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Everything posted by Zero-Five-Two

  1. Photos are the easy bit, Bob, I can do you loads of them, it's the actual work that takes the time. Fitting this little lot took all day!! The two cables you see are the starter positive lead and the trigger feed. Both need to be fitted to the starter under the floor plate, then fed up through the hole. The two levers are high/low ratio and PTO engage, both pass through the floor and connect to rods underneath. Once that lot are attached, the whole lot bolts through the cab frame and onto the mounting block on the chassis rail. One hell of a juggling exercise to get it all lined up. When you've done all that the battery tray bolts through, but by then there is very little room to get washers, nuts and a spanner in to tighten it all up. Spot the bit I forgot to paint in DBG before fitting. Small point of concern to sort out later, there is nothing to stop you inadvertently engaging the PTO when driving. You just push the lever down. I would've expected some form of lock on it, like my timber tractor has. You can't engage the winch on that unless the high/low lever is in neutral. Will worry about that later. Next step is the other end of the drivers side floor, clutch pedal and foot brake valve bolt through, but not before you connect the oil pressure switch wire. Hopefully this weekend
  2. Needed a rest after all that lot, trying to work the new posting page and everything. I’ve been using the same standard BT/yahoo browser for years, but it wont work on new forum, I have to use Google, which is a new game too, so hope it‘s working. Anyway managed to miss a picture in that lot. The first bit of the grand re-assembly. Fuel filter and associated pipes fitted on the Nearside bulkhead. More to follow over the next few weeks, and hopefully running by the end of the month
  3. Well, been a while since we had an update, what with the new forum (still haven’t got used to it) and life in general, just haven’t had chance to sit down and get something written. Last entry was September, and now Christmas has been and gone and it’s 2018. Tons achieved with the restoration work, and we are finally looking like we are getting somewhere. Will keep the write up a bit brief, but plenty of pictures. Starting with this piece of video I’d forgotten about taking. Do excuse the fingers getting in shot part way through. It does show how rickety things got on the drivers side. Still, all better now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHElWFEJHGQ Lower half of the cab is all but finished. Framework repaired or replaced as required and new panels all round. Most went on without too much stress, but the curved rear corners were a bit of a challenge. Putting a curve in a 4 foot long sheet was beyond me rolling it round a gas bottle, it also appeared to be beyond most of the engineering firms round here, whose rollers can only do up to one metre. Finally found a place with a large enough set of rollers to put a reasonable curve on it, but they couldn’t get it quite tight enough. Not a problem I thought, anchor one end and pull it round until it lines up. Easy. Wrong! didn’t work quite like that, pull one end and it twists and the other springs out and so on. Solution was to winch it round with a rope in the middle as far as possible, then hammer in a block of wood to force it round the last bit. Fortunately I had an extra panel rolled, in case of issues, and it was just as well because the first one got creased quite badly trying to lever it round with a screwdriver in a rivet hole. Anyway finally got it secured with many rivets and copious quantities of tiger seal, and it looks OK too. Near side corner went on much better, with a lot less swearing and blood letting, having had a practise run with the drivers side. That said, the spare wheel did hinder progress. Tried unrolling the thing but it didn’t help much due to the yards owners parking a container as close as they dare. Can’t move the tanker either just now no fuel lines, no air lines and no electrics. On the positive side, the (Brand New Never Touched Tarmac, still got the little moulding bobbles on it) Tyre is clearly marked for 225 Squadron RCT. Bit of history coming to light here, who are they I hear you ask. The record card I got from the RLC Museum showed a date of 17 Oct 69, for issue to 251 Sqn RCT, and it stayed there until 1977. 251 Sqn was a TA unit and HQ Squadron to 225. Both became part of 154 Lowland Transport Regiment RLC during options for change etc in the nineties. Sounds pretty routine until you get the full title of 225 Squadron. You might need to sit down for this one! 225 (The Queens Own Lowland Yeomanry) Fuel Tanker Squadron Royal Corps of Transport! Did you get all that? They used to hang out in Edinburgh and like a lot of Scottish units they have a long history that goes back to some really interesting names like The Borders and Lothian Horse, The Duke of Carrick’s Yeomanry and so on. Apparently they wear the McDuff tartan, but I’ve no plans to rush out and buy a kilt!! I will be writing to 154 Regt to see if they have any old Squadron photos. They might even know of an old Squadron member or two. We’ll see Sorry got side tracked by the history bit there, back to the restoration now. Front corner of the near side needed a bit of effort before the new panel went on, but nowhere near as much as the off side. Time to chuck some more paint at it. The new panels have all been coated with Bondaprimer, but I thought the inner surfaces and the framework would also benefit from a layer of Hammerite Underseal before I fit the interior panels and fittings. So good thick layer of that all round and finally DBG over the top for a water tight surface and to finish it off. Just starting the slow task of putting it all back together. All the internal fittings are stoered in my loft just now, cleaned, repaired and painted and waiting their turn in the grand re-assembly. Started with an easy bit, the fuel Filter and pipes. Watch this space as more shiney bits appear over the next few weeks. Did get a chance of a half decent photo the other day, yard was empty of buses, so I could stand back and get a decent shot In other work, Remember seeing this tool bin? Mounts on the off side front of the tank unit, just behind the cab. Like the air filters, it had to come off to get to the back corner of the cab. As you can see it is in a bit of a bad way, not only is the door hanging off, there should be an internal shelf that has all but disintergrated, and there are various rust holes around the sides. Several days work later and we have a new door hinge, new shelf inside, and much new metal all round. Bands and mounting brackets fitted and the usual layers of paint. The air filters, which have been living on top of the tank for the past year, are also now going through the clean and repaint process, The lids have been cleaned off and are now in primer The two filter boxes have just spent the last 2 days in the hot tub parts washer at work. They needed it, too! I don’t think they have had a good clean and service since the old king was alive, as they say round here. Given they are both date stamped 1952 that might well be a true statement, they were absolutely choked
  4. Just got back from a few days up in the Yorkshire Dales visiting the in laws and having a wander round the hills. First day there just happened to co-inside with the forties weekend at Grassington. Excellent little show, the whole village gets into the spirit of it, dressing up the shops and themselves. Camera got a thorough work out. Mostly American stuff, never seen so many jeeps in one place!! Couple of tidy British wagons, and a very nice BMW bike and side car for the other side Highlight of the day was hearing an unmistakable noise, and everybody rushing outside to see this
