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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. MLU forum is quite useful for UC's. www.mapleleafup.org.com
  2. I emailed that as well, no reply, could have at least acknowledged the email.
  3. Is it fuel? Dont use Tescos fuel, causes problems. Is it mechanical?
  4. I hope they realise a more realistic price than he was asking for them. Interesting to know if there are reserves.
  5. I'll be at Stoke with the Desert Champ, maybe Rushden. Doing a local pub thing on the Saturday in aid of Help for Heroes at the Greyhound pub in Haversham if anyone fancies bringing their veihcles down for a couple of hours. Support most welcome. We will be there for a few hours on Saturday before going to SG late afternoon. Pm me for details.
  6. Hello Simon. Ive been a regular visitor to Guernsey over the years. Im surprised you can find the space to keep that lot over there!
  7. I go on it not just for the Champs, but for the sheer interest of what there is out there. Apart from the CMP's in abundance, the Universal Carriers that seem prolific. I always fancied a UC but after seeing one in the flesh, so to speak, I didnt realise just how big they were! A very amicable forum too.
  8. Ahh. Working now. Thought I had seen your name on there Clive.
  9. Anyone else having problems logging in to MLU forum tonight? Or is it my yokel broadband?
  10. Do you know exactly where it was, i live along that way. Would like to go and have a look, and I could take the camera with me for some pics to post.
  11. A great fing. I'll have a guess at £3,000 each?
  12. Have you tried going down to your local B&Q and having a look at their metal u-sections?
  13. Happy birthday Mike, have a good'un!
  14. Even though its been posted in another thread, the much sought after (by me anyway) recce car.
  15. You had better stick a few of your own pics up Jules!
  16. I reminded myself of this site from Dawnpatrols recent post. Hopefully others may find it useful. www.britishmedalforum.com Takes a couple of days to get in, but it is worth it.
  17. Search the National Archives for his name under the medal roll. Its what I specialise in! Mail me the details, army number, rank, force he served in. If he is entitled to a medal I will find it. Although you do have to be a living relative to claim it.
  18. Another good pic Kuno. Many thanks and keep looking!
  19. Programme about the Bitz in London on TV tonight. Cant quite remember if its BBC2 or Channel 4. So which do you watch on TV and which one can wait for iplayer later, Dr Who , or Blitz documentary?
  20. B****r! Sorry Mike I forgot that it was you until I saw that you had commented on the thread! Duh!
  21. Dont forget the endings as well, with the titles rolling everyone standing still as if it were freeze framed, apart from someone in the background. Just purchased the entire series off ebay for £5.
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