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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. A bit excessive even for an Scammell product! :shake: So how are your fillings and what was the cure?
  2. Lesson 5 And so now the dreaded turning of the turbo to clear the steering, this is how it came. The manifold has to be inverted and a spacer made up to put the turbo in line with the inlet, sorry lost the pix of making this bit, but lots of cardboard involved! Just welded it up and used the emery on a surface plate to true up the mating surfaces, red Hermatite for all jointing. The rear blanking plate was moved to the front hole in the manifold and the turbo connected to the rear one. The turbo has to be split and turned to position the oil feed at the top and the drain at the bottom, there is no was round this and it caused a lot of grief, (I tried heating it etc) especialy as I bid on two NOS ones on ebay and lost them! Showed it to a chap who does it all the time on rally car engines, he said used turbos sort of fuse together but no problem, it was scary but easy, this is what he said to do. Hold the turbo tight in a BIG properly fixed vice by the exhaust flange, pre-mark where you want it to end up, take off the alloy part. Remove the ring of fixing bolts and heat all round that area with your CUTTING TORCH till it's very hot. No, your welding torch won't do! Get a trusted mate ready to catch the centre part with welding gloves on and, working all round, bash it apart with a long brass or ally drift and a club hammer. No, a small hammer won't do! Turn the centre bit to where you want it to be, check the surfaces are clean and bash it back on before the whole lot cools down Always check and flat off all mating flanges by the emery on surface plate method as these can break off when tightened if not perfect, he recommended Red Hermetite. Theory was, if you don't try it's binned anyway and you've got to buy a new one. It worked for me! The original inlet casting worked perfic for me and the air cleaner on top fills the space nicely, job done, easy or what? Apart from the cost of the engine, and exhaust pipe bits, all mods to fit this engine cost me NOTHING, spare time is cheap. :banana::banana:
  3. The results of this method of steaming the chair seat in order to impart those bum shaped contours can be seen on the antiques road show. Easy, next question
  4. GDSF playpen http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ztS6JTJ6IJY
  5. I can't believe he got away with it four times!
  6. Jules old chum, how are us poor indexilolologists expected to do our job when you don't bother with putting the number on the front? :nono:
  7. Done that croc, perhaps if any one else has update info it would be best to PM me to avoid filling the tread up with it,
  8. This link takes you to the Scammell Explorer Gallery: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=7057 As this thread is getting a little long I have made an index!! To leave you something to do I have left out repeats. No anoraks were hurt in the making of this list :-D 1/#1 239 XUE (01 BD 98) Croc, chs no. 7365 2/#2 NGY 584 Forceful Gritineye, Cummins L10 chs. 8642 cont.9870 3/#7 Q190 XSC ? on ebay 4/#7 Q765 DRS 5/#8 USJ 948 Kevin Royal 6/#10 NZ type 7/#12 158 UXL Jules Corin 8/#13 HSL 730 Trixie JCB Pete. chs no. 7451 9/#20 JSU 704 (94 BD 08) Daisy Andy Fowler, Meadows Petrol :thumbsup:, Chs no. 8106 10#/25 YSY 249 picture has disappeared somehow 11/#26 YAS 852 (94 BD 35) chs no. 8133 12/#26 UXA 722 Mean Machine 13/#28 250 XUB (01 BD 89) Private Benjamin chassis no. 7356 14/#31 NGY 587 (the yellow cabbed one) Gardner 6LW and others 15/#32 AJS 335 Natts Chris Acock 16/#33 UXG 550 17/#34 ?? ?? ?? in service 18/#34 TAS 446 Amos Bodsworth. same as #528? 