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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Them were the days A 7.63 Slab side Mauser 1896. :iamsmiling:
  2. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?125-Driving-license&highlight=licence%2C+1960 The thread!
  3. Stainless on ali can have some very nasty electrolitic effects. Cooper grease on the bolts into locked nuts , good old cut and change for the rest.
  4. Post more pictures Geoff! Galvanising would lead to later problems painting, you'd need a special primer. Do you want super flash better than new don't breath on the paintwork? Or more like the Dodge and QL?:cool2: Just a good solid self galvanising primer coat and we can match the top colour later. Nuts and bolts can still be got over here. Though to be honest if you used ordinary metric, who'd know? I can't see why you'd need stainless if your galvanising the contraption, I'm sure the two have some sort of nasty reaction. Try someone like Dulux or Internationalthey have good advice services, who knows you may get them to throw in the paint for sponsorship, it's for the Ver Sur Mer musuem after all.
  5. Hi Brent, nice place to live. Welcome along to the International Club House. Wipe feet on entry.
  6. Pre 1960 not used commecially or laden, no problem. There is a whole thread here somewhere.
  7. I,ve found the size of battery we tend to play with take three or four days to get sorted. Beauty is the chargers do self monitor.
  8. Cold blueing is really a waste of space. Talk to your local gun shop, they will probably offer the service.
  9. Yeah I could do with a set as well. Either Clover leafs or the Michelin combats for choice.
  10. Mauser kar 1895 and 1898. 95 was issued to the territorial regiments. The French Lebel, expensive I'm told. Japaneses 6.5 mm 38th year . Austria the 8 mm Manlicher 1895. Italy the Mannlicher Carcano 6.5 mm The TS (Truppo Speciale) there are two versions Infantary and Cavalary carbine.Rusian 3 line (This being the Russian measurment of clibre at the time) Rifle M1891 and the M1910 version. Then comes side arms, ooooh fascinating but expensive, then lAutomatic weapons, sell wife house and kids! :-D Incidentally anyone else noticed that the Mauser's in the new Sherlock Holmes film are wrong for the date? the Panel side used by Watson was first introduced in 1896 the flat side Schneelfuere used by Holmes was manufactured till the 1920's!!!! And it looks more like an astrs 902 than a Mauser.
  11. Welcome Paul, if all you moddellers on here get togetner you could build a 1:1
  12. That would match with the pith helmets. A lot of the vehicles went on to do Police Actions bettween the wars.
  13. The manual I have describes the brake as being pressure bleed. I modified a Gunson, some of the master cylinder tops have standard BSP threads which makes like so much easier. Remeber to leve a 1/8 inch gap at top of master cylinder. I set mine up by the book, then micro adjusted by spin and lock method. Worked fine. Hopefully once probate has been worked through, thats March, then I can get over to Jersey and sort Katy out to run on May 9th, then bring her back here. This is a useful site if you've not found it. http://med-dept.com/index.php
  14. I know they are nice vehicles, but they can also be a complete mare's nest to keep running. Get a nice little Disco or classic Range Rover instead. Solid roof and heater do have there virtues.
  15. Great lot of funny bits there. You'll be in demand for show posters.
  16. Pattern number had gone out of the mind. (like so many things) Based on the Japanese Askari bayonet, the SMLE was shorter than most of the opposition's rifle, therefore the bayonet had to be longer. If you find one with an origonal curved Quillion on the bottom you have hit the jackpot. Those that had them they were removed and from then on they were not manufactured with them.
  17. He's making the positive waves man! a soooo vital job. :-D
  18. Can anyone tell me the buttons to press to wipe a laptop back to factory settings? Got a pain in the laptop and want to wipe and reload. So which *** f button is it? Please! :flowers:
  19. Well, he might claim there for the Missis!
  20. Look for a low set barrel ring and smooth hilt. Scabbard is black leather with metal tip. Price for a decent one about £80.
  21. There are some right **** in this world! Can you set up an account to donate to? We got Veteran's to Normandy, lets go for it again!
  22. And Now you need..... Bayonet Enfeild 16" sword. :cool2: The Remington type have a higher ring and two vertical groves in the hilt. So be carful you get the right one.
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