  5. Welcome aboard, what sort of tanker are you looking for?
  6. I had nothing to do with building them, just happened to be there. That said, I should be able to put names to the guys who were doing them
  7. I was at Willich when they were being made by 21 Engineer Base Workshops, I remember them being queued up outside their sheds. A Staff Sergeant Dave Williams was one of the big noises keeping all the lads welding.
  8. She did spend most of her time with the Army Air Corps so you are probably right. Finding an "in service" photo would be priceless.
  9. Couple of pics of the weekends efforts on the old Tanker. Decided to stay in the home workshop due to unpredictable weather conditions. Started with the radiator cowling Apart from the peeling paint, there are quite a few frilly bits and the near side lower corner just isn't there anymore Paint stripper first, get rid of all the old green, then much welding and grinding replacing the rusty bits Finished up like this, looks much better. Did find a layer of yellow in between the many coats of green, just as I found on the top half of the cab. Still don't know why it was coloured like this, and would love to find out. Went on to cut out two new lower panels for the back of the cab. Had to take measurements from the Timber Tractor to get the wheel arch curve right, as there wasn't much to copy from
  10. Thanks Doug, I keep chipping away but, like you, summer means showtime and quite a few weekends are spent out and about with the timber tractor. Hectic life isn't it?
  11. It is difficult to judge from photos, but assuming the vice darkens a bit once it loses its newness that would seem the better colour. I've just bought 5lts of so called DBG from fleebay, only to find it is a completely different shade to previous paint I've used. Suppose it is down to the person mixing the colour and how accurate they are eith the measuring
  12. Thanks for the info guys, I hadn't thought about the bog standard beret. If the great Montgomery was wearing one back then, it'll do for me. As it is I've got one, just need to swop the cap badge, from E R to G R. As for badging up the battledress, there's nothing on it at the mo, but it will get a few brownie badges before the weekend. I'm sure there will be a few photos afterwards
  13. On the scrounge really, Wife and I are going to a wartime/forties weekend week after next, and although we are not exactly into the re-enactment scene we thought this year we would join in proper and get dressed for it. She's all sorted with a period dress and hat etc, and I've managed to get hold of a complete set of battledress, including gaiters, webbing and boots for the weekend. Only thing missing is the headgear. I've got a tin hat, but I don't fancy wearing that all weekend. Has anybody got a WW2 other ranks side hat I could beg steal borrow for the weekend. Seen a few for sale on various sites but they are a bit costly just for a one off event. There's also a few repro ones on fleebay but apparently they aren't all that and I would like to look reasonably authentic. Anyone in a position to assist, please.
