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wally dugan

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Everything posted by wally dugan

  1. It's the 1966 catalogue with the left hand drive moke picture the preface pages in the early days were the same text and pictures the same ones appear in several catalogues
  2. have you checked the plug lead it's self if ok the contact point in the cap is it clean and making a good connection hair line cracks can be hard to detect
  3. Thank you for your comments l have three sets in the same condition l am going to give one set to the young man with the ferret who lam helping in the hope it fires his interest in military vehicles in the future
  4. wally dugan


    Ladies and Gentleman l would like your collective opinion on the following a complete set of seventy five unopened and unread of wheels and tracks still in the packaging that they came in. Having seen secondhand ones for between five and six pounds and l know that maybe what they want for them your thoughts are welcomed WALLY
  5. BOB richard harrison from newcastle way was having some made if it helps
  6. For some time l have been going through the files on the FV 1600 family of vehicles while l have a number of records and photographs of most including 08/09/21/22 . The FV 1606 if it did exist may have only been in the mock up stage as a large number of projects did and it was normal practise to reduce to product in other words broken up a few did survive if it did make to mock up it may be in the list of mock up vehicles which l do not have at home
  7. when you say when engine turning that is it's running it could be a fault in the generator it's self or a problem in the generator panel like the fuse or dirty connections
  8. HARRY has the ferret been unused for some time if so you need to put 142 ML of engine oil by the screw removed the gearbox of the generator is normally fed from the engine when running by a feed pipe REGARDS WALLY
  9. HARRY no need your english is fine have you got any manuals for the ferret REGARDS WALLLY
  10. l am sorry l do not know what you mean by yellow bevel box are you talking about the bevel box you can see inside down below the brake master cylinder the plug for this is under the cylinder and cannot be got at without removing the brake master cylinder but the oil you put in at the point shown in your picture flows into the bevel box the two are connected which is why l said when oil flows out wait to let the oil find it's own level and top it up hope this makes sense the other bevelboxes can be filled using the screw plugs you can see inside the hull and engine bay and the oil will flow out of the screw on the inner hub shown in your picture
  11. l use the sae 90 gear oil the screw is the oil level and filler if you fill it leave it for awhile even if the oil runs out give it time to find its level and then top it up as to oil leaks it part of living with a FERRET
  12. The hand book says OEP 220 you can use SAE 90 GEAR OIL OR SAE 80W -90
  13. well they are not champ or pig the bottom one could be saracen
  14. 70 YM 85 was overhauled at 32 base workshops in DIDCOT which closed in 1964
  15. AFRIKA KORP insignia on door may be made up for film work
  16. ROBIN fesm_ndt had one l saw it a number of time great pity as to other owners there were a few ACMAT s in ireland
  17. 41 YK 85 was made by ORME EVANS and was from the batch of numbers 34 YK 41 TO 54 YK 40
  18. I would like to put forward a idea first l do not think the W stands for war but workshop secondly the second third letters are to do with the type of repair ie base overhaul schedule repair the majority of these were carried out by the ARMY AUXILLIARY WORKSHOPS. These markings only seem to appear on vehicles in service after 1945 and stop by 1960 a time when the use of AAWs had stopped the numbers are for reference as l said this is only a idea that l have been looking at while looking in to AAWs
  19. it did have two stabilizing jacks at the rear l may have a picture some were will look tomorrow
  20. Just a quick look shows JXW 39 had the FVRDE establishment number 3827 and left there on the 18/10/58 NAC 828 had the establishment number 5311 and left on the 19/9/56 The TRW's that where there and were given civilian registration number from the following JLR /JXW/KYW/LUE/ RWD/NAC/ RGX/DYE. There were a lot of TRW's at CHERTSEY during the 50s and 60s some with RAF and ARMY NUMBERS those that were scrapped only the frame numbers are recorded
  21. Here is another from the 1956 exhibition of british military vehicles at FVRDE CHERTSEY KYW 19
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