could buy exMOD armour the first Ferrets in the UK were brought over from Hong Kong by Mike Hoffman. These Ferrets had electification fitted.


It is generally assumed electrification was a mod carried out in NI. In the case of Rovers it certainly was as the intruction was issued as EMEWR WHEELED VEHICLES Q 025 Installation Instruction No.15 June 1972.


The instruction for the electrification for Saracen, Salidin & Ferret was in EMER WHEELED VEHICLES V 005 Installation Instruction No.1 but was somewhat earlier in October 1968. Interestingly this predates supporting the civil power by some 9 months.

Edited by fv1609
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Thanks for the information.


Is it possible to post a copy of EMER WHEELED VEHICLES Installation Instruction No.1, at least sections specific to the Ferret? I would love to read a copy of it.


"Interestingly this predates supporting the civil power by some 9 months."


Thats is very interesting...

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Will do Matt!


Robin, what a great idea, use it at car shows, will give a whole new meaning to the little signs that say "please do not touch" or "stay off Vehicle".


Ha Ha


And an interesting time to answer to the Law suits ensuing for Damage caused through 'Trauma'!!!! :cool2:

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Will do Matt!


Robin, what a great idea, use it at car shows, will give a whole new meaning to the little signs that say "please do not touch" or "stay off Vehicle".


Ha Ha


I suppose it would be highly politically incorrect to invite the little beeps to touch the vehicle only to fry them as they did so


I could think of a few politicians that I would like to offer just such an opportunity too... Only one problem I would soon have no batteries left theres just so many...

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There is one for sale on Ebay at the moment , i am sure it would really upset the PC crowd at Ebay if they knew what it was for, as they easily take offence at anything slightly interesting .....


They dont sell grenades anymore , or inert ordanance , or anything that even resembles a gun...


I tried to sell a Sten sling on there and they went mad!

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  • 3 years later...

The 'riot electrification device' was first fitted to our Mk2 Ferrets in 1970, whilst in Northern Ireland. A hole was drilled into the hull floor, just to the right of the commander, and forward of the .30 cal ammo box container. A pipe led through this hole, and a 2pt oil bottle, filled with water, was mounted upside down on the ammo bin side. A tap replaced the normal small capped hole on the bottle. Chain was affixed to the outside of the hull plate, attached to a cord, which also led through the hole in the hull. Operation was then thus: Drop the chain, open the water bottle tap, and switch on the coil. In theory, any person touching the Ferret would get a 55 thousand volt shock....(very low amps).

We never used the thing, mainly because the upturned oil bottle leaked the water away long before it was ever needed.:nut:


Memory failing, excuse, age. I think the hole was in the floor, however, it could have been in the hull side, very close to the floor. If you have a Mk2 with an unexplained hole leading outside, then it will probably be for this kit.

Edited by Tootles
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I have got it somewhere. Many might suppose this might have been issued from Aug 1969 onwards. But it was in anticipation & was issued in Oct 1968.


It was described in more general terms in:


Land Operations. Volume III - Counter Revolutionary Operations. Part 2 - Internal Security. Army Code No. 70516 (Part 2) Nov 1969


See page 2 of this http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?17955-Non-Lethal-Conflict


There was a specific Rover instruction in EMER WHEELED VEHICLES Q 025 Installation Instruction No.15. June 1972


Ferrets imported from Hong Kong Police 30 years ago were fitted such devices.

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Interesting indeed. Perhaps, apart from the heads up from the politicos about NI, there was also concern about Wales in case of a more widespread protest at our having you-know-who imposed upon us in 1969? (There was some but not spectacular - and our terrorists stopped when civilians were injured). Either way - do install it as an historical artefact; just don't run it. I'm pretty sure that it would constitute an offensive weapon under current legislation. I wonder if you'd consider running it at a low current and connecting it to a string of LEDs crocodile clipped to the hull as a demonstration?

Edited by Shamouti Ben Yafo
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