  14. Set about replacing the fuel filter last week, original one looked a bit past it's best. Quite simply it is a piece of linen cloth about the size of a large hankerchief wrapped around a brass frame. Top is secured by a couple of turns of string Bottom is held in place by a wide head nut New filter, big hankerchief. Needs a small hole cut in the centre to locate onto the bottom nut Used copper wire to secure filter this time, wont rot or corrode and contaminate fuel New filter slides into housing ready for fitting. Near side wheel arch has been getting it this weekend. Has a lot less rot than the drivers side, but I reckon some of the tankers drivers, over the years, should have been a little more attentive of the steering wheel than they appear to have been. Awful lot of dents needed knocking out and a fair bit of straightening was also required. But despite best efforts with the panel beating hammers, much filler was required. First off strip off all the old green. Two repair patches can be seen on the under side But an awful lot of filler needed sanding down and flatting Doesn't look too bad in its first coat of red oxide. Couple of bits need a little more smoothing but overall a pleasing result
  15. Been averaging 1000 mile a year in the Militant, which is about 5000 since we got it on the road. Somewheres in the region of 2500 Ltrs of diesel, and 170 hours in the jockey seat
  16. Case of two steps forward and one back this week with the Tanker. Backward step first. Be wary of buying cheap paint from fleebay. Thought I'd got a bargain the other week, 5 lts of Deep Bronze Green complete with hardener and thinners for less than £100. Sprayed all those small bits lovely. Goes on well, good finish, nice shine, etc. Only one problem, Green? yes, Deep colour? yes. Deep Bronze Green? not really, it's just a dark green. Looked good at the time, but when placed next to previously painted stuff it's nothing like the right colour! :mad: Friend of mine looked at it and suggested it looked more like the green used on original Land Rovers. Not best pleased, I've still got 4 lts of the stuff. Might do as an under coat, so probably wont get wasted, but it's £100 I could have used elsewhere. Anyway, think positive and move forward. Loading the car for Saturdays efforts, first thing on was the channel needed for the off side frame repair Hour or so effort with the welder and the front corner is ready for panel fitting. Mixed feelings here, looking forward to fitting the first new bits, but a little nervous that all will line up and go on right. Little tweek here and there, cut and trimmed the small kink from the centre of the corner fold and it went on well. Rivit holes lined up, edges all straight and so on. Healthy bead of Tiger seal in the joins to stick it in place, but as usual most of it got on my hands, then on the panel, on the rivet gun, down me coveralls, mess everywhere. With the corner in place, moved on to the wheel arch, same again Tiger seal stuck to everything, but arch went on and bolted up nicely. Whole side is now rock solid and awaiting the rear corner. Side and corner panels are already made, last bit of frame, right at the bottom to weld in and it's done. Running along with the frame repair has been the engine, it will get a full service in due course, but for now it has been treated to a good flush through of the cooling system ready for new hoses, and a good scrub down and de-grease ready for repaint. Learned forum members provided the correct paint code, Sky Blue BS381C101, and paint supplied by my local paint factors, OK it's £45 a litre, but at least you can guarantee it is the right shade Weather forecast for today was sunny all day. So, no sunday lie in, Up at the crack and get it sprayed. By ten o'clock all done and left to bake hard. Well pleased with the finish, next up new belts and hoses and a fresh drop of anti freeze and she'll be ready to roll, once we have refitted the electrics, the fuel pipes, the dashboard and,,,,, so much to do!!
  17. Pleased to say Tanker has a matching set, unlike the Timber Tractor. If you look at the rim edge, where the arrows are, you'll see one is curved and the other is a square edge. Square edge one has hexagon bead bolts rather than the more normal captive head ones. Must be by different manufacturers or something.
  18. Congratulations on the trophy. I've never noticed a difference in the number of split rim nuts on mine, but the timber tractor has a variety of types. Most have a captive head bolt, but one has hexagon head bolts welded on and one wheel , now the spare, is obviously made by a different manufacturer as it is completely different. Just off to the tanker now, I'll have a look and see what she has got
  19. Hope these two vids link up properly. As well as all the trucks and steam to look at every now and again the runway gets used Second clip was taken at 0800 hrs Sunday morning while most of us campers were still waking up
  20. As the title suggests, show is mainly steam traction and farmers on tractors, but the classic commercial vehicle section is a reasonable turn out and the MV section grows every year. Camera doing overtime. Bedford Jeeps Bedford Another Bedford Richard Farrants' Bedford Hillman?? Dodge Chevy? Scammell Morris Searchlight. This was being used on Saturday night. The beam is incredible Lamp is mounted on the back of this. TSM on the radiator, is that Tilling Stevens? American something? 432 Saracen And a couple of Ex greens. Dark red appears to be popular
  21. From my time with the Royal Engineers ('76 - '94) I don't recall being issued with any form of personal first aid kit, beyond the standard field dressing taped to the front yoke strap of the '58 webbing. But we were all encouraged to carry some sort of self provided kit. SOPs were usually taken as the minimum requirement to be carried in CEFO and the like, each individual would then add his own personal comfort touches. Many of us acquired extra water bottle pouches, which could be attached to vacant spaces on the webbing belt, for these little luxuries. For myself I had 2 extra ones, one containing the repair kit. Medical/Hygiene stuff, mostly off the shelf at the local chemist. Plasters, anti septic cream and wipes, insect bite cream, extra talc, blister tape, pack of butterfly strips, couple of bandages and a pack of lint etc. Also, like Tony B, I always had a pot of medical super glue as well. Marvellous stuff to use, clean the wound, raise the affected part to stop the bleeding long enough for the glue to set, and you're sorted. All you have to be careful of is not sticking other body parts to the wound. Second pouch contained the real "First" aid kit, means of brewing up!!:-D Tea, Coffee and the ubiquitous Gaz Bleuet to boil the water. Extra ration supliments in here too, pepper, curry and chili powder, OXO cubes and so on.
  22. As plain common sense seems to be a forgotten art these days, nothing should be a surprise any more
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