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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. not sure if this is a kitchen wagon or ? French caption Ce civil se fait à manger dans une "roulante" militaire de la guerre 14-18 à Sainte-Marguerite-de-Viette babel translation not the best This civilian is made eat in a " roulante" soldier of war 14-18 with Holy-Marguerite-of-Viette
  2. one little note he mentions in the book about the maintenance of two -and -a- half- ton GMC trucks, moving over a combination of highways and cross -country in six wheel drive ,would have a new engine approximately every ten thousand miles and that 2 1/2 was the load rating , they normally carried anywhere from five to eight tons ! while in the hard cover edition he said they carried 4 to 10 tons , seems to have been a bit of re-writting .
  3. another Doctors description about a failing elderly case CTD C circling T the D drain
  4. The cover photo on the paperback edition is different I ll post that soon . . I think the soldiers in both photo's are wearing Jeep Cap's. the soldier in the second photo right side is wearing a helmet
  5. Thank you for going out and recording the Battle area .The photo's show how difficult it must have been to labor to creating trenches through such rocky terrain while dodging bullets and bombs ,compared to the largely stoneless area's in France where they had so many problems with muddy shell churned soil while fighting in flooded and collapsing trenches that had to be shored up with tremendous amounts of timber .
  6. Thats OK about the date as I wasn't about and not even my dad was . Thanks for setting the record straight. Guess we might have to start a thread about the eating Establishments of London next . See as many are going to be trekking about looking into the IWM and other points of interest like the Military surplus stores and would like to know where best to plan on a good Lunch or Dinner after all the exploring .
  7. the max tow load was 70,000 pounds! and depending on which winch the boom winch was rated at 16,000 to 20,000 lbs , it could lift 8 tons a drag winch was rated at 47,500 lbs the front winch rated at 20,000 lbs
  8. Canadian markings on Jeep still looking for simular British http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/775632637_59f42d197a.jpg[/img] French caption Un aumônier aide un infirmier canadien à évacuer un soldat blessé à bord d'une Jeep. Il s'agit de l'évacuation du blessé de la p010007 Jean-Pierre Benamou dans Bataille de Caen (page 187) chez Heimdal, 1988; situe cette scène à Marcelet (hameau de Saint Manvieu Norrey) à 2 km à l'ouest de Carpiquet le 3 juillet à la veille de Operation Windsor. Jeep ambulance du Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (Machine Gun) de la 3rd Canadian Inf. Div. A noter la référence du LCT ayant transporté la jeep d''Angleterre en Normandie
  9. I think its missing the forward jeep tub to make it a five passenger monster truck style Morris Jeepsterish kindathingamabob very rare indeed
  10. While thats a lot of mud and Beltring was muddy this year , I just had to post this clip in connection with mud and this looked like the best mud around . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTmtdXdvpNo
  11. I m glad you found This group and hope that they will be able to help you find the information and or parts dealers that will help you to finish your vehicle. The photo's of the events are much appreciated , Thank You
  12. A Very Happy Birthday to TootallMike! and hope all your travels go smoothly and trouble free!
  13. another example of a WLF doing a bit of heavy lifting http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/408121041_bc3ebc0a8f.jpg[/img] French caption Un Sherman M4 surnommé "Hurricane lors de l'opération de remplacement du moteur Continetal R975C ; le 16 aout 1944 à Le Teilleul Le M4 fait partie de la 2nd Armored Division, de la H Co, d'un des deux Armored Regiment. (on voit débarquer ce même Tank en p012923) La dépanneuse est un Heavy wrecker Ward La France M1, du 2d Armored Ordnance Bn
  14. Great Photograph's ! Are there many events held in your area for collector's of Military Vehicles to attend ? From what you have shared so far the work they have done is impressive , They have done well !.
