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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Or he might be 5th Marquiss of Anglesey..
  2. If I remember my facts right he was the 5th Earl of Anglesey. Bit of an eccentric in his day liked dressing up and doing strange stuff!
  3. When youve spent as much time as I have with them, you can spot 'em a mile off. They are normally spotted huddled in small groups by a pub fireplace, drinking various liquids, or peering into muddy/dusty holes muttering things about contexts/event horizons.. Now can I have my gold star please.. :-D
  4. Is he doing Peter Rabbits housework? He's not an archaeologist is he? But lacking the trowel and Peruvian hand knitted sweater...
  5. Hi Marko, make yourself at home, another lorry driver! ;-)
  6. "My friend" would probably go for one without a winch, but is currently considering the implications of telling his better half he has spent some money destined for a new kitchen on a runabout! :shake: :whistle:
  7. Right up your street this one, go on , get it! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Willys-CJ-6-Jeep-Custom-USAF-Snowcat_W0QQitemZ250189757900QQihZ015QQcategoryZ588QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem ;-)
  8. Rick W


    Product of a disturbed mind, so tell us the secret.
  9. Some people are just plain spiteful! :cry: "My friend" just wanted something instantly driveable while the others were rising from the ashes, so to speak! See theres an MW on ebay at the mo.But this one is in quite good nick! :-D
  10. They both use the same engine I take it? Is it a 2 litre?
  11. If a "friend of mine" was considering adding a Dodge to his family what would be the better bet a WC51 or WC52? In terms of ownership and size practicality etc? Price difference between both.
  12. Is that phone number right?, Its only got 5 numbers in the second part?
  13. A Hotchkiss head will be fine to tide me over, TS Autos?
  14. Lacking a cylinder head I may opt for a previously running and complete GPW engine, I take it it will fit an MB chassis. Would any mods be needed to fit a GPW tub to MB chassis?
  15. Thansks, they seem to be a bit thin on the ground at the moment, a kindly fellow member is digging one out of his attic! Anyone got a spare cylinder head or wheels? :-D
  16. Thanks all. The bores have been relined in the past, the valve seats have been replaced but one is missing. Who would you recommend to get piston rings gaskets and seals from? I need a head as well, s**s law one just went on ebay a couple of weeks ago, anyone got one?
  17. Has anyone ever commented on your resemblance to a woodland animal? Do you find it hard to reach the pedals? ;-)
  18. Thats the thing with WW2 trucks, they are full of life! :-D Although I did find 2 very dead mice in the Morris engine when we took it apart, still wonder how they got in there...
  19. I'd be interested to see what you do, I agree seems a shame to cut the floor.
  20. As I seem to be having trouble finding any transmission to go with a '42 engine, can anything else be used? A gearbox from a CJ2 or CJ3? What mods need to be done? Alternatively has anyone got one they dont need or know where I can get one?? :?
  21. ...and it hasnt rusted away......yet. :-D
  22. I think we can let you off that minor indiscrepancy! (PW I mean , not theGB sticker!)
  23. Welcome aboard you must post up some photos of your creations. ;-)
  24. Dont know what you done to your avatar Lee but I just tried to squash it.
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