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Dallas Dig Out.

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Just woken up to the fact that it is the Dig Out tomorrow .

Any members going to be there ?


I'm hoping to get there (first time for me) provided of course that I don't oversleep like I did today !




I will be there, don't forget its clocks back 1hr tonight too, another reason to oversleep !

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Yes I'll be there in TUL(HS) with some stuff to sell. I think it's meant to be a better day than today.


Some bits that have been seen before (!) & some that's not. Although each time there is always someone who buys something I have been lugging around for years who seems delighted to find it for the first time!

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Well - after my alarm went off at 5.20 this morning (proving that the automatic time update on my phone did not work) I found myself wide awake and having established what the time really was I left here at ten past six and headed for sunny Berkshire .


Arrived at the farm just on 8.25 and virtually the first person I saw as I drove in was Nick Johns . Spent a very pleasant few hours looking round and making a couple of small purchases before taking my leave and setting out for home . Not a huge number of stalls but some interesting bits on offer and some quite reasonable prices too .


Nick pointed you out to me Clive but you were deep in conversation and I didn't like to intrude, I'll make myself known another time .



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Well - after my alarm went off at 5.20 this morning (proving that the automatic time update on my phone did not work) I found myself wide awake and having established what the time really was I left here at ten past six and headed for sunny Berkshire .


Arrived at the farm just on 8.25 and virtually the first person I saw as I drove in was Nick Johns . Spent a very pleasant few hours looking round and making a couple of small purchases before taking my leave and setting out for home . Not a huge number of stalls but some interesting bits on offer and some quite reasonable prices too



The early bird...and all that ..well worth it with some baragain Jeep bits...regulator box £10 gen Jeep working speedo £15 !! radiator £20 ! plus other bargain bits

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you must have been the car behind me as I arrived at about 8.25 as well and one of the first people I saw was Nick Johns,then walked around all the stalls and was convinced there was nothing I needed but with a few more trips round I managed to fin several bren ammo boxes 10 bren mags an SRD jar bren supplementary poches and a 30 cal box


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Dark blue X type estate - Nick said that you'd met up but couldn't see you to point you out to me , sorry I didn't get to say hello .

I know what you mean about the stalls - each time I went round I saw something that hadn't been there previously or a new stallholder had arrived and set up .


Here's a couple of pics of the very nice Dodge that appeared mid morning .



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I overheard one of the stallholders saying that he had just been banned. But can't tell you any more than that as I don't know who he was .


Wonder if that was the stallholder who bought up lots of baragain Jeep parts early morning and then later put them up for sale on his pitch, of course at a much higher price!

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