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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Dunno, but you can borrow the tape if you like, maybe Laughton?
  2. I have a VHS tape I recorded off TV, but as you've seen it..................:coffee:
  3. The Owner was not phased at all by the damage, encouraging me to get stuck in (literally) with Forceful, a great guy, I believe he drove it down from Liverpool :shocked: , and was hoping to sell it so he wouldn't have to drive back! Can anyone confirm this?
  4. Jack, it Just so happened that Graham Germany had a framed set of these cigarette cards for sale at Beltring, http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/homefront/cards/cman.html I then spotted an incendiary shovel for sale in the stalls almost immediately, just a chance coincidence really! Yours doesn't look the same but it had to be one. Watch those match sticks you may start a fire!
  5. it is a shovel for picking up incendiary bombs/devices, it has a hoe on the other end :-D
  6. Copaslip is an electrical conductor, so is very good for protecting earth strap connections form corrosion. Only earth straps though.
  7. Good thread Adrian, you bought well, they are great looking and sounding trucks. Knowing your width that well always comes in handy!
  8. Never heard of that one before croc, a pretty cunning plan if you ask me, :thumbsup:
  9. As I have always understood it, if you grease them the friction between the leaves is lost and therefore the dampers may not be able to cope over rough terrain. Or speed humps! The manufacturers instructions re grease would affect which dampers would have been chosen. Sorry stormin you beat me!
  10. looks like you hang from the straps in the doorway, why that is better than 3rd class is a mystery :-D
  11. That's a pretty good trick Croc, is the grease hole in the bearing still lined up with the nipple hole in the casting? If it is thats a perfect fix :thumbsup:
  12. At least my dog joined in, maybe it was your foot wear that scared yours :-D
  13. :rofl::rofl::rofl::clap::clap::clap:
  14. That's only because Explorers can't do that CVRT lifting thing :argh::argh:
  15. :shocked: I used to have the best hedge in this street, the Joneses must have got hold of some new quick growing variety!
  16. A constant stream of people not believing it is not a genuine Landrover/military product must make you grin to yourself. Bet you do MK2!!
  17. Note the reg number, not so much as "friend of Forceful", almost family
  18. Us young Country Boys tried, but when they said we were "not as green as we were cabbage looking", they were right!
  19. Andy Longbonnet tows Godzilla Got him moving at last Doing something useful Big old Cummins in there, proper job :-D
  20. If you bought 'em, surely your copyright, otherwise you could have copied and pasted them here and waited for the papers to be served? Or is that too simplistic? :confused:
  21. That's what is so good about old photos, a lot can be learned about old ways that may have been forgotten, or jog memories, what will happen when everything is digital and hidden away on old CDs etc? We won't just find them lying in attics then, not really progress.
  22. Duncan, I think that applies to any of the larger MVs, With a Scammell and a Stolly you will have a high yeehaaa to oogawdwotnow ratio, and be pretty sure at least one of them will up and ready for a play :-D
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