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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Thanks for posting the pics up Keith, it does make you wonder what the numbers of captured Morrises there were.
  2. Thanks for posting, I particularly like the pic of the recaptured Valentine.
  3. Ive done this recently, although you can use the National Archives, their sister site Ancestry.co.uk is a lot easier to navigate and it finds the documents you need without wallowing around in the NA website. They have a 2 week free trial running at the moment as well.
  4. I got sent this photo from a chap in Canada, its the kind of photo that makes you think a bit, especially at this time of year. Its a photo of the Empire Bison being sunk, the photo presumably being taken by the U Boat which toprpedoed her. Not often you get close to relatives like this...
  5. Just trying to tot up what they are worth now....
  6. Ive just picked up on this thread, and very interesting too. I agree that while HMVF brings everyone under the same interests in an ideal world if you were to represent it under a historical ideal you would have to remain true to that, ie Normandy build up. I think it would be a good compromise to maybe do a date for post WW2 vehicles maybe on the day after if opinion was such. But there are a lot of shows and a lot of dates in the calendar for people to go to events. I for one wouldnt go to a shindig of WW2 vehicles if I only had an interest in post WW2, in fact I would welcome anything extra in the calendar, especially in this neck of the woods! To cut a long post short, if you are doing something on a historical note you should remain true to that. As a previous comment stated, you wouldnt go to a re-enactment of roman legionnaries only to have them taken out by snipers. Just my thoughts...
  7. Sounds like the museum has the right idea lending you a wreck only to reclaim it some years later fully restored! is that common practice for them?
  8. Good , the bad, and the downright ugly??
  9. From the National Archive. http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/militaryhistory/
  10. Hello, I ve always wondered why people need 2 jeeps or more, perhaps you have answered my question! Have a bit of fun and get some great info from here.Welcome aboard.
  11. From my understanding all Morrisses had a Z contract number, they were produced in 3 batches.
  12. Ah! Childhood memories, all the tanks lined up in a row, in what looked like a big warehouse..
  13. Shame they couldnt get the county right- just to clarify Bletchley Park is in B U C K I N G H A M S H I R E not Ox...
  14. Its the Swan Vesta tobogganing team in training.
  15. Point taken, you just dont think anyone would nick a charity box.
  16. Thanks for posting the pics, thats answered a few questions I had about the different bodies mounting to the chassis.
  17. Some b*****d nicked our collection box from our counter while I went upstairs to get some change. Not happy.
  18. Ah! You will take note of the lack of hair on both my trusty companions skulls! It is the company uniform!.. Rest assured I made sure there was nothing left in the tank, hence the thorough cleaning out.:sweat:
  19. Aha, just posted up about that, watching it now with great interest. Anything with Palin doing it counts as good in my books, this is no exception.
  20. Anyone watching the Michael Palin programme tonight, Timewatch on the last days of WW1? Just thought of this thread as he was visiting a chap who has been fieldwalking his local battlefields and got his own museum.
  21. I wonder how that would fair if it went for an MOT?
  22. Ah! Its easy to go barking up the wrong tree (scuse the pun) when researching the family. Mrs W has been using Ancestry, even though it does cost, its a great bit of kit. I even found 37 pages of WW1 service records on there for one of her family members.
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