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Everything posted by snowtracdave

  1. My thoughts are with you Neil . You know I'm only an hour or so away from you so if there is anything you need or whatever ............. Having lost my dad just coming up to two years ago I have some idea of what you are all going through & the highs and lows that go with it . Dad didn't always approve of my choice of toys but always took great pleasure in seeing the end result of a restoration and seeing me off to or at the shows . I was so looking forward to him working with me on the showmans caravan I bought but illness took over and he succumbed before much progress was made . I'm sure he's still keeping an eye on me though and I can hear him tutting whenever I make a cock up or do something in a way he wouldn't have approved of ! We frequently didn't see eye to eye but that doesn't mean that you don't miss them like hell when they're gone . Take care mate Dave
  2. :-o Look forward to that then Neil ! I'm already broke so it's just as well I didn't find them :-)
  3. Always wanted to learn hedgelaying properly . Couldn't give me that web address could you ............ :whistle:
  4. her history,.....well certainly since de-mob, that I've been told about, is that she is one of two, used in the film Battle of britain. Mine was used minus canvas and painted A/force blue,(there are still traces of blue overspray, and one of the bonnet undersides is blue,) she was shown 'in camera', in the shot after the bombing of the air field, when Susan Hampshire was helped into the back of it. (I've no reason to doubt this, unless anyone knows different. :-)) Would be great to find her wartime history, though. I remember the bit . I've got the dvd somewhere - have to have a look when i get a min . :-D
  5. Been a bit damp here in NE Essex but we've been lucky & got off really light. My heart goes out to those poor souls who have lost so much & not just material things which can be replaced eventually .
  6. The old girl is a real credit to you Andy . :tup:
  7. The BBC & newspapers expounding fiction I can believe....... But no Father Christmas....don't be silly now .
  8. I made my attempt today . Arrived in car park 8.30ish at which point the heavens opened . When it stopped I went & joined the queue to pay around 10 to 9 & the heavens opened again so I was a little damp by the time I got in ! Made my way round the stalls & on to the show proper trying to dodge the downpours but as Mark has already said the roads were 3" deep in liquid mud, the only green bits being the bits you couldn't walk on, the really busy bits were 6-9" of liquid goo . I managed to get round most but by no means all of it but & having reached the stage where my boots were filling with the water running out of my camo's & both phone & camera had rain in them I decided to give it best - Went to Johnsons & bought trousers & tee shirt to change into to drive home & made my soggy way back . Still a great show & I did have a quick chat with the boys from Essex Armour & Softskins and one or two other forumists on my travels . Didn't manage to find the Russian Trucks stand but that might be just as well ! Drying out with a curry & a glass of wine now . :whistle:
  9. He's a nice guy , known him since he was a small boy . But , it has to be said , as you & the article point out , he is a serving police officer . Call me and old cynic if you like but possibly the chances of him getting pulled by his colleagues are somewhat less than the likes of you and I , applicable regulations or no
  10. I remember seeing the very flat remains of a carrier which had been pulled out of the marshes on Fingringhoe firing range several years ago .Having been used for live fire target & spent however many years down in the salt it was a very sad little vehicle . Unfortunately I don't have a pic of it . Incidentally - the military manual for my snow trac refers to them as Weasel -I'd never heard them referred to by that name before I bought mine.
  11. How do you feel today Tim ? Does anyone know what the weather has been like there today ? Is everybody ok & not been washed away or drowned ? We seem to have been right on the edge of the storms and got off pretty light .
  12. Oh come on - you HAVE to have the finger-in-the-ear! I'm in a rock band & I frequently have the finger-in-the-ear . Mostly 'cos after mumble mumble mumble years I'm a bit deaf & can't hear the monitors . :-D
  13. Go to your Happy Place Tony.........and if you're in Tesco's car park you are assiciating with an evil retail machine dedicated to global domination anyway (according to our local vicar) My 80" was DBG but both look great depends if you know original history/service as to how it might have been I suppose.
  14. I'll have Rick's share of the choccies please . [And if there happens to be a spare girlie with an overwhelming need to take care of a sad old bloke..........] :hug:
  15. ESPECIALLY if the dancing girls are anywhere near . :-D
  16. Depends on how many wheels the Hoover has I suppose - anyone counted them lately ??
  17. Poor old girl must be loved by somebody else it would have gone to the scrappies long since . Lovely evocative pictures .
  18. Just caught the tail end of it but what I saw was very good . As Andy says , makes a change from the usual Stars-on-X-Factor-Wannbe crap.
  19. I won't name the club spoken of but in conversation with a mate this week I was told that the 'Them & Us' attitude is still very prevalent in his club - to the extent that he doubts he will renew his membership when it comes due . He tells me that if you are not one of the old established members you feel very much sidelined as various shows are referred to obliquely & it is taken as read that everybody knows where to go , when to arrive etc . And anyone with a PW vehicle is very much a second class citizen"oh yes , well , they're cheap aren't they ? No don't know anything about them ,they're not of any interest" etc etc etc . As has been said previously - if you happen to be afflicted with shyness (& I use that term advisedly) then it can be really hard to to make those first enquiries and to become a part of the group . Those who feel that it an unequal fight to become accepted may well have possessed talents and knowledge which could have been of great benefit to someone or everyone in the club at some future time had they been made more welcome .
  20. Brilliant . Well done Neil . I know your story is repeated up and down the country pre any show but you deserve some sort of medal ! Wish I could make it down there myself but - law of sod - having just found that I could actually get away sometime next week it's way too late to book myself in to the camping :-( . Have a great time .
  21. Well done Roadsure & congratulations Jack . Lets hope you get the GMC back together very very soon . Dave
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