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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Ive just spent a day manning a stall in the local archaeology day at the library in sunny old MK, it gave me a chance to have a root in some old archives. They have got the records of decoded messages from Bletchley Park.Makes for interesting reading! Will post some up here next available oppurtunity. ;-)
  2. Aha! I did tentatively put some rubber spacers between the rad support and the chassis and it did lift it up a jot. Maybe I need another each side. Thanks.
  3. Guess who measured the rad side supports too short so the fan fouls the bottom of the tank! :whistle:
  4. Have you been away yet Simon? ;-)
  5. Taking delivery of an engine for the MB this weekend, how do I know if the cylinders need a rebore and new pistons/rings fitting? :?
  6. I know its scandalous to suggest such things have you tried http://www.axishistory.com , search on that forum under vehicles, what about MLU forum and do a pic search?
  7. Aha! Postman Pat has just been! Bearing items of clothing.Mr Beckett you spoil us with your presents of ingenious plastic cutlery! :-D
  8. I just used hammerite smooth red on my nuts yesterday, they look fine. Bit sticky this morning though! :roll: http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/restoblog036.jpg[/img]
  9. Thanks all. Couple more photos. Now that the engine runs, feels like we are on the downward slope now! Cooling system is now the next job. Its all very well adding bits to it but it has to be pushed in and out of our workshop at the moment, and its getting heavier! So if we could drive it in and out it would make life easier. A working radiator has had to be "manufactured" out of 2. One that didnt leak and didnt have a mounting bracket at the bottom, and the original which did have a bracket but had cracked cores. I think the technical term is "cut and shut"! Also as it was a quiet day I thought I would clean up the wheel and tyre that was waiting to be fitted, they all look fairly dirty, (yes I know that they are meant to be!), but I thought Id try a bit of tyre cleaner to see what difference it made. It worked well and the end result was a blacker looking tyre, so they are all getting the treatment. Half clean/Half not.
  10. So Im guessing the RLC museum would be a good starter?
  11. Bit like "Cash in the Attic" for obssessives!
  12. I live about 5 miles away from Bletchley Park and never been! I'll make an effort to go there and take some pics. Incidentally the regional MVT vehicles were all stationed there until they told them they had to move. Which was due to some of the Park being redeveloped into office units. Shame really, I couldnt think of a better place to store them. Just before my time into this world though! :dunno:
  13. Howd you do that then?? :computerterror:
  14. Im having trouble with this Tony, if I try and enlarge, even slightly, it gats very pixellated and illegible? Can anyone help with that?
  15. Hello Sam, it wont be long before you start looking through the classified ads to see whats around !! ;-)
  16. Hmmm! With over $2 to the £, they become a little more attractive. Has anyone shipped a vehicle from the states to here? What cost is involved and could you ship more than one vehicle to make even more attractive?
  17. What about EvilBay, theres loads on there, really obscure stuff too.
  18. I thought RAOC handled all the explosives, bomb disposal as well as the paperwork, I could be wrong though? :dunno:
  19. Thats a bizarre state of affairs!?
  20. There always seems to be B60 engines coming up for sale? Were they a common fit to a lot of vehicles?
  21. Yep, send copies to me, I'll see if I can scan to post on here.
  22. The bearings in the steering box of the old girl feel like they are running on gravel. So planning to overhaul steering box with new bearings and shims. To save me immobilising it for a few days which is impractical, I need to have the replacement parts to hand. So I could do with a modern day equivalent part number to the parts that are given, for the bearing and shims, and manufacturer. Or, the name of a supplier who could provide me with the lot so it can be done in a day.
  23. I did hear of one marked up as such, but Ive never seen a pic of one, hence the request for photos!
  24. Has anyone got any photos of British jeeps during WW2 in Bomb Disposal markings they can post up please? Been looking everywhere and cant find any, or if you can recommend any books.
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