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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. That doesn't surprise me. I would hold fire for a bit as there is some doubt as to the vehicles whereabouts. If it has dropped off the radar, you might as well keep the plate. I'll do some checking.
  2. I believe this tank is with The Tank Museum in the reserve collection. Originally T352068. The ZR tells you it was in service prior to the 'new' style of WD numbers. If the tank has survived, the plate, or at least a copy of it, ought to be in it, in my opinion.
  3. H50 holds two inner boxes of rifle ammunition. Originally .303 but later 7.62 and used for a variety of stores.
  4. I believe the handle is to allow chamber cleaning and I would think the brush is for 120mm guns.
  5. Ropes were specified as the circumferential measurement, so a 1 1/2" rope is about 1/2" diameter. What do the pulley grooves look like in terms of root radius?
  6. It looks a bit like a home made version of the track tension adjuster spanner for the M75 APC and possibly M41 tank.
  7. Can you find an image of that, I can't seem to, they are all 4 round.
  8. I've never seen a 5 round Bofors clip, they have all been four round.
  9. I think this is the sort of thing Andrew needs.
  10. Thanks Chris, saw that, it's really only good for the odd part, sadly.
  11. Unless you are getting the truck plated and tested, you can't carry a load in it so it will not be running at design gross weight. That gives you some leeway in tyre rating.
  12. 7.50-20 and 8.25-20 are still readily available new as a truck tyre but they aren't cheap, especially if you need eight of them! If you wanted a military tread, GMC tyres (7.50-20) might suit and are a bit cheaper.
  13. 36 x 8 is a 20" rim so either 7.50-20 or 8.25-20. I take it they are twins on the back?
  14. It was a standard, all metal self locking nut. There were a few patterns at the time. 5/8 NF, iirc. I'm sure I have some.
  15. The posts for the yard gates, north east corner of the greyhound track, were made from Mulberry roadway ends.
  16. Not really, hence the not too concerned with exact model. 24 stud does not guarantee bigger bore. Ideally, a carrier engine, then that would give the extra oilway port and double pulleys but I might not get a choice!
  17. Hi Gaggs, thank you. Location possibly makes it a killer, unless I can find someone sending a container over! I'll pm you.
  18. I have, yes but thank you for the heads up.
  19. I'm looking for a flathead V8 for a carrier project. Ideally nice and free turning. Not too concerned with exact model but must be integral bell housing and ideally from a carrier.
  20. They look like king pin reamers to me.
  21. I don't think they are double filament bulbs, just twin contact where the current path is in one contact and out the other so not relying on the body to supply the earth return.
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