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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. So did I , although Im sure the re-enactors who frequent this site wouldnt appreciate it!
  2. G503 is a godsend if you are rebuilding a jeep engine.
  3. Dont know, but I bet they are on the re-enactors forum. What is it called?
  4. I had to laugh when I saw the slightly dodgy airbrushing going on. Its good to see thatme entrance fee went on something useful! (Not that Im bitter though!)
  5. You need to speak to Dave off the ACOC. He is like a god where Champ electrics are concerned. He sorted out my problems over the phone.
  6. All I had to start my jeep "project" was a chassis with a few rusty body panels that had been sitting in a ditch somewhere in E.Anglia!
  7. "From June 1916 to October 1918, war raged through the Arab territories of the disintegrating Ottoman Empire. In contrast to the mud and blood of the Western Front, it seemed a romantic war fought by traditional desert warriors riding camels. And, in Colonel T. E. Lawrence, it produced one of the great British celebrities of the 20th century. But it was more than this. The Arab Revolt pioneered a new form - a people's war - and helped create the modern Middle East. Now a new field project is underway to investigate the history and archaeology of this seminal event. British and Jordanian colleagues are working with volunteers, students and local communities to map and investigate the remains, record the oral histories, and develop new heritage sites for Jordan and its many visitors. " http://www.jordan1914-18archaeology.org/ :coffee:
  8. What was the vicinity of that bunker Paul? Do you mind if I post the pic onto MLU forum. Someone was asking about the Canadian forces that were based in that area. may be of interest to them.
  9. Two questions here. How do you come across a complex like that if its not marked on any maps. Secondly does the inscription on the base of one of the concrete posts say "Canadians" ? If so, why?
  10. The Lightning, always liked it because it looked different, especially the nose.
  11. The Saab Viggen, on e of the best looking aircraft in my opinion.
  12. Maybe it would be good to actually get in touch with VOSA and clarify the situation. Anyone thought of this, with regard to particular vehicles? I feel an article in the offing...
  13. Hi John, Considered it a few years ago, there were a couple up for sale on Milweb in the UK. But after visiting Bovington and seeing just how big the beasties actually were, I put them firmly on the back boiler on the list of things to do!:sweat:
  14. May be Antar Mike could advise! Not sure I would want to take one of those on. There comes a point...
  15. If it was anything like the query I had regarding the cost of camping for one night (£100+) they wont be very remorseful. If I do go next year, a very big if, I wont be paying the huge cost for camping.
  16. Email John Blackman. I have been wondering for some time now how and what I can contribute to the scene in print. Alternatively pm me and we will see what we can come up with.
  17. We come across asimilar problem when vehicles are left with us that are beyond economic repair. The people dont pay their bill, even if its for an MOT, as its not worth their while. The problem most arose when scrap prices were at an all time low. At one point we had 3/4 vehicles left with us that the owners had no intention of collecting or paying for. We now have a clause which states that we can dispose of vehicles after 3 months with the costs being recouped from the sale of the vehicle.
  18. Find a dealer who deals with UK Batteries they do everything.
  19. Runflat wouldnt it be best emailed to John directly? "I could waffle on, but I won't other than to agree with the sentiment I think Jack expressed. Have a good moan on here if you want, but I am interested in feedback and the best and most polite way to feedback is to do it direct." Just a thought.
  20. But as the Ed's say- "If we refuse to publish we could be seen to censor selective letters that do not put a favourable light on the editorship or its contributors." and "The editors can walk a very tight line between censorship and openness." While I will always be an advocate for openness where discussion is concerned, I do think in that case it was more of a personal attack on Dennis Chorlton.
  21. Ive never heard of Warcop before. Is it still in use? Are the wrecks viewable from a road/track?
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