19/#35 FSU 548 20/#36 HKH 334 Hercules 21/#37 SJS 920M Kevi Royan 22/#38 Q579 ??? 23/#39 93 BD 23 ? in service 24/#39 92 BD 45 ? in service 25/#40 GMT 22N 26/#43 BSJ 271 Edward Colins, Cummins L10 27/#47 06 BD 36 / 06 BD 41 / ? in service 28/#48 ????? Dora Robert Crowther CIF, Meadows diesel 29/#49 LSU 856 (91 BD 77) John Millam, Leyland 680. chs no. 7875 30/#50 ?? BD 74 in service 31/#52 SS? ??? looks the same as #338 ? 32/#53 94 BD 06 In service 33/#55 KYS 854 ? 34/#56 SSU 404 Jules/CoolPaul? Meadows Petrol :thumbsup: 35/#59 SSU 404[/s] 36/#60 MWV 153P Harris bros., RR Eagle. chs no. 7353 37/#64 93 BD ?5 Meadows Petrol 38/#65 WSK 485 (02 BD 10) Lightning, Andy Moseley, Cummins L10, chs no.7377 39/#67 PSY 974 (93 BD 85) Jules Corin, RR Eagle / ??? ??? 40/#68 HJS 741 (35 BC 95) Graham Germany. chs no. 7101 41/#76 Egyptian Explorer, Meadows Diesel? 42/#82 NSU 417 / UXA 722 43/#84 OSJ 698 (92 BD 33) Thor (was Nightmare), thor698, chs no.7931 44/#88 159 UXW Trigger 45/#92 At unknown in museum Portsmouth ? 46/#94 in service ?? ?? ?? 47/#95 92 BD 03 in service, same as #267 48/#96 54 BD ?? in service 49/#97 Unknown 50/#98 in service ?? ?? ?? / ?? ?? ?? 51/#99 in service ?? ?? 73 52/#100 in service ?? ?? ?? 53/#101 lots in service ?? ?? ?? 54/#102 in service 55/#103 01 BD 40 in service same as #409 ? 56/#104 91 BD 58 in service 57/#105 06 BD 41 in service 58/#106 06 BD 36 in service 59/#107 ?? ?? ?? in service 60/#108 ?? ?? ?? in service 62/#109 ?? ?? ?? in service 63/#110 06 BD 00 in service 64/#111 in service ?? ?? ?? / ?? ?? ?? 65/#112 in service ?? ?? ?? 66/#114 Newzealand Explorers Meadows Diesel? 67/#117 SSL 356 68/#112 in service ?? ?? ?? 69/#123 USU 714 Andy ?? 70/#124 FKO 368 Jeff Rogerson, Meadows Petrol :thumbsup: 71/#125 Unknown 72/#126 Unknown 73/#128 Sir Winston JVS 851 74/#131 LSK 200 John Comber, Cummins 220 75/#133 unknown 76/#135 ASJ 231 77/#152 Unknown 78/#153 AAS 121 Leane Booth, Cummins L10 79/#156 YSK 918 (35 BC 38) Leyland 680. chs no 7044, 80/#166 MVS 864 Alan Plummer 81/#167 HSU 832 Geoff Nurse 82/#183 Unknown ebay 6LW 83/#214 HSL 983 Michael Austen 84/#235 Unknown Gardner 6LW 85/#267 92 bd 03 in service, is the same as #95 86/#290 ESL 393 & unknown 87/#291 unknown Gardner 6LW & unknown 88/#299 ESL 599 89/#304 unknown 90/#333 Q61 PFE RR 91/#338 SSU 308 (93 BD 80) MONTY, Ted Riley, Meadows Petrol :thumbsup:, chs no. 8078: same as #52 ? 92/#339 01 BD 41 Meadows Diesel James (see #409) 93/#365 Q921 NTR Meadows Petrol :thumbsup: 94/#382 YSV 763 Hercules Meadows diesel 95/#382 09 AH 00 RAF Museum, Cosford 96/#386 GSU 510 Meadows Petrol :thumbsup:, Ex RadioMike 97/#389 Q789 MEV Leyland 680? 98/#389 XSK 460 99/#395 94 BD 17 100/#396 unknown reg, Denniss Garage 101/#404 unknown 102/#406 ??? 190K 103/#407 43 BT 29 in service 104/#409 01 BD 40 same as #103 ? 105/#409 01 BD 41 FLOYD moon, stars, all lined up! Now owned by YOUNGGUN !! 106/#420 4 unknown Meadows Petrol :thumbsup: 107/#423 92 BD 80 108/#427 20 BD 63 in service 109/#435 92 BD 40 in service 110/#438 NSU 417 (92 BD 45) Chunkey, (was Big Blue Joe) chs no. 7943 112/#438 YSL 662 (35 BC 00) No Nuts, gps, chs no. 7006 113/#438 KSJ 678 (02 A? 96) chassis no. 8529, 115/#439 YSY 249 (93 BD 09) chs no. 8007 116/#439 YSY 250 EFNICK chs no. 7351? maybe Lightnings no. 117/#440 GSU 510 118/#440 unknown 119/#441 Q??? WEP 200/#442 JSU 265 201/#448 920 FUF Peter Dawson? 202/#458 ??? ??? Island Explorer 203/#463 SSY 679 204/#463 GMT 22N 205/#463 YVN 185J 206/#479 in service 207/#527 YJW 382S 208/#528 YSM 910 209/#528 ??? ??? same as #34? 