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Everything posted by snowtracdave

  1. I feel a little guilty for continuing this aspect of the thread but not everybody can afford a mil tent . I'd love one & spent some time - yet again - looking round the merchandise on the Anchor stand at W&P but I simply do not have the 400 odd quid going spare to make the purchase .
  2. Thinking of setting up in business as a driving instructor Neil ? :whistle:
  3. Thank You again Tony . DM
  4. Oh dear......... John Dodds did it with so much more style back in the 70's. Anyone remember the fibreglass bodied RR he built ? That was rather nice..until,as I remember,it caught fire. :-( . Seem to remember RR got rather touchy especially as he used one of their rads on the front of the car.
  5. Just seen an ad for the air display at Rougham this weekend which says that the merlins will be the stars of the show .
  6. In the words of our colonial cousins .........There ain't no substitoot for coobic inches...... :-D
  7. Gorgeous. Well done that man . :tup:
  8. I hear we've got a new Prime Minister now Jack . Think we still have the same Queen tho.... :-D
  9. We felt so lucky tonight , so privileged : Just finished work & sorting gear out in the yard when we heard the unmistakable sound of a Spitfire right over us . Our side of Colchester seems to be designated as an area for aerobatics so we do occasionally see something interesting but watching the lovely old warbird looping and rolling right over us tonight was just magical and the sound of those engines always brings a lump to my throat . Don't know where it comes from - Duxford and North Weald are both close at hand as the fighter flies and unfortunately I didn't have binocs or camera to hand to identify any markings , other than the D Day wing markings. Wonderful .
  10. Don't know if they are still there as I've not been that way for a while but there used to be one (semi derelict)moored at St.Osyth , think there was another (houseboat)over at Heybridge & that was for sale a couple of years ago - knew someone who thought about buying but decided against in the end . Seem to recall that there was something on the local news a short while back that a restored one had been badly damaged by a fire which destroyed the boatbuilders workshops where it was being worked on : It could even have been the Lowestoft one referred to above .
  11. Thank you SO much for that illustration . I actually managed to avoid it the first time around. Anyway - I think it is rather cruel and thoughtless of you to parade such things before me when you know my status as an abandoned and cast aside personage . (sob) An anyway - I prefer them as a somewhat smaller and more compact package . (And secondary to there being a brain between the ears higher up ) :-)
  12. Sorry Neil.....not a clue what you're talking about.... Perhaps you'd like to explain to everybody. :evil:
  13. In early from work tonight , saw minute or two of Richard & Judy (Sorry chaps!) They showed a clip of BB with the genuine moron who , apparently , is the favourite to win . The discussion in the house was Romeo & Juliet . This person actually sat there saying "so who is this Shakespeare geezer then ? Is he the bloke what directed the film or something ? I ain't nevver heard of him " :schocked: :shake: Ladies & gentlemen ......I rest my case........ Also perhaps the discussion on selective culling should be reviewed ? Just a thought :-D
  14. Come on then ..........don't keep us in suspenders..spill....what is it & when do we get to see some pics :-D (please nicely)
  15. Intention and respect are the keys aren't they ? I think it has been very well covered in the previous comments. I am never sure - for myself - what to wear . As someone who , shall we say, is well matured (in years only), been going grey since the age of 16 (although it's getting thinner by the day now anyway) and had facial hair to a greater or lesser degree since god was a boy, I don't feel that I could make myself a reasonable - or acceptable - re-enactor so tend to stick to either a green(ish) tee shirt and trousers or coveralls with black work shoes/boots on all occasions as any attempt to don proper uniform would look incongruous and possibly insulting to those who did for real .
  16. :tup: Love 'em.....big meccano kits . :-)
  17. That is an example of what is known as 'Natural selection'
  18. Yep..me too Officially happy to be a moron . I watched the first couple of series of BB after which I decided that it had been done to death & have never watched it since .Even at my most desperate I would be able to find something better to do than watch that mush . If fact I seriously wonder why I even carry on buying a tv guide now when I am hard pressed to find three or four programmes through the whole week I actually want to sit down and watch .
  19. OK I stand to be corrected here....and doubtless will be but ....... I always understood lol to be Laugh(ing) Out Loud
  20. Ah. Bless . Doesn't he look sweet .......... Happy Birfday HF . :tup:
  21. No Mark , unfortunately you are being realistic . There is an attitude which seems to be becoming prevalent amongst a larger and larger section of the population that if you want something you don't do what we old fashioned folk do: Work hard , save a bit , sacrifice a little and eventually manage to treat yourself to that special something . You go out and nick it from some dumb sap who worked hard , saved up , sacrificed and went without .
  22. This once great country has become a second rate third world substitute and health and safety been forced upon us now that common sense has been lost to obsolescence
  23. Does HMSO still exist ? (Her majesty's Stationary Office) C&U regs were available from there . We used to have a bookshop here that was a stockist but it's long since gone . Don't remember if you can buy each section separately - the whole thing consists of a number of booklets covering different sections .
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