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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. AWAH! First symptom of a disloctaion, you feel physically sick1 As you say 'Work the old man hard! Just make sure you have a left hand corkscrew available. Bone Radiol horse liniment helps a lot (From much experience)
  2. Well I try to avoid Bromley ! :-D
  3. Contaminated fuel? Blocked fuel lines? Have you tried feeding the engine from a gravity can of fuel?
  4. Well there catering to some pretty 'Wildlife' at these events.:-D
  5. I've got a twelve volt electric torque wrench, supper bit of kit.
  6. didn't H.G. Wells get there first? And with the first idea of a self proppelled armoured fighting vehicle in the short story Landships.
  7. Apparently when the Allies went in on D Day they had about 7,000,000 Jerrycans, by the time of Market Garden, they could only find 3,000,000. So whatever was about was used. I've two that came back from Normandy last year, having been there since 1944. They are sand coloured and always have been.
  8. Welcome, as you will find the site wanders of into all sorts of dark alleys of knowledge.
  9. Welcome from a Crapaud,. Bury the hatchet we have to gang up on the the Grockles. Incedentally. :cool2:
  10. Welcome Tim, we all try to be helpful, most of the time.
  11. I do know someone in Jersey who has a German jerrycan on his vehicle. It was 'aquired' by his farther during the Occupation, so captured jerycans are quite allowable!
  12. Welcome Neil, have you got your own website?
  13. Welcome in Brian, enjoy the facillities,
  14. Alan, you no doubt heard the story that as the slave worker's , mostly though not entirley Russian prisioners, were cemented into the floor when they died? Officially this never happned. Though it is acepted that at least nine died when the unfinished tunnel collapsed, there is no record of the bodies being recovered. As for the bodies under the floor? On balance of probaliites...... There there. The grandmother of an old friend lived on Rue De Franciff in St Peter's. It is a long hill. She had nightmare's most of her life. At about 06:30 every morning during most of the Occupation she was woken by the slap of wooden clogs and bare feet. The slave worker's being marched from the camp at St Brelade to the work sites.
  15. Ford Transit, mini bus driven by a WREN sent to pick up a party of Nozzers with CPO Eggy Bowen in charge. It had been raining and out side the building was a large puddle. We were standing at the door. The WREN tried to bring the van in to the kerb but kept running along the dge of the puddle about two foot out. Eventually Eggy yelled out 'Hey love, jsut stop and sling a copule of lines, we'll pull you alongside'!
  16. The trigger happy Seargent had a Sten mkV
  17. My hand's were shacking to much! As for the Officer's Mess at Woolwich. It is also used for Blood donor sessions. I was doing an event there during one of these sessions and talking with the Blood tranfusion staff, one of them said to me 'I hate this place, it gives me the creeps, I'm sure its haunted', She had no knowledge of the ghost, until I told her. The Jersey War tunnels Ho8, or as it is commonly known The Underground Hospital', even in the car park the place sets my teeth on edge. I went in there once as a child, bear in mind we used to play in all the bunkers, it is the only one I won't go in. Blashford Snell tells a story about when he was clearing tunnels at L'Aleval, the 'German Road'. He was educated in Jersey,. During the early sixte's two children died of suffication after breacking into sealed tunnels. The decision was taken to clear them. B/S was in charge. For saftey reasons no one entered alone. One trip he went in with his assistant, he spoke to his assistant asking him to arange something. the assistant then left. Sometime later B/S left the tunnel and asked the assisitant why he had been so long. The assistant looked bewildered and said' But I never went in'.
  18. Lot of very skilled restoration needed, not to mention horses, tack and upkeep. Just hope they have gone to a good home.
  19. I had an electrical Gremlin last year, followed me all round Normandy. i thought the little **** had gone to Denmark, but he was only on holiday! Free to a good home.:argh:
  20. OK. so this is very impressive enginering, very skilled operating, but WHY? http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=RobaJKGMMiE
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