210/#536 in service 211/#549 NTA 658P. chs no. 7963 212/#558 in service 213/#563 ??VS 851 ? 214/#565 BSV 704 (93 BD 06) Thor, daz76, AEC 760, chs no. 8004, Cont 7443 215/#556 KSK 559 (97 RN 71) Ark Royal, R.White, Cummins diesel 216/#574 WSL 196 217/#581 unknown 218/#585 unknown 219/#586 unknown 220/#587 MGP 833L Big Ted 221/#606 unknown 222/#610 728 YUD Dora Robert Crowther, Meadows diesel 223/#669 06 AH 78 in service 224/#674 HMVF clubhouse car park! :-D 225/#717 Q736 WJR 226/#720 in service 227/#731 TOT 279 ___/#1059 unknown (01 BD 97) Leyland 680 chs no. 7364 228/1714 XSV 488 Paul and Jenny Rollseagle..Rolls 290 I've really really really lost the will to live now!! :yawn: :sleep::sleep:
  9. As this thread is getting a little long I have made an index!! To leave you something to do I have left out repeats. No anoraks were hurt in the making of this list :-D 1/#1 Croc's 239 XUE (01 BD 98) C/no. 7365 2/#2 Forceful NGY 584 Cummins L10 3/#7 on ebay Q190 XSC ? 4/#7 Q765 DRS 5/#8 USJ 948 6/#10 NZ type 7/#12 Jules 158 UXL 8/#13 JCB Petes Trixie HSL 730 9/#20-21 Andy Fowlers Daisy JSU 704 Petrol 10#/25 YSY 249 11/#26 YAS 852 12/#26 Mean Machine UXA 722 13/#28 Andis Private Benjamin 250 XUB (01 BD 89) 14/#31 NGY 587 Gardner 6LW and others 15/#32 Chris Acock Natts AJS 335 16/#33 UXG 550 17/#34 in service ?? ?? ?? 18/#34 Amos Bodsworths TAS 446 19/#35 FSU 548 20/#36 Hercules HKH 334 21/#37 SJS 920M 22/#38 Q579 ??? 23/#39 In service 93 BD 23 ? 24/#39 In service 92 BD 45 ? 25/#40 GMT 22N 26/#43 Edward Colins BSJ 271 Cummins L10 27/#47 In service 06 BD 36 / 06 BD 41 / ? 28/#48 Big Jenny ????? 29/#49 John Millams LSU 856 Leyland 680 30/#50 in service ?? BD 74 31/#52 SS? ??? looks the same as #338 ? 32/#53 In service 94 BD 06 33/#55 KYS 854 ? 34/#56 Jules/CoolPaul? SSU 404 Petrol 35/#59 SSU 404 36/#60 Harris bros. MWV 153P RR Eagle 37/#64 93 BD ?5 Petrol 38/#65 Andy Dentons Lightning WSK 485 Cummins L10 39/#67 Jules Corins PSY 974 (93 BD 85) RR Eagle / ??? ??? 40/#68 Graham Germanys HJS 741 41/#76 Egyptian Explorer Meadows Diesel? 42/#82 NSU 417 / UXA 722 43/#84 Thor OSJ 693 ? 44/#88 Trigger 159 UXW 45/#92 At unknown in museum Portsmouth ? 46/#94 inservice ?? ?? ?? 47/#95 in service 92 BD 03 same as #267 48/#96 in service 54 BD ?? 49/#97 Unknown 50/#98 in service ?? ?? ?? / ?? ?? ?? 51/#99 in service ?? ?? 73 52/#100 in service ?? ?? ?? 53/#101 lots in service ?? ?? ?? 54/#102 in service 55/#103 in service 01 BD 40 same as #409 ? 56/#104 in service 91 BD 58 57/#105 in service 06 BD 41 58/#106 in service 06 BD 36 59/#107 in service ?? ?? ?? 60/#108 in service ?? ?? ?? 62/#109 in service ?? ?? ?? 63/#110 in service 06 BD 00 64/#111 in service ?? ?? ?? / ?? ?? ?? 65/#112 in service ?? ?? ?? 66/#114 Newzealand Explorers Meadows Diesel? 67/#117 SSL 356 68/#112 in service ?? ?? ?? 69/#123 USU 714 70/#124 Jeff Rogersons FKO 368 Petrol 71/#125 Unknown 72/#126 Unknown 73/#128 Sir Winston JVS 851 74/#131 John Combers LSK 200 Cummins 220 75/#133 unknown 76/#135 ASJ 231 77/#152 Unknown 78/#153 Booths AAS 121 Cummins L10 79/#156 YSK 918 Leyland 680 80/#166 Alan Plummers MVS 864 81/#167 Geoff Nurse HSU 832 82/#183 Unknown ebay 6LW 83/#214 Tony Jordan HSL 983 84/#235 Unknown Gardner 6LW 85/#267 in service 92 bd 03 is the same as #95 86/#290 ESL 393 & unknown 87/#291 unknown Gardner 6LW & unknown 88/#299 ESL 599 89/#304 unknown 90/#333 Q61 PFE RR 91/#338 Ted Riley SSU 308 same as #52 ? 92/#339 James 01 BD 41 Mdws Dsl 93/#365 Q921 NTR Meadows Petrol 94/#382 Hercules YSV 763 95/#382 09 AH 00 96/#386 Ex RadioMike GSU 510 Petrol 97/#389 Q789 MEV Leyland 680? 98/#389 XSK 460 99/#395 94 BD 17 100/#396 unknown reg 101/#404 unknown 102/#406 unknown reg 103/#407 in service 43 BT 29 104/#409 01 BD 40 same as #103 ? 105/#409 01 BD 41 moon, stars, all lined up! Now owned by YOUNGGUN !! 106/#420 4 unknown Meadows Petrol 107/#423 92 BD 80 108/#427 unknown 109/#435 in service 92 BD 50 110/#438 Big Blue Joe NSU 417 112/#438 No Nuts YSL 662 113/#439 YSY 249 (Up to post 349) I've lost the will to live!! :yawn: :sleep::sleep:
