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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. That looks like one I bought from Silvermans about 23 years ago. It has a label with washing instructions but no other label and was brand new. Does it have a mesh pocket inside on the right? Great bag to use and is very warm in cold weather.
  2. Mike, I recently had the same situation with a spare servo that had been outside for years. Because the piston would not move it was difficult to disconnect the linkage. I took out the spring from the piston and removed the nut in the centre, the plate then came away and prised the old leather piston seal away from the bore and was able to knock out the piston with a long drift which slid inside the piston from the linkage end. Copious amounts penetrating fluid help as well.
  3. You must have driven a bad QL that's all I can say, I have had mine for 30 years and have been working on lorries and plant for over 50 years so can compare with other types of that era.
  4. Best place to try would be DUKW specialist, Rex Ward in Berkshire.
  5. Well done Jim! Once you understand how it works it makes it obvious when setting it up. On my QL the brakes are as effective as a vehicle half its age, not bad for a 75 year old lorry. regards, Richard
  6. Jim, That little Bedford manual you spoke about in another thread, if it is the maintenance book, it has full details of setting the valve adjustment. It has to be done exactly as it says in the book, if not then you have to remove the servo again so you can reset it. It is a fine adjustment and when correct it works very well. regards, Richard
  7. Hi John, That's what I was thinking, thanks for confirming. Likely supplier could have been Rubery Owen maybe.
  8. A friend is looking for a replacement offside hub for an Arrows 1 3/4 tonne trailer or possibly information on where to go for one. It is possible that the axle was a standard part bought in by Arrows. So anything you might be able to help on. The problem is that the brake drum is cracked. cheers Richard
  9. Thanks, came across that photo after posting
  10. I thought the towing vehicle was an AEC Militant artic tractor unit but then saw that Radiomike had posted about the Leyland. That would make sense as most of the Leylands were in RAF service.
  11. Hi Clive, I am sorry to hear that you are parting with 'your old friend'. Hope it goes to a good home and is appreciated. best regards, Richard
  12. Jim, You can get a new leather piston seal and the little rubber valve discs from Bygone Bedford Bits. regards, Richard
  13. It seems the rumours are true; https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/487700/response/1173188/attach/3/20180612 FOI 2018 07176 Beddard Witham Ltd substantive response O.pdf
  14. Might be because the engine size is simply not known.
  15. Jim, could be the hose has de laminated in side and acting like a valve shutting off the flow.
  16. Jim, I note what you say about one bleed screw only dribbling. It is entirely possible it is blocked by dirt or rust. The only way to be sure is to remove it so you can check if the cross-drilling at inner end is clear. Not unusual to find this. Put a clamp on the hose so as not to lose fluid when removing the screw. regards, Richard
  17. That is SAE 50 heavy duty engine oil, is was quite common to see engine oils specified for gearboxes.
  18. Nic, Another thought, you need to ensure the brakes are not binding and that the handbrake is releasing properly, anything that will inhibit progress! Having driven all types of Saracens I can say the Mk6 is definitely slower and needs to be really moving before going in to 5th gear. If you feel the gear is engaging and taking up slowly, then the upchange was done too early. regards, Richard
  19. Hi Tony, As you know, those trailers were for repair of battery charging units and if that puller was part of the kit, then it has probably for removing engine flywheels, couplings, etc. The legs appear to be reversible to suit different applications. I don't recollect one of those with John C's trailer. cheers Richard
  20. Hi Tim, You might find it useful to check out the forum of the Register of Ex-Military Land Rovers, here is a direct link to the section on the FC101, http://remlr.com/forum/index.php?board=27.0 It is an Australian specific forum, a number of 101's served in the Australian military as part of the Rapier missile system as well as a few ex-British 101's that have been imported by collectors, I know of one ambulance as it was at the Corowa Swim-In this year. Worth joining the forum, they are helpful guys on there. regards, Richard
  21. Tony, I think you mean a Setra coach? These normally have Mercedes engines. The workshop unit next to mine belongs to a coach company who run Setra coaches. I don't think they are dry sump, but will ask the mechanic when I see him.
  22. A pity you don’t say what engine this is, it could give a clue. Does it have a heat exchanger? If so an internal leak in that would be the first thing to look for. You need a mechanic !
  23. Yes, I knew Les as well as I did a lot of work on the museum's vehicles after the REME workshop closed. Remember meeting Sir Martin Farndale while I was working on the Sexton. It had laid dormant for very many years and in a bad state, and had to get it mobile so it could be moved and loaded on a transporter. Happy days! regards Richard
  24. Wally, We had several vehicles and artillery pieces come through the workshops from the Rotunda. After refurbishment and repairs they went back outside the Rotunda and were soon looking sorry for themselves again and was sad to see. This was well before Firepower. Do you remember Stan who was curator there? He moved down to Kent after retiring from the post. Not seen him for years. regards, Richard
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