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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. The advice at the time, so I've been told was. If involved in a vehicle collision with the local men folk. Make sure their dead. It only costs 2/6 (Half a Crown or about 12 1/2 p) to bury them . If they are injured you have medical costs , family costs etc. Apparently there was a standard rate for a Donkey, mule Camel and Horse, but Women didn't count.
  2. I shot my first Turkey on saturday. Should have seen the frozen food section of the supermarket empty! :-D
  3. but if she knows yours... :cool2: A 30,000 volt return signal would do me.
  4. You know, you can go RIGHT off some people! Lucky swine! :-D
  5. Very nice! Are you going to do the camouflage cover to make it look a GS?
  6. Welcome, practical spanner handaling is a much more useful skill than tapping a keyboard.
  7. Looking at pictures of the area in the London Metro today. It's WEASEL'S! All the way:-D
  8. Normaly the toys I play with use a 9mm blank as a primer. Just that on its own can give a satisfactory bang. If I rememebr the normal limit for storage of Black Poweder outside a magazine is 15 kilo. Enough to make your eyes water!
  9. If we get the gloom and doom weather predicted, they may just migrate down anyway!
  10. No offence taken. The e-mail was technically very good. Though I wish someone would offer me free money. All I seem to get is adverts for little blue pills. :-(
  11. Yes, it makes sense. A few years back at Tilbury Fort you could 'Shoot the 5.5 inch gun' for a quid or so. What they did was have a case with a drilled out base and loaded a 12 bore alarm blank. Worked extremly well, satisfying bang with litle technical problem.
  12. Welcome, sympathy and advice fully available here.
  13. The black powder licence used to be issued free of charge by the local authority. There used to be no problem just keep it in a wooden box. There is now legislation on the construction of the storage box. There are also two types, aquire (ie buy) and Keep, that is store as well. I had one for a muzzle loader. Same thing, I had the gun on a shotgun certificate, black powder on the second. http://www.black-powder.co.uk/documentation.htm
  14. Yeah, but this time year, I was expecting a delivery. Fortunatley the web page was 'Not found' so I used AVG to scan it, and all the lights and bells went off.
  15. I must be relativly lucky. It's the first of this type I've had. Will be much more careful in future!
  16. Thank you Lee, no ofense was intended. I've just always been intrigued if the bird existed. I wondered if Roger's Dad could confirm it.
  17. An e mail claiming Fed Ex tried to make a delivery , and it has been left at post office. Open to get a recipt. The e mail is a scam with a Trojan attached. Fortunatley AVG caught it for me. Fed Ex are aware and you can forwrd any to them for action.
  18. Pardon us not replying. We've been busy siting the 20mm Quad mount for the Fat man and his Flying Reindeer! :cool2: Anyway! If the world ends on the 23rd , what a waste! Even as a kid I always loked forward to Boxing Day, that was the day you went out hunting or shooting or even just walking the rides, and it's finally worked out I'll be off Boxing Day :-D All we need now is plenty of snow!
  19. Welcome in. 1981 now thought of as classic, I'm feeling old! :-D
  20. There was also the Bullet Through and Bullet Trap type rifle grenades. Originaly a French idea, they must have been desperate! These function with ordinary ball rounds. The projectile either goes through the grenade with the rest of the propellant gas launching the grenade or the round is trapped in the grenade which then flys off. Rifle grenades seem to have gone out of military fashion following the develepmont of Panzerfaust , and the ubiqitoue RPG. Now the UGL seems to be in fashion as the variety of rounds that can be fired allows for tactical versitilaty.
  21. Wasn't it Geoffrey Pyke of Pyecrete fame (or infamy) came up with the first design and prototype? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_Pyke
  22. One of the last Great Ecentrics. I used to stay up late to watch Sky at Night, he had the gift of a great educator as well.
  23. Welcome George. I see you share a love of Dangermouse as well! :-D
  24. The NRA museum at Bisley have a couple of Lee Enfeild No1 rifles that have been used as grenade launchers. Very battered little puppies they are to. They also have a one of the remote firing brifles with mirror sights for firing over the parapet. http://www.rifleman.org.uk/Enfield_trench_periscope_adaptation.htm
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