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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. During the last strike.Every GG had a copper on board providing the radio link back the relevnt police stations.As i believe all emergancy call regarding fire were diverted through to Scotland Yard.
  2. Slightly off topic.But Ashley Hames,looks slightly out of place on here.I keep expecting him to take the mick,when he is interviewing.He,s a top man on Sin Cities.:rotfl:
  3. Are any still held by the army in reserve?.
  4. Looks like a CJ.Post 47.cobbled up film prop.
  5. Very nice RL.And what a bargain these seem to go for.Just think,in years to come.People will be kicking themselves for what these used to go for.
  6. I think that prototype is in the Dunsfold collection.
  7. The boring bit.Being sat in Crystal Palace for three hours.
  8. Well,if you had let me in on the secret,then it would have been a different matter:argh:
  9. Your in serious breech of H+S regulations there.:rofl:
  10. My first claim to fame,was being captured on camera during the Brixton Riots of 1981.On a more sociable claim to fame.I have appeared on Eastenders,The Bill,The BBC drama about life in the boxing world"Seconds Out".A video for American hard core Rock group "The Nine Inch Nails.And been on the set of the James Bond film.The world is not enough.My father and brother have a more impressive film and t.v list than me.
  11. Over the last few days,i have been talking with my father on his experiances on growing up in Kennington during the Blitz.Over the years he has shown me all the buildings that took direct hits from bombs,and even later in the war,when the V1 and V2,s arrived.One incident that has always intrigued me,was the bomb that fell on Kennington Park on the 15th of october 1940.Like with most things during the war,events were hushed up,in order to keep the morale of the population up.The first my father knew of the incident was on the morning of the 16th.The day after the tragedy. That morning my father was walking along Kennington Park road.When he noticed all along the fence line,hessien sacking had been put in place.In his words"You knew that a bomb had gone off,and people had been killed.you could smell "death"in the air.Over the fence line lay a large trench shelter. Similar shelters were built across most park land in London.In reality,they didnt offer that much protection,as the build was more akin to WW1 trench,albeit with a fabricated roof on top. On the day of the 15th,the shelter took a direct hit from a 50lb bomb.The shelter was full at the time,and there was heavy loss of life.My father heard from people at the time,that a lot were killed.But didnt know how many because,there was so many severed limbs all over the place,that it was simply inpossible to get a true figure.After a week,recovery crews stopped work and filled the trench in with lime.The official toll given some time after was 48.But the true figure was near 108.In the picture below is a ariel shot taken recently,showing the layout of the trench shelter in the park..................... You can quite clearly see,in the lower end of the photo disruption in the layout.This is where the bomb landed.There was conversation amongst residents and friends of the park,to have a plaque placed at the site.To honour all those that were killed on that fateful day.
  12. I think some of you will appreciate this fine bit of engineering.I remember seeing it when it was first broadcast.Still amazes me now,at what was achieved............... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1XUEvkMZHno Enjoy.
  13. The old sports car boys and girls will never get fed up.They will always be there for me.:thumbsup:
  14. To be honest neil.those storys are old,because the planning consent has already been granted.Ther are to possible sites.The fruit and veg market.Or the old office of information on Nine Elms Lane.In the original brief from the U.S,it was sited that the new building should be built away from the main road,for security reasons.That would mean the market.
  15. The market is big.But not in the quota of firms that occupy it.There has been stalling for a few years now on redevelopment work on the market.My theroy is,that the developers are waiting to see how many firms will go to the wall(and they do yearly),and then they will come up with the argument that the market.As it stands is to small to trade as a whole sale market and ship it out to Bromley(one of the proposed new sites)And then they will have 57 1/2 acres of prime real estate.The fruit and veg game has been dying for years.Not helped by the fact that successive goverments have failed to stop the monopoly by the supermarkets to dictate to the grower and the wholesaler who supplys them.This doesnt happen in France or Italy,where by law,supermarket chains are made to buy from the wholesaler.This way the farmer and the wholesaler get a fair price.Unlike here,where the wholesaler is cut out,and the grower gets screwed for every pound.So no.Its one business i wouldnt like to start up in.
  16. Probably this year i will make it in the Ferret.
  17. What do i do when they start developing your site.Your not still under the illusion,that once your gone,every thing will still be hunky dory and everything will still remain the same?.Come on wise one.Follow that old proverb"situations change".
  18. If you dont mind being kept at palace for three hours waiting to leave,and then on your arrival at brighton,being kept in for the best part of the day as a static show,then it might be for you.
  19. Well it seems that my days at New Covent Garden Market may be over,as today it was announced that the U.S Goverment and the U.K Goverment have signed a deal to build the new U.S Embassy in Nine Elms Wandsworth.The new embassy will be twice the size of the existing embassy in Grosvenor sq,which will be sold off by the U.S treasury.MAFF have been stalling for months on redeveloping work on the market.This deal could well spend the end,if its on the market site.Oh well off to get a job at the embassy as a cleaner.
  20. Some nice pics there.Looks like Ricardo are doing all the work on the LR conversions,by looking at those pics.Those Warriors,must be under serious transmission and drive train stress with all that extra weight.Is that a remote control turret on the Spartan??.
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