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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. Mark. The only photos i have are the ones i posted.The batteries i bought for the camera,were not powerful enough for it.So i had to rely on the old ones for the few shots i got.I did like your extended tour of the show site prior to us entering the arena.lol. The Jeep b.t.w was a Tony Sudds nut and bolt restoration some 20 years ago.
  2. What a fine day that turned out to be.After the debacle of the charge for admittance on vehicle entries,there didnt seem to be any down turn on vehicles appearing.The only notable acceptions of absence was the TVRCC.This was due to half being at LeMans for the 24Hour and the other half being at Brands for the Tuscan Challenge.Star of the show has to go to Mark(Heliopps) and Dave (TopDog) who on appearing on the show ground in the 432(pardon the pun) stopped everyone in there tracks.I dont think in the history of the Pageant have they had a tracked vehicle before.Once pulled up,they were surrounded all day long by a constant mob of people,all wanting to have a look,especially the kids.Daves,arms must be worn out.As all he seemed to be doing was constantly pulling kids up on to the decking to have there picture taken.B.t.w Mark also won a prize with the 432.Well done mate.
  3. Well i will take the Ferret,if anyone can point me in the right direction??.Its based only 4 miles from Horsegaurds.
  4. They do share one thing in common.They are both plastic.But one is considerably faster and more powerfull and doesnt fall apart.The rent couldnt be any higher could it??.I was hoping for a rebate.lol.B.t.w happy birthday.A bit belated i know.lol
  5. If i didnt have so much i would have it off you.Keep it and i will drive it for you.lol.
  6. Nick.If i wasnt doing the pageant this week.Then i would have taken this along for you........ Really love this.
  7. I will see how the Pageant fairs this week.But i can see me only doing a couple of shows next year.My interests are going else where.
  8. Hello Steve.Never got any pics.Nick did.I feel(and i think Nick feels the same)That this will be our last Biggin.There just doesnt seem to be any thought towards the militarys.They placed us right near the f**king funfair.And there is too much of a chav element there now.You couldnt hear the planes,so thats telling you how loud it was.Vehicles were thin on the ground,about 25 in total.But it was the getting in that was the problem.I live 4 miles from the airport.It took me over an hour to get from keston to the airport gates.Apparentley it was there busiest Airfair ever,with 120,000 over the two days.On the sunday they were turning people away.I left about 3 o,clock for the trip home,just as the airfield attack scenario took place.There were some people on the Bromley road in Downham treated to an impromtu airshow as the fourship Tornado flight,returned imbound to the airfield for there run.(Never seen them come that far north before).Had the same thing happen on Sunday.Bang on 3.45 they screamed low over the house on full re-heat.What a noise.All the alarms went off on the cars,and the road filled with the smell of JP-8.Lovely........
  9. Latest Generation F90 Talon,being readied for launch from the U.S.S Ronald Reagan........
  10. Is paragraph a.Refering to the event organisers,or a group??.
  11. Lee.Educate me!.I am going to the Bromley Pagaent on Sunday,and will be taking the Jeep,as well as the Ferret.Am i allowed to display the .50 on the Jeep or not.Bit confused.
  12. Was'nt the XR311 built by Teledyne??.One of the failed bidders for the Hummer cotract??.
  13. I think Nick Johns posted some pics of this wreck some months ago.
  14. I always used to notice a smell of petrol.But never sussed where it was coming from.Just thought it was suffereing old car syndrom.
  15. The rear body looks heavily modded,with all the catering equipment thats inside.Also looked like it hadnt moved in some time,as various cobwebs etc in the cab.Forgot to mention,that i also saw a Jeep trundling around amongst the exotica.
  16. Well sort of.Photographed today at Goodwood,as i attended Supercar Sunday............................... Albeit from a workshop in to a food wagon.Also found a couple of Jeep trailers there,and a Sankey.And a very nice and straight Austin Gypsy,that was used by the Goodwood staff.couldnt get near the later to take pics.
  17. In fairness,the £5 donation is towards the HEMS(Helicopter emergancy services)Something i dont mind donating to.
  18. And by the clue.Alec Guiness was in it.
  19. This happens to be my favourite.Always time to read the currant bun.lol
  20. I wont take the Jeep to Biggin anymore.Got fed up with the a***holes trying to climb on the back of it to get at the .50.I nearly ripped some tw**s head off last year who persistantly came back to do the same thing.Never had any trouble with the Ferret or 101 though.
  21. I saw Mark last week.He told me he was going with the 432.
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