  15. I recall a simular photo too perhaps it was a AFKWX cab over in an issue of Wheel and Tracks"? there is a photo of CCKW on page 122 of the GMC A universal truck Boniface and Jeudy. it states ' in the weeks preceding the landings, the Americans used 2 1/2 ton 6x6 trucks (models CCKW 353 and AFKWX 353) converted into rail cars on rialway branch lines to numerous warehoues filled with equipment through out Great Britian. These vehicles were converted in situ by the US Ordnance Corps,and they over came the shortage of steam locomotives."
  16. If your into or would like to learn how the logistic of battlefield recovery and replacements of Armoured Vehicles in WWII operated , and along with the dangers of traveling between the front lines each morning and the battalion headquarters some 30-40 miles away each night, This book puts the process involved in a well written book . Its not simply a book of numbers . Its the need for the Army to know precisely how many tanks and armoured vehicles have been damaged ,<and recoverable> from those that are damaged beyond repair . Its amazing how many were recovered and put back into battle in an amazingly short time . The author learned well the short comings of the Sherman's and the strengths of the German armour they fought .316 pages with 10 pages of bw photographs the story of the authors experiences from the Normandy beaches on D+28 to Marseilles at the end of the war. written by Belton Y. Cooper published by Presido Press ISBN 0-89141-670-6
  17. Yes I have gone to the open house held at the Aberdeen Proving grounds in Maryland a number of times . I ll see if I can locate any photo's I might have of the events . I know I did take or make a number of video's at the time but they are on super 8 mm video tape and would need to be converted and transfered to DVD in order to post them on HMVF TV . The Museum there is a fantastic collection of all manner of WWI WWII Korea and Vietman war armour and artillery sadly almost all are stored outdoors and have suffered from weather and sticky fingers . only in the late 80's did they take steps to at least put these Historic artifacts on to concrete platforms to keep them from sinking into the dirt . They were also making plans to try and shelter or house some of the more important items . During the open house a verity of groups are doing demonstrations and re-creations not only WWII but American Civil War battles . Parades, helicopter operations and live fire demonstrations with a number of things going on simultaneously. This is what happened before Sept.11 2001 . I have not been back there since the mid 90's
  18. 336 pages 6 pages of bw photograph's the experiences of a soldier who lived thru North Africa and Sicily who made it thru by staying aware of the events around him , getting to know the enemy's tactic's and likely reactions, having buddies wounded and die in his arms he gives very detailed description of first hand combat , including a night time river crossing to get intelligence on enemy positions during which he almost shot a commanding officer for cowardice. written by Fred H. Salter published by Ballantine books ISBN 0-7394-2372-x
  19. Lets hope that those rail wheels didn't end up in a furnace YET!!!
  20. You have a perfect right to be mad about being treated so badly , If you have done your homework in restoring a vehicle and have the evidence and documents to back it up then One must make a fuss if you are getting passed by in a judging event . Obviously the "Judges " in such a case aren't doing the right thing .....if they still say otherwise then let the other fellow "Pound Sand" as We say here ! Sorry you passed it on , I do hope the new owner will perserve it and not try and convert it ......but whats done is done .
  21. just a couple of Jimmies worth of Jerry cans French Caption Des soldats américains déchargent des jerricans d'essence sur le premier terrain d'aviation permanent en France translation American soldiers discharge from the gasoline jerry cans on the first permanent airfield in France
  22. well if you want insane over horse powered tracked equipment check this out ....it starts slow then watch out . Lord only knows what would happen if it's remote control FAILED!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN2KW_f6qew
  23. I had thought it a interesting modification and posted it thinking someone would have more details than what was in the caption of a gun tractor mk1. Did any appear in "wheel and Tracks" ?
  24. A very interesting story , I had never heard of the group . I guess none of the vehicles has survived or has one ? Could one of these OYs be recreated like the Red Cross Clubmobile ? Where there any books written about these relief operations ? While not as exciting as a combat unit some might say I m sure they must have had some close calls , delayed Bombs , collaping buildings .
  25. Yes its a well written account of very brave and out numbered soldiers who were determined to do what it took stop the German's
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