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Everything posted by ashley

  1. All the best to you on this day :wave: Ashley and Family
  2. Well we must have spoken then at the Bovington show as i was chatting with some of the guys in 6th Fallschirmjager at the time when i came over. The one at Beltring (ambulance) was with the 2nd Battle group the owner (i presume) said he had just retired and was going to restore it properly. Ashley
  3. something like this then ? have seen the ambulance version that attends Beltring but a first for a GS version Ashley
  4. Eddie Kid managed to jump a few buses with the aid of a ramp..........:idea: :iloveyou: Ashley
  5. Looks a bit muddy for the recent dryish spell :whistle::whistle::coffee: Ashley
  6. At one of the Dallas digouts, i paid £5.00 for the large pack and £3.00 for the small pack and i am sure that at Beltring you may still get them for this price with a bit of searching :-D Ashley
  7. Hi Jack, can you not name the vehicle or engine type ??? as we know certain vehicles/engines have various traits to them, nuff said. No2 may be brake shoe related ? Ashley
  8. Hi and welcome, are there any pictures of use in this thread ?? plenty of engineer equipment at this museum. But you will have to scroll down to find what you are looking for. Ashley http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=9510
  9. Hey Jack, i thought we (WW2 types) were dinning in the rear of your truck :whentitsdone:so we are elevated above all other "TYPES" along with the :dancinggirls:(i thought that this is what you said last time we spoke??) Non PW owner in Dorset Anon
  10. Hi Jack,

    for a local company try Tower supplies at Tower park (i have no personal connection with this company) it is one we use for work needs



  11. Thats the name i was looking for thanks :tup:: Ashley
  12. Any one from here attending this show at Haven street Railway I.O.W Sorry the 4/5 July `09 Ashley
  13. Really good thanks for posting :thumbsup: these seem to be from the Frederick Stephens set of films found some years ago. Couldn`t spot many factory fresh vehicles though ?? Ashley
  14. [ The local council fearing being sued for sexual discrimination finally installed the first sleeping policewoman, but the Irish contractor had the plans the wrong way round !!!!! Ashley
  15. Hmmmm in contest with Jack then...... as he goes for a stationary engine when the price of fuel rises :-D Ashley
  16. No Probs Tone, i have tipped the wife off re your intended visit !!!!! and she is rolling up her sleeves in anticipation and sharpening up her rolling pin...enter at your own PERIL. I take no responsability....she takes no prisoners (at all) !!!! yours truly Mr Peaceful P.S. do they still have music festivals at Stonehenge ??
  17. I also understood that as part of the `Normandy Memiore(sp)` all vehicles on the Tour this year have to pay 5€ for the privlage ?? I thought that these laws had been in force for some time, but never acted apon. Ashley
  18. You may not know that i really am of Romany desent.......and i am currently rubbing my crystal ball$ preparing a curse to make more than a fan drop off,,,,`and an xtra piece of cake to come my way:-D Ashley `Rosie lee` of Dorset
  19. After you Olaf...1....2...3 I don`t recall Lego like that when iwas younger ashley
  20. Hi Paul, if you do go ty and visit the American cemetery just of the D514 (just befor you get to Pont du Hoc ) Merville Battrey Ousyreim Bridge and museum There is another nice battrey site with complete guns etc also free to wander round (i may be mixed up as this could be Merville?) Just read a basic account of the battle and most sites will be mentioned. Ashley
  21. Map reading, :shake::stop: Huh you had better practice yer skittles mate. You are gonna need all the help you can get, maybe a plan of a skittle ally may be of use :readbook: Champ`s team member 08
  22. Though non military.... i see a nice cliff railway in the background as well ! Ashley
  23. Really fasanating film CW thanks for posting. cheers Ashley
  24. It seems to have been adapted using the original wheels? Ashley
  25. Hi Jack,

    been thinking (dangerouse stuff !!) with all the H&S also the fact that any motorist in France by law must have Hi Vis clothing (coat, jacket, vest, bib whatever you want to call it which can not be in the boot of the vehicle and i belive must be visable to passing law authorities) may be it is some thing you and the team should consider for the HMVF shop ??



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