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Commercial Insurance for Bedford MJ


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Made a few phone calls today to insurance companies regarding insuring a Bedford MJ for commercial use..

Use being collecting timber and delivering structures to customers and hire jobs...

Haven't purchase the MJ as wanted to fathom out operators license and insurance.

Footman James angle was - We can't insure anything older than 20 years for commercial use. (Bit rubbish really!)

but our other department can insure older vehicles, under classic, but these can't be used commercially.


So, am i going to get this everywhere?

Why don't insurance companies want well looked after, sturdy old vehicles to be used commercially?Surely they're not that risky?


Can anyone shed light on who they are insured by if using something older than 20 years?

RYE OIL have an MJ as a commercial truck..

May have to ask.


Any suggestions welcome



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You are contacting the wrong company. FJ are just a specialist vehicle and normal policy insurer. You will need to buy a magazine like Truck and Driver and look in the insurance add's section to find a company that focus on commercial vehicles.


Why an MJ. You will need an HGV class 2, so why not this truck that's just been put up on Milweb? Better in my opinion. More power, higher speed, tilting cab (so easy to work on) AND fitted with a crane. All for a reasonable price!!



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