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R Cubed

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Everything posted by R Cubed

  1. All ready to go, Hmmmm nope not yet, dont like packing in the rain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Always fancied pulling up to a pump and grabbing 2 fuel pump handles and using both...
  3. Yep I have the Plains do this weekend and that's a fair old hike for me there and back, but the way I look at it, is this is my hobby and there are a few spares to buy to keep the vehicles going and then there's the fuel to get you there and that's about it, there are many other hobbies which involve more hidden costs, its just that when you pull up to a petrol station and stick in £90 in one go it seems bad.... but think of the fun you get out of that £90. The places you get to, the people you meet, it's not all bad.
  4. Well done, to you, glad you have the brakes sorted out... ............................GMC Factoid................................. Did you know the fuel tanks on GMC can hold 40 US Galls which is about 34 of our Galls :shake: that's about £170 worth of fuel.:-D
  5. Good vid clip, makes it wide at the front !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is the steering much heavier, does it want to pull on bumps ?
  6. david ives x1 109 landrover Chris godward x 1 Champ Sean Ryan x1 101GS and reload trailer Neil x3 OT-90 Paul Connor x2 109 ffr landrover R Cubed x 4 CCKW352 and car.
  7. This is probably because the vac line to the inlet manifold is on the top of the hydrovac so you would need quite alot of fluid inside the chamber before there would be enough to be sucked into the vac line.
  8. The hard bit is getting the correct seals, it is not very hard to get it to bits but as the truck only has single circuit brakes and this is the main thing which enables you to stop, it might be best to get Rex to do it.... Have you tried to stop you truck with no servo assistance or worst still no brakes at all :shake: :shake: :shake: There are several different types of hydrovac :shake: See Rex, but he might be able to do it for you !!!!!!
  9. Well that sounds ok as long as it stays at no more than 14volts. The alternator should be good for many years so would not think it is that, the bulbs you are replacing, are you sure they are 12volt ? if you are fitting 6v ones then after a short period they will blow, are you sure they are blowing and its not just a dodgy connection somewhere, after you have taken them out have you tried them on a battery !!!!!!!!!! As you say the other bulbs are ok leads me to think that the ones you are putting in are 6volt, but then I am not there to see :???
  10. That plug at the back might not access the section holding the brake fluid ! there are two other sections which some have access to the vac tube which runs to the inlet manifold, sounds like you need a replacement hydrovac as you probably wont get it rebuilt in 8 days !!!!!!!! What it sounds like is happening is the brake fluid is getting in to the vacuum areas of the hydrovac and then when the engine is under max vacuum ie idling, or over run, engine braking down hill, it sucks it up the vac pipe in to the inlet manifold and then burns it and out into the exhaust.
  11. Manual states for the mechanical pump fitted, a max of 4psi at lowest idling speed of engine. Good idea to carry an electric pump in case of emergencies.
  12. What are you dooooing your breaking your truck !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its all going wrong.... Can you prime the carb by using the manual priming leaver on the fuel pump ? Does fuel flow if outlet is lower than level in fuel tank ? Try disconnecting the " out " from the fuel pump and get someone else to crank the engine it should squert out .... if none of above probably the diaphragm in the pump, there is a 2 valve and a 6 valve, the 6 valve is quite a bit bigger than the 2 I think !!!!!!!!! Good luck
  13. Thanks for the offer, have not put it up much so its all a learning curve :rofl: Wife has got out of it because she has to work on Fri or summat... I think she just does not want to get lumbered in helping to put the tent up :shocked:
  14. Could have a tug of war with it, say between 2 trucks :cool2: or 2 tanks....:cool2:..........
  15. 12x12 !!! errrr well how can I put this how about 16' x 36' ( U.S. G.P. Medium tent ) well just like the main tent at Bolero if you went ? Hope this is not toooo big.... Quite right I don't want to put it up over someone else's area, I am aiming to be down there around early afternoon on the Fri so would there be people about to direct me to a suitable free area for me to set up ?
  16. Is that an offer :wow: Do you have big sheds in Dorset.........:idea: :idea:
  17. As a quick suggestion I would say the regulator for the alternator is duff, but without knowing the volts as in my previous post cant say for sure.
  18. Earth problem, how does that cause the bulbs to blow !!! might cause them to stop working, but not to blow, it depends what the actual problem is with Jacks truck ...............
  19. get each one so it binds then back it off a bit so it spins free, fronts are a bit of an art as you can adjust the top and bottoms, as said previous it should pull up straight and quick, they are good brakes. Did you bleed the hydrovac first, depending on which one you have there is a pattern to doing this as there a 2 bleed points, one has to be done before the other, then work round all the wheels.
  20. Ok Jack, first things first.... 1... Is your truck 12volts now. ? 2... Does it have an alternator ? 3... Do you use the original regulator on the bulkhead ? 4... When the truck is running, ticking over and at medium revs, 1500rpm, do you know what the voltage is at the battery, get a voltmeter on it and check, should be no more than 14.4 volts. You say it is only the rear lights which blow ? if so are you fitting 6volt bulbs instead of 12volt !!!!!!!!!
  21. Is there plenty of room for putting up tents in the camping area ? as the new tent I am brining is a little on the big side :cool2: Is there a layout plan or is big enough to not worry !!!!!!
  22. Went out in public in my kit, for the first time today, good movement of arms and comfy tooo. The local Village had a 40's Day in the square, there was a Weapons Carrier, several Jeeps and my truck had a great time, a bit cold and a bit wet but there you go just like last year, hoping it will get hotter and dryer for The Plains.......:confused: We went to come home jumped in the truck hit the starter and nothing **** ******** **** ****,,,,, had a search about no problems found so had to be the starter, got the chap in the Weapons Carrier to tow me up hill as well and once on the flat got up a bit of speed and 2nd gear droped the clutch and away we went.
  23. You have not been to WandP before then, otherwise you would know that you dont stand much of a chance of getting any sleep at 21.00 Hrs :shake: noise well, see what you think when you get back :rofl: Good luck..
  24. I have just tried on the bits which SOF sent out to me today, a pair of HBT overalls, a 43 pattern jacket and a Jeep cap. What can I say well chuffed with it all and better still it all fits. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Cant wait for The Plains
  25. I could not see it ???? When in the programme did you see it .
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