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CCKW Carb ?

R Cubed

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I had both for the DUKW, and different air cleaners too.


The iron carb had a four bolt top flange and matching air cleaner mount, wheras the alloy carb had a round top and matching clamp type aircleaner mount - both were original equipment.


I think I still have the alloy carb somewhere in the parts store if anyone needs it, but no idea of the value. I have a banjo type pillow block too, which was in a box of reconditioned units. Way too heavy to post unless anyone is desperate.

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Hi and a Happy New Year


According to articals written by Bryce Sunderlin, the alloy carb. was the used on the early trucks, but there was a problem because the air filter would become loose and even fall off, there was even a modification by fitting a support bracket from the cylinder head but they then went to the cast carb., a stronger unit, where the air cleaner bolts to the carb. and overcame that problem but this carb. did not perform as well.

So it could be said if you have a alloy carb. fitted this would out perform a truck fitted with a cast carb.??


More information see Army Motors No,54 page 18.


Hope this helps

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Basically that is why I still have the alloy carb, and maybe even the aircleaner somewhere.


It has a much less satisfactory joint with the aircleaner than the cast one with the four bolt flange.

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Hi and a Happy New Year


According to articles written by Bryce Sunderlin, the alloy carb. was the used on the early trucks, but there was a problem because the air filter would become loose and even fall off, there was even a modification by fitting a support bracket from the cylinder head but they then went to the cast carb., a stronger unit, where the air cleaner bolts to the carb. and overcame that problem but this carb. did not perform as well.

So it could be said if you have a alloy carb. fitted this would out perform a truck fitted with a cast carb.??


More information see Army Motors No,54 page 18.


Hope this helps


Does anybody have the two different carbs on two different trucks and have they compared each other with reference to performance ?


Would anyone have a copy of Army Motors No,54 page 18 I could see.

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