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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. I can add a little bit to the story of the Vespa that its listed as "Scooter Parachutable Vespa 1950 ,small scooter w/shield and recoilless rifle, driver saddle above weapon 5'8"x3'3"x3'5" " this according to the Encyclopedia of armoured cars.
  2. the ones you posted Rick according to my encyclopedia of armoured cars says that they are British Peerless armoured cars ie Austin world war I bodies on American Peerless lorry chassis . The Peerless was widely used and some were still in service as late as 1939
  3. Ah your just jealous that you did think of it first :-D :shake: :whistle: seems some thing armoured would be just the thing to drape with thousands of lights. I think he did it so he could keep his GMC in the front yard until spring and find new storage then. this way the neighbors can't complain as it's a holiday display , they wouldn't want to be seen complaining about that!!!!......and not just an old truck.
  4. This appeared on the front page of the Local news paper yesterday..The Omaha World-Hearld .The person mentioned trying to document the crashes in Nebraska is Jerry Perry he has a web site nebraskaaircrash.com His goal is to visit and document the 54 WWII crash sites in the state , he goes on in the article to say 15,530 deaths were related to training flights during WWII
  5. Thanks Lee I m sure they will be , I ll checkout the link a bit later .... seem to be hooked on google maps lately flying around the world seeing battle fields and point's of interest
  6. I guess we best start dredging so theres enough depth should any one find a sub , since we need all the surface area for the Stolly's and DUKW's and Seeps any other swimming vehicles out there in group hands?
  7. would that make it a miliapedia ? no wait isnt that a multi-legged insect ??? :dunno: :coffee2: :-D
  8. Interesting Marty must be the later model spoken of in the article with a gas engine !I don't recall ever seeing a photo of one ....Thank you for posting it
  9. interesting that to stop the engine you lift up on the accelerator pedal in a Matador! never would have guess!
  10. We have radio's , softskins, armour, artillery,firearms, motorcycles, bicycles, and boats ....oh and pilots , but how are we doing on the aircraft issue ?The Culb house grounds are being expanded as rapid as possable but do you think it will be enough space for an airstrip with hangers and a lagoon for the vessels?
  11. Virus's and germ's don't survive in Alcohol so perhaps a bit of that will help you get rid of that "Man-Flu" as for Candles PLEASE you don't have that Many!!
  12. A Very Happy Birthday to Jessie the Jeep , Hope you have a great party and Loads of Dancing Girls :beer: :dancinggirls: :dancinggirls: :dancinggirls: :yay: :banana: :tup:
  13. GMC's carrying materials for Hospital unit French caption Photographie d'un convoi de camions GMC sur un camp servant d'hôpital pour les blessés translation D' photographs; a convoy of trucks GMC on a camp serving d' hospital for the casualties unloading material to GMC's on Normandy Beach French caption Un navire de transport décharge du matériel américain sur la plage d'Omaha Beach. Des camions US sont stationnés auprès du navire de transport pour charger leurs cargaisons Translation A ship of transport discharges from the American material on the beach d' Omaha Beach. US trucks are been parked near the ship of transport to charge their cargoes
  14. Unloading at Gold Beach on D-day +6 French caption Le LST -21 (équipage USCG) Force G, Groupe "A" Il transporte les éléments de la 56th Independent Inf. Brigade rattachée à la 50th (Northumbrian) Inf. Div. sur Jig Green Gold Beach à Arromanches . Et doit débarquer les troupes à H+6. Le Sherman "Virgin" est un modèle OP (Observation Post), il est transporté sur le Tank deck, il fait partie du HQ Brigade de la 8th Independent Armoured Brigade (voir le signe tactique 993 combiné à l'insigne de la brigade : la tête de renard rouge sur fond jaune), le camion à gauche est celui du Nottinghamshire Yeomanry (Sherwood Rangers) lui aussi de la 8th Armoured Brigade. Les unités et éléments de la 56th Brigade embarquent à Southampton. Le 1er juin, le LST transporte 20 officiers, 205 soldats et 73 véhicules. 4 juin un Rhino ferry F-100 et un Rhino tug qui seront remorqués. 5 Juin départ en direction de Le Hamel & Arromanches. En route le Rhino tug coupe ses amarres et part à la dérive. 12h10 le 6/6/1944, le LST-21 arrive devant Gold Beach. Il "lâche" son Rhino. 13h50 les six DUKW du 705th General Tranport Company sont mis à l'eau. Pendant ce temps "Jig Green" est sous les tirs d'un 88mm situé à l'ouest d'Arromanches. 15h40 le premier transfère sur le Rhino ferry pour la plage (moment ou doit est prise la photo, puis que c'est le Tank deck qui est vidé en premier.) 19h15 le LST-21 se dirige vers le Rhino ferry qui a du mal à avancer du fait des courants marins. Le LST embarque alors 13 blessés qui arrivent sur un DUKW. Le Rhino ferry rejoint enfin le LST à 21h45 et repart à 22h40 avec ce qui reste des véhicules. A 22h30 et 22h42, il est pris pour cible lors d'une attaque aérienne allemande mais sans dégâts. Le 7 juin à 11h20, il repart en convoi vers Southampton, et arrive à East Solent à 20h55. Il retournera sur Jig Beach le 10 juin, avec 40 véhicules et 146 hommes. Nous le retrouverons le 31 juillet à Cherbourg déchargeant des wagons reportage
  15. No Signals could you post a picture of your MV here ? while we can't do the insurance valuation we could enjoy seeing it , and thats got to be worth something right ?
