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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. Look closely.This shot was taken,just before he could work his magic.
  2. It definatly wasnt Trevor that i spoke to on that number.Wiil give it one last try tomorrow,before operation big bird commences.
  3. I have been told that if i dont have a pass,i will be directed to the car park,and told to pay.Dont mind paying.But if directed to the car park,then i will turn around and go home.I will be carrying the .50 in the Jeep.So wont be leaving that in the car park,plus the valuable beers.
  4. Coming down on Sunday though.So that maybe a bit of a problem.
  5. Well spoke to Andy.He said for some reason,this year they have had more entrys than ever for Militarys.So i am going to try and blag my way in.Mark(Heliops)If you can get your big bird up near the gate.............. That will be the ideal diversionary tactic,as all attention will be focused on her,and hopefully i can slip in under the radar.Will be bringing the cold beers after all.But there is only so much i can hold in a military flask.For those that havent met me yet,do come over and say hello.This is the Jeep i will be in.....
  6. Met Marks new love intrest at the weekend.Have to say he wont be taking the p**s with this one.Here she is talking to my mate.......................................... Shes a big girl.But we wont hold that against her.
  7. Arrived in the post this afternoon.Cheers mate:thumbsup:
  8. Any one got contact details for IMPS Surrey rep.I will give him a bell,and see if i fair any better than the W***er i had yesterday.:thumbsup:
  9. The nearest i got to motocross,was watching that program Kickstart,with Peter Purvis.Not really motocross,but close.I am mates with Johnny Hurran,who was pretty successful in the scene.
  10. Nope! it was military vehicles in general.By the sound of it they werent that keen on having them,from his attitude on the phone.B.t.w Mark i dont think it was the Trevor fella that answered the phone.
  11. Well looks like the beers are off lads.Phoned the fella dealing with the show today to see about turning up with the Jeep.He said and i quote(I dont want anymore of the bloody things.I have a hundred booked in already,and people want to see a variety,other than military vehicles) What a Twat!.But he said(If i'm in the area over the weekend,then phone,and we might possibly get you in for next year) Yeah Right!!!.F**k off!!!.
  12. I take it Ratty you have one??.It was noticably absent in the arena Sunday morning for the big photo shoot.
  13. Welcome aboard.Nice to see an old veteran still being put to use.Thats why we still like to see Catweazle working.Any pics of past projects.
  14. The gun above looks like a variation on the M134 family of miniguns.I would suspect the larger calibre GAU-17/19.Too small to be a M61 Vulcan.Fires around 6000rpm.Love those models by the way,especially the Shermans in the landing craft.
  15. O.k mate.Leave me a space to get the Jeep in,and you have access to the Stella,s.
  16. I may be wrong.But at the time,it was said that Romain was at the controls,who up until then had very few hours.
  17. Anyone drink Stella?.I will be bringing a crate down,nicely chilled.
  18. A bit of nerdy info here.Jeremy Clarkson was in MJ627.Flown by Paul Day.James May was in PT 462 Flown by John Romain(If i remember rightly,the same John Romain that managed to destroy a Blenheim at Denham Bucks some years back,just after restoration).And the last one.Richard Hammond was in ML407 Flown by Carolyn Grace.Quite a funny piece by Top Gear.Lots of reference,s to the Battle Of Britain and the Great Escape.
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