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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome, Dodge owners always welcome. What's the story on yours?
  2. Yes fill the gap. It stops water getting back in if nothing else. :-D
  3. Thank God for the Thames! :-D
  4. Do they come attached to a vehicle? If so, three command cars and KD64 please!
  5. That's where the glazing mastic comes in. It cushions the glass againgst sharp edges. The dremmel is also small enough to get in and smooth the edges.
  6. George Mc Donald Frazer in 'Quartered Safe out here' describes using one to sink a Japanese junk. He hated the thing.
  7. Or Prussian Blue around the eyepice of a Loupe. A bucket of steam. Got any 8/8 ths screws ? No mate sorry only 1 inch ones. Go and get some nails with the points on the other end. Yes fallen for some of them in my Yoof.:red:
  8. Very basic. Clean out the rust and flakes at the bottom of the channels and rebuild with the resin. Leave any sound bits of metal in to keep the spacing. I used an own brand stuff from Arco , one of my local suppliers. It is used for rebuilding machine parts. Sets rock solid, but you do need to have scrupulously clean oil free bonding surfaces. That's where the mini grinding tool comes in handy. I got a very nice rechargable one from Lidll for the equivalent of about 12 euro. Handy genral purpose tool for all sorts of delicate jobs. One thing I would do diffrent is to cut some small blocks to keep the channel spaced before the first set of resin goes in and clamp then from the outside to prevent movment. Refitting the glass I used a glazing mastic rather than rubber. Beds the glass and seals better.
  9. I was able to repair mine, which was in similar state, with metal rebuild resin. A nice job for a winters evening. Inside with the bevarage and radio. A dremmel type mini multi tool is very useful for cleaning up the channels. The glass is flat so you may be able to get a local windscreen firm to cut you new glass, laminated now.
  10. My son has just got a very good buissnes/personal insurance for a vehicle from this lot. http://goskippy.com/ Welcome in.
  11. HMVF Tap Talk= Hit with hammer whilst turning part blue with language?
  12. Welcome in. We'll get Rosie to work on your wife for you.
  13. It looks to be a British Bulldog type of revolver. Originally a Webley 1872 introduction. What calibre is it? The type was copied by many manufacturers in several countries.
  14. As long as you lot are allright! Easy to say when it isn't your mess, but stuff can be rebuilt.
  15. Unless the windscreen opens, Sir! (So up yours mate! :-D )
  16. That's the definition of a Goverment 'Agency' paid for by the poor sods who have to deal with them. If they were commercial companies they'd be bankrupt!
  17. Welcome more Dodges always treasured.
  18. The whole film is available on Youtube. Worth a look if only for the equipment.
  19. And in emergency run the car on it?
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