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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Can you add a)Undecided. and b)If I dont go I will have to look after the kids on my own for a few days while the missus goes to a beardy folk festival. Do I stump up the cash or have a house that looks like its been hit by special forces after 48 hours.
  2. We had a recent get together at John Marchants farm with friends and family invited. Didnt cost a penny and we got to play silly beggars with our vehicles in one of the fields. Even the beer and food was provided for.Thats the ideal in my books.
  3. I'm not having a go Jack. Dont get me wrong. You have kind of answered my question as to why you prefer the moving events, rather than the static ones. I can understand that, and hats off to you for organising A&E. I think the main reason about people attending W&P is because we can mix meet with friends and show off vehicles from all over Europe.
  4. The brass lube chart seems to be the thing which is missing from most Morrises. Surely someone can acid etch it onto a brass plate?
  5. No, no, no. Dont get me wrong, I would have thought that W&P would be the perfect vehicle for Jack and HMVF to promote the cause and enjoy. After all W&P is primarily concerned with MV's, allbeit re-enactors as well. I thought the two would go hand in hand. I was a bit surprised it wasnt Jacks cuppa tea.
  6. Considering you are the owner of HMVF, its the biggest MV event in Europe , and the comment "For me it doesn't matter as it isn't my sort of show" I find baffling. Surely being an enthusiast it would be the ultimate event?
  7. Good link, not too far away from me either, think I recognise the reg number!
  8. Agree with you there Loggy Driver. I wouldnt suggest it would be easy to set up a show like W&P, I reckon it would take at least 2 years in the planning to get it off. It would take longer to get it known. But " From acorns" etc. It would not be impossible. As for the exhibitors/stall holders. Im sure they must make there money to make it worthwhile, lets face it, if they werent in it for the cash they wouldnt be there. It would take someone with a lot of land, like Duxford to hold a week log event like that. It would need a lot of outlay for the initial costs, advertising etc, static costs etc, but it would not be impossible. In fact, thinking about it, it can be done with a group of people, the finaces could be an obstruction.
  9. Agree with you Rambo. You think tahts bad, I clocked someone on the internet selling knock off bits off green canvas with twigs and string and calling them tents! Postfinder or something. You should have seen the prices!:-D
  10. I agree, clean it up carefully and see if there are any markings on it.
  11. Have a look at the Internet Movie Database. www.imdb.com I think, and type in Churchill tank
  12. Agree with Artists Rifles, Degsy and Jack. But W&P is a big chance for people from all over to meet each other, show their vehicles and buy goodies. Ridiculously overpriced yes. Unless someone wants to set up a show to rival it? As for your Kit Kat Jack, if you didnt want it at any cost, maybe you should have given it back to them! Once your local pub goes, it goes. Seen too many locals go, so its our duty to keep them going! Unless you want to hit a nightclub in the town for a £5 bottle and no Kit Kats!
  13. Did you calcuate in the cost of hiring the venue as Snapper said it wasnt Rex who owned the farm? Also agree with the quad bike issue. After I had arrived and pitched camp, I went for a wander in the dark, only to witness a quad being driven by a 10(ish )year old, younger brother on the back nearly have a head on with a Mondeo. The bike was obviously too big for him to handle, as he couldnt reach the bars properly.
  14. www.westernfrontassociation.com is a good forum to visit as well.
  15. Yes, thanks. I do like the bit where it states that the toilets were beyond their budget. Given what they charge for camping,and its on Rex's land (I presume), the amount of people that attend etc. I should think he does very nicely thank you. Call me bitter and twisted, call me a cynic, but I cant see anything changing for next year.
  16. Add some Gin presumably.:coffee:
  17. Your combined knowledge of Panther running gear astounds me!:wow:
  18. Actually , just checked, Ring dont do one, Ctek do, its the model XC800 http://www.ctek.com/EN-GB/Buy-Charger.aspx?charger=xc800
  19. www.ctek.com Or Ring do their version www.ringautomotive.co.uk
  20. You can now get battery chargers which you can leave plugged in to the wall and plumbed in to the battery, keeps the battery charged up and in a good state. 12 or 6 volt. When I get into work tomorrow I will post a couple of links. Oh, and by the way, I can supply these for you at a good price!
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