  10. Andy, correct spanner and puller ready and waiting. (won't fit the BW model though, it won't work on Araldite) But first :readbook:
  11. What a bummer, nothing worse than that! Life ain't fair sometimes mate, good luck with it.
  12. Thanks Richard, I might get round to finishing all the odd bits in the cab and painting it soon.....................
  13. Tonights lesson is about raising the L10s fan to match the rad cowling. The engine as bought, the fan is too low and the turbo will hit the steering box. Keep the accelerator linkage cross shaft complete as well. The fan is mounted in a casting that needs to be moved up, Bolt a plate on as here Cut the thickness of the plate from the casting, (about 10 minutes, ) Measure the exact distance from the Meadows crank centre to the fan shaft centre Clamp the casting to the plate and get the same position above the crank as the Meadows, mark the holes and drill them. When its all bolted up the pulleys are not likey to be perfectly in line, adjust by rubbing the cut face on a sheet of emery cloth on a suface plate (20 minutes to infinity ) Or take the lot to a machine shop and PAY! Fit a support back to the head to stop it all bending forward as you tighten the fanbelt and the suck of the fan. I could not find a fan belt with 8 ribs to fit but this 6 rib one works OK. Thats done then, easy or what?
  14. Chris, I had all the same thoughts, but the Scammell shaft is too short to reach the spigot bearing using the original clutch housing and I didn't want to pay out for a special clutch plate etc. I worked with what came with the engine. A friend is just finishing off his L10 conversion and I will get a look at it soon to see how it has been done. I wouldn't weld up a shaft for anyone else , but as I knew the risks of it not working I went ahead, it has been done four years now and no problems so far, I am quite prepared to re-do the clutch if I see a better way of doing it. Using the single pad front mounting makes it easy at the front and in retrospect I would make up adjustable mounts at the rear.
  15. So, like cockpit green then, nice restful colour. Thanks
  16. Mine had been with the Royal Aircraft Establishment after the FVRDE and I was hoping to find Blue/gray under the paint but none there. What is EAU de Nile?
  17. I could smell those old asbestos clutch / brake bands burning from here!
  18. Us old 'uns didn't get where we are today without knowing about keeping dry................. :coffee::whistle:
  19. You could try taking them on holiday as hand luggage :nono: :shake: :rolleyes: :whistle::wave::nut::n00b:
  20. Actually looking at this pic I'm not sure if Andy Denton has used the single plate clutch in Lightning, he had to have what he called a 'top hat section' turned up to recess the bearing, that cost way too much for me! Don't know what the shaft is, maybe Constructor? It is a much better engineered solution I must admit.
  21. Any Denton has used the single plate clutch, I have a pic I will find but it doesn't show much. I had a limited budget but plenty of time, it's still working OK. want to know about the turbo next?
  22. Towing loaded trailers on Historic vehicle tax / insurance is not an option if I read it correctly, best to check.
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