  16. Congratulations another Published Author in the ranks of the Forum !
  17. if you build a replica it could be radio controlled....a project for those guys who built robots for the TV show Robot Wars? , but the originals were wire controlled .
  18. coming a shore at Slapton Sands practicing for the invasion French caption Exercice de débarquement d'un TD Bn avec une ou plusieurs compagnies en cours sur une plage de Slapton Sands en Angleterre. Au premier plan des rouleaux de treillis métalliques anti-ensablement appelés Sommerfeld (wire mesh Sommerfeld Tracking) Voir les p011400, p012695 et p013271 grillage Sommerfeld posé. Le Tank Destroyer M10 au premier plan est surnommé "Bessie". Derrière le "Bessie" on trouve une M8 de reconnaissance avec sur la plage arrière une Harley Davidson WLA. Les chars sont équipés de hotte de franchissement Un bulldozer sur la plage Deux LCT et le LST-325 portes ouvertes devant lequel des hommes et des chars translation Exercise of unloading d' a TD Bn with one or more companies in progress on a beach of Slapton Sands in England. In the foreground of the rollers of mesh wires anti-stranding called Sommerfeld (wire mesh Sommerfeld Alignment) See the p011400, p012695 and p013271 Sommerfeld netting posed. The Tank M10 Destroyer in the foreground is called " Bessie". Behind the " Bessie" one finds M8 of recognition with on the beach postpones Harley Davidson WLA. The tanks are equipped with hood of crossing A bulldozer on the beach Two LCT and the LST-325 open doors in front of which men and tanks
  19. CCKW Dump truck poor photo but shows mines being cleared and temp. road matting French caption Un GMC 353 Genie gagne l'intérieur des terres derrière Utah Beach sur un chemin de sable recouvert d'un treillis métallique anti-ensablement, un second est garé sur la droite. Ce grillage est visible en rouleaux sur la p012720 et posé sur les Pose de ce grillage sur une voie en sortie de plage sur les: p011400, p012695 et p013271. Le grillage Sommerfeld à mailles irrégulières se caractérise par des fers ronds passés à intervalles réguliers dans les mailles pour les maintenir à plat. Ces fers ronds étaient pincés en boucle à chaque extrémité et un câble ou des barres passées dans les boucles ainsi formées rigidifiaient le tout. Un grand panache de fumée s'élève dans le paysage, explosion d'une mine neutralisée par une équipe du Génie appartenant au 531st Engineer Shore Rgt. Phot prise entre le 6 et le 8 juin 1944
  20. Great bit of news ...Just wished I already had a subscription :cry: ah well I should google and see if any of the hobby stores carry it in the area . Probably have to subscribe next year .
  21. you got it all wrong , as hes speaking of Boats man . and some good sized ones at that !
  22. not too worried about the youth of the driver or that great big support for the hatch dang that looks like that hatch could take off a couple of fingers easily or that nice big cannon round its the orange bit that's put me off .
  23. :tup: :tup: a good plan , hope you will do a bit of video of the process!
  24. Getting in Getting out same thing easy peazy Just have a couple of industrial sized cans of WD-40 works like a charm !
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