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Everything posted by radiomike7

  1. I think you are wrong Lee but I will try to get an answer, the offence is tax avoidance not the colour of the fuel. If the tax has been paid there has been no offence comitted. The same is true for marine bunkering facilities, they will sell private users red diesel, work out the percentage propulsion/non propulsion usage, add the relevant duty and provide a tax receipt.
  2. Not strictly true, any road vehicle can be run on red diesel providing the relevant duty is paid. Red diesel contains not just a dye but a chemical marker that links it back to a supplier, evidence of both will remain in the fuel system for some time.
  3. Ah, but Leyland beat them by 50 odd years by building an experimental blown DT in the early 1950s which was rejected in favour of the Rolls C6 conversions.
  4. Exactly, but don't go telling them we are short of poles for holding up the telephone wires:cool2:
  5. Hi Dreadnought, you really must be in the middle of nowhere, even in the late 1960s many Polish farmers were smoking about in Ursus single cylinder tractors with about 5 huge explosions per kilometer:shocked: I assume Podkarpacie means close to the Karpaty mountains?
  6. Montie we have an illustrated guide of what you need to do here:http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?11476-Another-Pioneer
  7. There is a well known name, they built the airframes for Blue Danube, Red Beard and Violet Club instant sunshine devices. Interesting measure of torque...
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TIdQFnUvCA
  9. First reg Feb '59 and 4927cc so yes, a 300ci.
  10. I am almost sure that all wheels were manufactured with the AEC pattern holes after a certain date to make them universal. Blow up this photo of a NZ Explorer and you can see the extra holes, and I don't recollect NZ having AECs.
  11. A for armour, B for softskin, C for plant, D for loading equipment etc.
  12. If you havn't already worked it out, the card is essentially a permit for cadet Bogdan Czajko to display and wear the unifom and insignia of the 3rd division of the Carpathian Rifles. The 1915 will be his army number rather than DOB! As you may know, the Carpathians are a 1500km range of mountains which include the the Polish border with Slovakia.
  13. Are we talking about a Foden 8 wheeler with a Rolls 220 Eagle non turbo or an S26 DROPS with a Perkins 350 turbo?
  14. The second one Clive, was it rejected in favour of the Foden 8x6 because of marginal weight capacity on the front end? I believe they were only 10 ton axles.
  15. Yes, spot on, KC was 84/85 but I suspect that this was an early prototype on trials as the main batch were produced in 1989. I have a picture of the Scammell IMM 6 wheeler on trial, also with a KC serial.
  16. Clive, do I detect a UNIPOLVO in those photos?
  17. Have a look here:http://www.aecmilitant.co.uk/downloads.html
  18. C6SFL series 101J as fitted to Vigor mk 3, I also have the Diamond T and Scammell Constructor versions if anyone is interested.
  19. G60 was the Rolls designed NA 6 cylinder DOHC petrol engine that almost made it into a modified Healey 3000.
  20. It was just the trailing axle(s) that steered, making the effective wheelbase shorter. If the steersman got the angles right there would be no additional stress upon the frame, although it was possible to oversteer in order to reduce cut in. If you were a wimp you could request the larger steering wheel::-D
  21. Tony they were 4 in line steering on the 65 ton version, 4 in line non steering leading and 4 in line steering trailing on the 100 ton version.
  22. No but this is: http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=42402
  23. Like this? http://www.mesinternational.co.uk/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=54&category_id=5&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=37&vmcchk=1
  24. We tried all the permutations and combinations of the numbers suggested but no luck.
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