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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome in, even if you are swelling the numbers of Ferrets. The club house neighbours are getting very upset about the tracks across their lawns!
  2. When you say a 'Sandbag in front', do you mean underneath to catch the empty cases? A good idea in a moving vehicle, a hot case ejecting into your lap is very distracting.:-D
  3. welcome, I can see the excuse now, 'Well Dear it's and ideal people carrier'. :-D An SUV with attiudue, please post pictures!
  4. The best stuff to use on small arms, good old Three In One oil or a light sewing machine type oil. Anything else is to sticky and attracts dirt and dust. Clean well oil lightly.
  5. Hey Joris, I'd agree a short engine is the best way to go. All the complicated bits are done you just spanner the bits on. The best way would be to try and find a Factory Exchange, you send your lump back to the supplier they send one ready re built. The joy of a T-214 is that they are simple well built engines that don't need a lot of specialist equipment to rebuild. If you have the lifting equipment to take it out and somwhere under cover to work I'm sure you could take it apart get the crank, block, head or whatever needs doing by a specialist machine shop, then reassemble. The problem there is time, it will take a lot longer than bolting a short in. If you have the time though that may work out a lot cheapear. I'd find out the cost of reboreing etc, then the cost of a short engine. A lot depends on what you feel confident to do and where you have to work.
  6. Yeah, tape up all the gaps! Anyone got three miles of yard wide duct tape?:-D
  7. Hi Degsey, not a cover up as such. I knew the basic story for years, but as Peter says he didn't say anything as he didn't want to cause any pain to the familiies. People ask me 'Why did you leave Jersey?' My reply is 'It's 9x 5'. You live almost permenatley in a state of isolation. Even now if there is violent storm there is no way off the Island. Life is very concentrated. Now take that situation, add a quarter of the population as armed invaders, and your own goverment appear just to throw you to the wind with out a care. It's not suprising the whole situation caused turmoil. When I was kid things were still to fresh for those who had ben there. I suppose now we'd call it Post Traumatic Stress, but as we both know attitudes have changed so much over our lifetimes. Most of the adults in the fiftes and sixtyies had the attitude, 'we wan't the children of the Island not to look back, we wan't them to enjoy their childhood in a freedom we didn't know'.
  8. While the forum has ben quiet Degsey and I have been hunting about for information on casualties buired in the Jersey War Cemetery at St Helier. One casualty is not a soldier . sailor or airman, but a ninteen year old boy called Maurice Gould. Reserching his story I've come across this. http://www.thisisjersey.co.uk/hmd/pageviewer2.pl?Autoincrement=000014 I intended to do a pice for Pathfinder, I'd now have neither the courage nor the effrontery. I am even more proud to be a Jerseyman.
  9. Degsey as you know one burial in the Jersey Cemetery is of a civillian a young man named Maurice Gould. I found this articale on the escape from the island atempted by him, Peter Denis and Dennis Audrain. http://www.thisisjersey.co.uk/hmd/pageviewer2.pl?Autoincrement=000014 can't comment, just to, well read it. Tony
  10. Try Selinge, with all the fairground organ fanatics! :noyay:
  11. Restricted = Might not loose, Confidential = should not loose Secret =Must not loose Top Secret= Will appear in the Sun after two weeks. :-D Top Secret UK eyes only= will appear on you tube after one week!
  12. Welcome, as for the weather, teach you to live at the wrong end of the planet!:-D England curently enjoying it's two weeks of summer. To quote the Goons 'You know Minn, the rain is so warm I think I'll take three of my vests off'.
  13. Degsey, get back in the job mate! I'm trying to get a modern 50/50 tyre for the Dodge but the new sizes confuse me. What would be the profile of a 9 x 16. I know what it is, the ratio of width of tread to the height from the centre, just not what the *&^%$%$ one should be for a Dodge type tyre? It's obviously going to get a more pressing problem as time goes by for all of us.
  14. Best to contact the RSGB http://www.rsgb.org/ They wil give you all the details, including how to get a foundation licence. This will alloew you to use the kit legally and explain the procedures. The Radio Licencing Authority seem to be getting rather human latley. They will allow the use of such things as 19 sets, subject to certain common sense rules, such any interference with commercial or public bands, SWITCH OFF! Illegal transmitting can be 1) Expensive in fines 2) boring in jail time.
  15. When will the Stig be taking one round the track? Must be the only drag race in history timed on a calander.:-D
  16. Yes Degsey they did as I remember. The whole result was as much a shock to the presenters as the rest. As for major manufacturer's tyre in the wet, the Micheilin X comes to mind. I had Renault 4's for a long time. great vehicles for anyone with horses, provided they wern't on Michelins! Those tyres felt like driving on glass. Semperit or Kliber you could drive them up a wall. Do you remember ESSO tyres? they were 'budgwet' and work extremly well.
  17. Theres the problem. If 'They' wanted to dig hard enough you could have a hard time. the definitions especially under the Avation & Maratime Saftey act, are very broad and loose. what ever you do someone could say right equally someone could say wrong. Gun dog trials and trainers use a luncher that works off a blank .22 cartridge to throw a dummy for the dog. The firearm laws go into an inticate description of spigots and diamiters to make these legal. Yet if you put tube over it, you'd have a baton round gun.
  18. There was one of the srious TV motoring shows did a series of in depth tyre tests some time back. The 'Budget' tyres tested came out best! theres the problem. EU based companies putting pressure on.
  19. So now we have the Internet! :-D and 446 mhz PPR. :noyay:
  20. Welcome which bit Kent? Welcome to the South East mafia!
  21. Is it just an empty storage tube? If it has any active part in the system, then customs may well get ansty. How are you going toi get them over? The problem may be if a tube has contained a missle, then you have explosive residue. Even microscopic amounts. I know to my grief, having had some fun after shooting at the range in UK . I hadn't washed my hands before driving back home. A couple of days later I took a day trip via the Chunnel to Belgium. On the way back French Police swabbed the steering wheel. They were very plesant asking me why the swab had reacted, but several heavily armed French Police (including one stunning blonde female) were in the vicinity.
  22. There should also be a date of de-activation stamped with the proof marks. This effects the work require i.e. welded actions on later self loading or automatic weapons.
  23. You get goodies with subscription, :cool2:
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