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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Some times the simple old ways are the best. We've all seen it, someone gets stuck, someone else backs in to drag them out and gets stuck as well, lots of snatching and pulling until both are stuck beyond hope, and it's getting dark. This can go on until 3 or more vehicles are stuck, then along comes the old country sort with his old jalopy, backs up to the lead vehicle at a 45 degree angle and hooks up. Spin 'em all up he says and proceeds to pull the lot out in one go, seemingly with no effort! What he has done is to pull the first one off to one side out of the ruts and onto better ground, before the next one starts to move. So then as the slack is taken up there are two doing the pulling and so on and so on. Then he leads every one off down the pub, you know the rest :-D I was told this trick by an old tractor driver many years ago, it still works.
  2. Everything I post has originated on my PC so I have copies so to speak, in which case they could be reposted, in time :shake: The reason I brought this up is that I had website about Scammell Explorers, some glitch occurred which meant I had been unable to access it to up date it for some time, now the host (Orange) have changed their format and it has disappeared, no great loss as HMVF will soon take over at the top of Google searches! :-D:-D:-D
  3. Hear what you say Degsy, just trying to work out what the guy who told me the story actually saw, maybe some other strange effect, like the plasma ball that I saw hovering by the 3 phase power lines beside my house in the '87 storm.
  4. Richard, it's interesting you mention heat generated on a pull, re my earlier post!
  5. You could always make some cash with them like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4E2q4B7uug Nowhere near as dangerous as towing :cool2:
  6. Jack you actually don't owe me one but.....................please?
  7. Thanks Lee, so what method do you prefer, after the crash? I thought the link method helped with band width/costs and such.
  8. Just a thought, but with so many pictures being uploaded through Photobucket and the like, what happens if those sites shut down or decide to change something? Are the images backed up on HMVF or just the links to the photo sites?
  9. Can't remember where this came from but I like it :rofl: Potential for disaster over a ravine/river or what?
  10. I think you will find that as the fibers swell it will get better and eventually be waterproof. Unless its a bad batch of canvas of course.
  11. Hard to pull up straight wth the drag racing slicks on I must admit :-D
  12. Stretchy tow ropes of any sort are the most dangerous of all, I have pulled the bumper and dumb irons off an old LR with one and seen a little Susuki recover a bogged RR almost 3 times it's weight with one. The trouble is this type of recovery looks great fun and is spectacular to watch. Due to the dangers this should be discussed at length and discouraged, as winching is the much safer option. I believe (someone may like to comment) the MOD bans KERR recovery on all soft skin vehicles.
  13. Unusual choice of tyres on that one, still in service by the look of the number on the trailer (can't make it out though) anyone got a clue?
  14. Just thought I'd dig out the capstan rope mentioned earlier as it is still in the shed ten years on, took a couple of pix just to explain what not to do with a shackle. Please note: As mentioned before, if this rope had broken it would not have whipped back along the line of the pull, because it is a rope that is designed for the job, it does not stretch and resists tangling. Most twisted ropes would have done so.
  15. My thoughts exactly Mike, it would have failed long before getting red, but he was insistent it happened!
  16. :goodidea: Sometimes we all get a little grumpy: LIFE'S TOO SHORT, GET OVER IT!
  17. Not really of any use but interesting any way. A chap I know who is not given to wild exaggeration, once told me that when doing a very heavy recovery job with an ARV in very low light conditions, the winch rope was starting to glow dull cherry red. :sweat:
  18. It is still possible to get a tangle on the capstan even with a roller fitted if you have too many turns on it, so I use a kill switch on a lead.
  19. Mike, what you describe here is pretty much the same as i described in this post. I was using the correct rope for a capstan winch, which has almost no stretch, had I been using a twisted nylon rope (as I have seen others use) and the shackle had cut right through the rope it would have been a mess. Whilst you are probably right as regards the rally field usage, you've learned from your mistakes, but inexperienced people buy a winch equipped MV and get asked to do all sorts of daft things with it, better try to spread the word of caution on a public forum. Common sense isn't actually very common out there. No offense meant
  20. Nice desirable truck Jack, the only problem I can see with you driving one is that the halo protector is fitted above the passenger seat. :-D
  21. I spotted that and wondered if they were moonlighting, who negotiated their contract?
  22. OK, PM near the time to remind me to bring the tape, see ya there, hope it's dry as it's clay on the off road course, which gets a bit slippy :shake:
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