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Everything posted by landyandy

  1. good day had again,had her running with brand new plugs in what a difference it makes,allthough we had 2 new plugs that were duff,tested them in our plug tester before fitting,so just shows new is not allways perfect,had the engine running to test the new 12v altenator belt set up,runs perfect considering its not on a pulley one end as picture shows,bit of a performance getting the belt on,had to drop the mainshaft off to fit,needed a couple of midgets to get in there haha also in pics is the new race spec fuel regulator that a. keeps fuel at constant pressure regardless of engine speed and b. when you switch off it dumps all the remaining pressure to tank so in case of fuel pipe burst or leak so no petrol under pressure. sideways and left a bit john and andy
  2. saw a rather nice looking saracen in the grounds of charterhouse school in godalming
  3. good day had today got 12v alternater fitted and wired in and started work on engine control box for j60,using a modifided chieftain gue control box to keep things simple.also quite a few other little niggly faults and awkward fiddly jobs completed,next week get the winch working hopefully
  4. yep its 1 of many strikers out on slab common ,used for recovery training
  5. in the future yes had wrong camera with small memory card
  6. talking of water and mud glad i was up top
  7. and i would go as far to say the controls on the conq are lighter than the cent having driven both
  8. yes its very simalar except more room in the conq but you have to be aware how wide you are and how long,but you have better vision than the cent
  9. how about the 13 pounder gun in the kings troop circa 1915 ?
  10. here,s couple of pics of hesketh emdens ex swiss ambulance,one of many different pinz,z he owns
  11. prob me as john will be monitering the laptop and ajusting the engine running perameters
  12. yes for the megasuirt and starter on j60 engine,complicates thing a bit but its worked out ok
  13. not a bad day was had today reffited electrics and she fired up,moved her about to make working on it easier.did quite a few mundane jobs on bits and pieces and also got the other 12 plugs working which makes an improvement in running parameters . rest of the work now is just fiddly bits and pieces on winch and refit the gue and get that working,also to fit an alternator for the 12v system
  14. had a good day today,made and fitted new commanders seat/stand as original was missing,did a bit of work on winch engine controls and routing of said bits and pieces,also john finished almost debugging the injection system,just a case of now uprating and seperating all componants in megasquirt system so we don,t have a repeat of the other weekends non show,next weekend she will be running again the only way is up andy
  15. yep we have it in the reme reserve collection at bordon ,i,ll get some pics of it for you to see
  16. would not be a problem on older engines even up to 50/50 as mechanical injectors can cope with it but modern engines are a bit fussy about it
  17. quick question, do you no if any one will have a 50 ton dyson drawbar trailer at the event ?
  18. welcome back,if conq interests you have a look at my thread about conq arv on here
  19. there used to be a canadian ram on witley common in surrey were the camp was,remember going to see it with my dad,the main superstructure was gone but chassis with complete tracks and the turret was there,will have a walk out one day and see if its still there and get sime pics if i can find it
  20. not a lot to report today,just been doing boring stuff with electrics at home ,johns been rewiring the megasquirt and uprating all the connections and connecters and replacing the blown injecter driver,and seperating all the different componants so hopefully we won,t get this problem in the future sideways and upwards andy
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