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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Weight is only a few pounds. We did wonder about a flame thrower. The metal is a very light alloy.
  2. Rule one before removing any distributor. Mark with paint or similar so you have some idea what position it goes back in. If you are very carful and avoid turning the base of the distributor shaft you can keep the timing close.
  3. Found on an old USAAF site. About two foot outer diameter. There is a single pipe with banjo type fitting coming from back and a manual drain valve on front. Anyone a clue as to what it is or does?
  4. She is a lovley vehicle, not that I'm jealous ...not really...no, I'm not!
  5. Got to get the acuracy right!:-D It is nice to see the vehicle looking as if she has been working. A bit of Photoshop would work wonders.
  6. And invest in a good quality AFFF extingusher! Cheaper than total rebuild. This is one of those points were you need to seriously consider modern materilas for fuel lines and wiring rather than totally original fittings.
  7. I wonder if there is a standard set up brochure for any company trying to sell vehicles to the military? All the photos could be replaced with the Dodge or Land Rover.
  8. Pity about the modern car in the background of the picture. She looks great. Just the right amount of dust, a bit of wear on the canvas and she will look really original.
  9. UNTRUE!! The mountains of South wales have a very mixed climate, a new season every fifteen minutes!
  10. The gadget I borrow is an Ex Germany army bead breacker. It's compressed air and fits into the centre of the wheel then various arms and wedges are attached. That works extremley well. The best thig for breacking the muck seems to be diluted ordinary washing up liquid. Boiliong water /detergent mix works quite quiclkly.
  11. Welcome Paul. Though be careful about the 'I will not'!
  12. The down side is, you now have no excuse for not getting anywhere because of the weather. :cool2:
  13. The bead can be broken by a large bead breacker if you know a friendly gagrage. As for the rims, there is a method, which will have many screamining (Rightly) NOOOOOO! But, let all the air out of the tube and remove the valve. Undo all the split rim nuts , then put them back on about 1/3. Place the tyre and rim in a large open space, attach a long air line, with the air trigger taped open on valve. Standing well back start comresor and wait for bang. Its important that thetyre valve is out and you can release the air line from the compressor to deflate before you go back to it.
  14. I've been told one victim ended up with having stiches in his leg. So no joke. Prior to the Olympics the Police did have intilligence of major groups planning to pickpocket. Even the BBC got in on the act there was a report from Eastern Europe on the Today show.
  15. I've been told one victim ended up with having stiches in his leg. So no joke.
  16. Welcome. The Green Disease seems to strike early.
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