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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Out of intrest. Is this the Tiger that is supposed to be haunted?
  2. Well, I've just put Katy on my policy with Cherished Vehicle, £85, for six months till my policy comes up, on the Jersey plates and stored over there. Took a couple of minutes to check that they could cover a vehicle in a forign place, and then just supply details.
  3. I love the 'Left Hand Drive, No Signals'. Meeting that on the road would concentrate the mind wonderfully! Can't you run a propane bottle like the old fork lifts?
  4. Gentelmen! Degsey, sit down. I bow to the bulk of superior knowledge. She is now insured so start booking ferries and all the other rigmaorle. I'll let you all know what's going on. Paul, distance is the problem, not near South Coast are you? I have friend's over there with a garage so may be able to work something. Fortunatley where she is stored is as well eqipped as a lot of garges.
  5. As long as the rule is in place E Bay can flaunt their rather tattered honour and say 'We do all we can'. Remember in a lot of firearm law in UK it is not actually illegal to 'own' a piece, the offence is possecion. Good reason for it, you got it your nicked, we don't have the hassle of proving you own it.
  6. Thanks mate I'll try and find a local stockist. The straight 30 argument is very strong. So let's flesh it out. I don't know the service history of the engine. I do know the vehicle has been sitting about one way and another without a decent run for about 4 years. Hence why I'm wary of running her 88 miles from Portsmouth to home straight off. I know Carol's brother, who is the Enginnering director of a local coach firm I'll ask him if he knows what oil was put in. Given all this is a straight 30 oil likley to kinder on the engine than a 20/50? And if do change the oil before I run her out, and I should think it will need it, it's been in there sitting for God knows how long., would mixing a 30 with 20/50 have any detrimental effects? Also what about taking the plugs out, they will come out, I took them out a while back to check things and lubricated the threads, and dropping a bit of oil into the bores? I'm praying the engine hasn't sized, but it may well be a bit tight.
  7. Could be a second junction box makes for easy add ons such as radio kit?
  8. I've been nosing around SAE90 oil suppliers. The Dodge takes just under 10 litres for a full change. The intresting thing is a US Quart is about the same as a Litre, so conversion is unexpectedly easy. Any way as I now have two of the bests, it looks as if Morris Lubricant is best choice. Their AG90 is £90.23 inc vat for 25 litres and free delivery. I'm going to use Forte engine flush, not the cheapest stuff but I've had very good results with their products. I intend to take a bottle of their gas treatment with me anyway. The fuel has been sitting about long enough even to tax a Dodges legendary ability to run on anything vaguley flammable. Even after draining off the old fuel the engine may well be sticky, the Forte stuff is great for unclogging bits. A couple of in line fuel filters may not come amiss thinking about it!
  9. Yes they were. Lines were also responsible for the development of the manufacturing design and tooling for the Sten. The Singer Sewing Machine company also made parts, but I don't know if they made complete guns. I met a very old lady in Jersey who had worked at Triang making Stens.
  10. Would love to mate! But money will go on geting Katy fit to go to Normandy! We always intended to do so, and will! Hows the Porpoise coming along?
  11. Thanks guys, nice to be able to talk through thoughts with knowledgable peopel. I reckon Gordon has the right idea, whilst it ain't broke don't fix it! As long as she gets home safe that's the first thing. Then the rest of you watch out! I'm going pot hunting this summer! :-D Apparently at one time she had an English registration SSY823 Chassis number is 81687890 I've e mailed Chrysler to se if they have a copy of the build card. Checking the records on Gordon's site seems to be a 1944 number which is late for 54. So oil for gearbox and axles? And what thoughts on adding Slick 50? I did that to a Land Rover a while back made a lot of diffrence.The Forte range is good stuff, I intend to flush everything out with that. Next concern is tyres, she has 3 cloverleaf and a Champion on at the moment. I have another Champion and a track on two more, but can anyone recommend a modern mud and snow type equivalent?
  12. Ah the joys of the forum! Just re reading the old straight V multigrade oil discussion, that was a fun night in the club house. :-D Any way the year and a day probate is up, and apart from paerwork in the post, the care of Katy the WC54 is now mine. So , she was started by me about 18 months ago and idled up for about an hour. No problems. The brake system was completly replaced but still has a leack at the right front wheel cylinder, I suspect a misfit seal washer and have a new set. So the questions, I'll do an engine flush and oil change, and use 20/50! Halfords semi synthtic! I have no idea when any of the other oils were changed, as as she may have to be towed, or driven 88 miles back from Portsmouth to home I'd like to change the lot. So what recommendations for axles and gear box? Also, anyone know of a transport firm around Portsmouth who may be able to run and her and possibly my Disco (Why drive if you can ride?:-D) up to the South East edge of Kent? The provisonal plan is that I'll take her on the Jersey May 9th parade before bringing her to forign parts, and hope to se eyou with her at some of the later events.
  13. Bear in mind, by that time the German forces on the Western Front had pretty much got the measure of tanks, and would have passed the information on thier allies. Also the vehicles were not the up armoured versions, mechanically improved versions by then in use in the West. Considering the heat exhaustion and carbon monoxide problems, not to mention the noise and mechanical unrelaibity of the early vehicle, it was a miracle any operated at all let alone fought! The crews must have been superhuman. Just think of the problems modern vehicles have operating in such a dusty climate, and then consider that the crews would have had no idea, and the General Staff no real tactics to use them in any effective manner. Hat's off to very gallant men.
  14. The limber may well have started it's life in Erith Kent. Just up the road from Woolwich. The carriages were made on a seperate site. If so the records may have been retained at Firepower.
  15. With my wonderful sense of timing, I picked up my Dodge on the day of the first fuel blockade. So here we go again?
  16. Welcome along. You may regret it though, get the wrong vehicle in the wrong place, and you'll hear about it. :-D
  17. Depends on the period. A lot of older kit was used in North Africa. This is the palce to get the info, http://wftw.nl/
  18. NEVER BIN SPARE GASKETS!! Odds are one of them will be the next to go.
  19. Joris! He's a cook ! Not a bloody detective! :-D
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