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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome Hugh, apparently the sun has decided to go North for the holiday.
  2. Do PLEASE post a phto of the look on the MOT inspectors face! :-D
  3. HARLOW!!!! Oh Gawd! Did they teach you to change headlight bulbs? :-D (If you've ever driven round Harlow at night, you'd know EXCTALY what I mean!)
  4. Best way for Dulux is if you can take something in the colour you want. That's what I do, The Dodges don't quite fit through the doors! :-D Mind you the guys where willing to try. As for formula from Dupont, try phoning and asking. I use the Dulux Metal sheild for metal and plastic and the Wood sheild for the wooden parts. Satin is easier to keep clean than stright matt, and harder wearing. The back of my 51 was done in Wood sheild and has stood up very well to hob nail boots, drunks , ammo boxes and variuos rubbish bags. You can always use a matt varnish if you really want, but in practice mud and dust does the job.
  5. Yeah, I'm nosing about for some 6 volt ones as well.
  6. Go to bed girl! Your'e in for a long weekend! :-D
  7. They do very good work. They rebuilt a QL master cylinder for a Friend of mine, half the cost of an NOS one, and garunteed.
  8. So start teaching them early A is For Abbot B is for Bedford C is for Chevy D is for Dodge... :-D
  9. I used to work at a Stables called Pittern Hill just outside Kineton in Warwickshire. Also home to the BAD. Some of the wooden boxes (Stables) there were ex military. One had a beam in the roof for vetinary use.
  10. Daft thing is a bit of a brezze with a slight overcast is more likley to bring the punters than red hot and can't be bothered. Good luck! I'm stuck working apart from Sunday and Monday, then I'll be playing with Katy. :banana:
  11. Not that MOD actually have the money to store them properly.
  12. Has cooled to very comfortable round here now. Rain forcast in places, but seems to be very patchy. Yesterday it bucketed down three miles away, I saw a couple of minutes of drizzle and slippery roads, twenty minutes later all bone dry.
  13. I've used the squirt of petrol direct into carb on vehicles that have sat around. It works but you can flood it very easily. I'd rather use that method than happy gas on a petrol engine. The other real fun way with a Disiel is of course the flaming rag over the air intake, who really needs eyebrows anyway? Years ago I had charge of a Series 1 Landy. No matter what was done if you left it overnight, you had to start on the handle. Half Choke throw the engine over away it went, then would start on the switch until left for about twelve hours. Numerous gagrages tried to cure it, none succeded. I think now the engine may have pinched a bit when cold. But hey, we had a system that worked. If you can turn the engine without the ignition, do that a couple of times, to bring fuel up then switch on. All the old tricks time has forgotten.
  14. Job list getting shorter? No chance, you'll just find this odd bit needs...... On the indicator side. Can you get away with LED bulbs? They really are a lot more visible than conventional. I've also added two strrips of small LEDs on my 12 volt Dodge under the wings. They tie nicley on the support bar and you don't know there there. But when lit up at night they illumionate the wheel arches showing the full width of the vehicle.
  15. Congratulations! Great news.
  16. It is part of the Conventional Arms Reduction Europe Treaty. If heay armoured vehicles are de commisioned they must be destroyed under witness. When it first came in there were mass explosive demolitions.
  17. The load at first glance could be a German Gotha Bomber.
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