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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I'm going out! I may be some time....
  2. You know guys, I reckon Clive's after the job of setting the Times crossword. :mad: So if it ddosen't tell the Controller the gun has fired, does it tell the Gun that the Controller wants it to fire? It's not a flaming ranging lamp id it? Set in the gun position to give a fixed point for any changes of bearing and elevation (Spelling mistakes are due to hysterical fingers)
  3. There are few Valium sandwiches and a couple of pints of Brandy still available. I think the cunning intilligence at the centre of this web is hinting the contraption is something to do with Artillery but what the *****it actually does is beyond me!:computerrage: (Probaly turn out to be the Gun Commander's teas made!)
  4. Best of luck and the greatest of respect to you.
  5. As you doing the 'vauge' conformation bit on it being artillery related . Is the 'third wire ' connected to the firing mechanism of the gun, to allow remote firing?
  6. The .22 would be no problem, you can import that live on an European firearm certificate. Be a waste to de ac it. The bayonets etc , can be owned in UK. The .38 S&W pistol though is definitley a no. Though you can own it if you live in UK you can't pocces it. Though agin if you have a European certificate for it in your country of residence, it becomes very complicated, because the certificate is recognised . A Registered Firarm dealear can get it de ativated for you though. You would need to contact UK Customs and Excise to get advice on any paperwork needed.
  7. Though bells could be used to signal the start of an artillery barrage, and subsequently the time to lift a walking barrage, but that wouldn't really come in till about 1916/17.
  8. OOH! Standby INCOMING!!! If you know the engine is clean I have been very impressed by Halford's semi synthetic 20/50 in my Dodge WC51. The oil pressure stays up better after long runs than straight mineral 20/50. Though the WC54 is on Morris Straight 30, though once the engine has been flushed through a few times I'll probably change.
  9. A suicide mission then? :cool2:
  10. It's a 'thought experiment', Schrodinger proposed that you put a cat in a box. Also is the box is a phial of poision, and a radioactive scource. The radiactive decay is random, and will activate the poision. The box is sealed and opening the box can change the system. So is the cat alive or dead? Or just totally **** off at being stuck in a box!
  11. So far mine is banging on. Starting the engine no problem.
  12. OK Jack! The Kettle is on! :-D All shows are a pain to organise, you never please everybody. The weather over the last weekend had ducks wearing life jackets. If about one tenth of the people atending say good things to you, you've won!
  13. Degsey, it appears they do make 'em like they used to! Last night on TV was an advert for a full length (3D) film of Top Cat the cartoon, suposedly based on The Phil Silver Sgt Bilko carechter.
  14. Is it a Geophone for detecting tunneling or vibration from guns firing?
  15. Windsor Davis and Don Estelle did a season in Jersey in the 1970's. One event they took part in was a series of cahrity go kart races. Windsor Davis , tall built like a brick, very elegant and absloutly charming, would spend time chatting up the woman, the sound of snapping elastic was defening. Don Estele used to slide into our track hut for a cuppa and bit of piece, then come out with the most raucous jokes you have ever heard. We were all in hysterics . Sadly I have only the vaguest memories in Black and White 405 line Redifusion of Bootsie and Smudge.
  16. Welcome in, no doubt we'll all to get to know you better as the questions roll in. Lightweights seem to be the in thing at the moment.
  17. I'm starting to understand why 6 volt can be such a head banger. I got a brand new battery a big 6 volt lead acid from Lincon. Intial charge was fine , got Katy back no problems. Then somewhere along the line it looks like I knocked the light switch to blackout. Anyway total flat battery. So I brought the battery home and stuck it a Ring 6/12 volt chrger, the one I'd used for intial charging. Battery wouldn't come above 5.4 volts and took .75 amp. Hygometer check showed flat. I contacted Lincon after the battery had been on charge for about 2 days with no change. They were very helpful and we discussed a plan. I left the battery on charge for nother 3 to 4 days, still nothing, no voltage not taking the charge. I fitted the battery to Katy yesterday, flat as a pancake. Some verbal enginnering later, I tow started Katy and left her running. The dynamo put out 7.5 volts and the amps nearly melted my test leads reading about 49 amps! The battery charged up! I left the battery on the vehicle overnight to check if there was an earth leack. She started sraight off this morning! the plan now is to leave the battery on the vehicle for a few days (Some of us have to keep the wheels of commerce turning) and see what happens.
  18. Blimey!! What's her number! :wow:
  19. You're lucky! Just up the road it's been hissing down all day! The local pond was dry the day before yesterday, its half full now!
  20. What about the six volt starter? Would that stand the kick from 12 volt, and the coil?
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