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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Cor fight fight, take it out side lads! The Ferrets have created a nice muddy hole. :-D If the **** is that stuck boys! I'll take every one of your suggestions and be thankful for 'em.
  2. Habit, the water round here is so hard you eat it rather than drink it. Also it allows me to chck for colour etc. I also flush the system at the same time. The old stuff is saved, and dumped in the less valuable vehicles, ie the heaps we crash round the feilds.
  3. Marshalls ! Love 'em or hate 'em. You still want to hit 'em with a LARGE shovel.
  4. What makes a hell of a lot of sense, and cures a multitude of problems are the following tips: Electricity is lazy! Give it a nice tight clean set of battery contacts, a nice thick multi core cable to run down, a short as is feasiable, electricity dosen't like digging it runs along the surface of a conductor. Then make sure all the connections to the starter are clean and tight, so the poor little elctrons don't have to heave themselves over a gap, or struggle through dirt. Thirdly and VERY important give them a good Earth to return to the battery. Simpless. squeck! :n00b:
  5. Rather they keep the starter spinning for longer.
  6. Most bread in that period was just shaped dough, not even put in a tin.
  7. Tony B

    Land Train

    The last time a picture of similar 'Military Vehicles' was on the forum it was the mobile brothel. :cool2:
  8. I change mine every eigtheen months or so anyway. And always use filtered water, 50:50 mix. Specific gravity testers are available fro a couple of quid at most factors , motor stores.
  9. Tony B


    Lucky **** wednesday morning, we have enough to be a nusiance not enough to stop. I'll be have severe words with them Met men.:argh:
  10. Tony B


    Theres even a severe weather warning for London, which in this case means a snowflake in Trafalgar Square. :-D
  11. Land Rover electrics! They employed the best plumbers that could be found to design the wiring! :argh:
  12. Thanks for that Delta! The WS10 is coming along and we are looking for various sealants for that. :iloveyou:
  13. I'd love to. For Walcheren there is brilliant camp site we used just outside Middleburgh. takes the big green stuf fwithout batting an eyelid. Renne the owner is very easy to please , just take a crate of Guinness or Tiger beer and some copies of Viz. the atlantic Wall layout is near Zeebrugge, so about two two and hours drive from Channel ports. What about Ebn Emael? though that would probably be a two day. http://www.campingmiddelburg.nl/
  14. Pleas Mr Gordon Sir!! Does the Bodyline stuff work a s a replacment bettween the frame and the cab? I'm not bothered if it doean't open.
  15. So! Are we treading on heads then? Don't let Joris near your rabbits, especially if one is wearing a bow. He has a real downer on the Easter Bunny at the moment. welcome to the maddest bunch of green diseased people anywhere on the planet.
  16. Right, thanks to SPIRE's quick clear help, all sorted. what you do is fill in the first page details manually. When you get to the page that sayas person to be contacted, use the Copy from Licencee link at the top right hand.
  17. I've visited Walcheren. Beautiful place with the added atrraction of Middleburgh, the wride street of crazy buildings and there's a Sherman in the area. The atlantic Wall has ben on the must go list for years. Daft thing is it is an easy day trip from SE England.
  18. Being a virtuious person (Degsey!! Stop sniggering at the back there!) I have spent about three hours over the last couple of weeks trying to sort an OGEL out. Despite the emails I've sent to SPIRE being answered very promptly the B**dy site still won't acept the individual aapplication. Anyone else having this problem?
  19. How long before Tined Corned Beef is banned then? :stop:
  20. Don't hold breath mate. Maplin's have their sale on 400 amp crank jump pack £24.99. bought one yesterday, used it today! :-( Our local factor has sold out of batterys over the last couple of weeks.
  21. Survival biscuits, or British Army Biscuits brown. 1) Place two (2) in sock Army, Green. 2) Sneack on furry friend, or enemy if preferd. 3) Beat said object to death. 4) Cook and eat. Cheese Processed (or pocessed, the spawn of the devil) Now banned as cruel and unusual punishment, under NO circumstances feed to prisoners. Babys head's, individual Fray Bentos Steak and Kidney pie. To expensive!! Don't care if it the best bit of kit in the ration box, you CAN'T have it!
  22. WHAT!! Ah my boy!! Your'e eductaion is incomplete 'a! :-DThere is also Braod bean down, and Take that grouville. I will hang my hea in sheame. The Great Man's latest epic is called Robinson Crapaud, I understand he visits The 'Other' place. You must know Mike from Fortress Films?
  23. http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_4855050_recondition-car-battery-home.html?cr=1 Tried this on a old battery, did get a few more months of life out of it.Daft as it sounds, try wrapping the batteries in newspaper.Have ben having the same trouble, fortunatley planned ahead and have a spare jump battery charged up ready.
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