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Everything posted by fordf30

  1. Hi there, will photo the bits on the weekend and send. Andy
  2. OOooooops, have a 4 pot cylinder head too ! Andy
  3. Hi, It looks like the gearbox is the same as on the Morris compressor truck including the extra drive bit, of which we have a spare if you are interested. PM me if you need one. Cheers, Andy
  4. Hi, Hagerty couldnt be better, good prices interested in the vehicles including those under restoration. Also, recovered my Ford f30 from france after normandy with no hassles at all ! Andy
  5. Hi Mike, Thanks for your help at W & P, look forward to next year ! I wil try to arrange similar time slots ! Hope all is OK after the flooding. Andy
  6. Hi there, Just to let you know, the Arena is longer at folkestone and plenty of space to get up speed in armour ! Also we had 2 large holes and bumps dug by those nice guys in the Cat and the Grader, its a pleasure watching them working, in fact a T34 and a Scammell both got stuck in the one nearest to Gammons Bar and impromtu recovery for the crowd was an additional benefit. By the way the Bus probably wont be there next year, but we will see. All the best, Andy Mitchell
  7. Looking at your thread, does anyone have an idea where I might find a 2 pounder for a Daimler Armoured Car ? Thanks, Andy
  8. Hi Folks, I just thought I would update ref my F30 prolem in Normandy. Now that W & P is over I have had the chance to strip the axle down and it turns out that the axle casing was CRACKED between the ball joint and the diff. You can see on close inspection that it had been cracked for for probably years judging by the rust marks. Totally invisible under the paint etc. One of those things I suppose with a 70 + year old truck and no real history. It will be back in action soon and in Holland in September for XXX Corps. __________________
  9. Hi Paul, I had a similar problem with my Canadian F30 with british engine, It took 6 months but eventually traced to a duff batch of NOS rotor arms. Try the Distributor Dr on line, v helpful and not expensive. Cheers, Andy
  10. Just a nudge tpo anyone with a carrier, we really would like to achiieve a record number of carriers this year !
  11. Hi Folks, I will be there chewing dust in the Arena as usual, only the series 3 this year ! F30 still a bit broken after normandy. Also all you track guys, we have a plan to shorten your arena return disctances so come out and play please ! Carrieres you have you own tiome on sat and sun I really want as many as we can get. See you all soon, Andy
  12. Hi there, Yes it was Ben and Peter who did the recovery, to be honest I just left them to as I have found that working in a team only gets messed about if others join in. It only took them about 45 minutes and no help from the Gendarmes, although we did check with them
  13. Unfortunately I had something of a catastrophic failure on my F30 in Normandy, the front right hand wheel station sheared off just after the flange and threw me into a ditch. Thanks to everybody who helped in the recovery. Once she's back home I will be able to work out what the failure was, but things point to CV joint disintegrating. The new problem is that she is supposed to be going on the XXX Corps run in September ! Maurice Donkers reckons he has the parts to replace, but if anyone in the UK has a front axle for a Ford F30 Laat ( small size ball joints same as 15 cwt) please let me know, it would be a real shame to not take her to Arnhem ! Thanks again everyone, Andy
  14. As I have more than a passing interest in Daimler Heavies now I came across this picture recently, and the only thing I can think of is that its towing a fuel bladder but then is ti since it seems to be floating. Anyone got any ideas ? (and or Daimler parts) Thanks, Andy
  15. I will point that out, I know that it will be shorter tahn last yaera as far as ai Know.
  16. Hi, it would be really nice to have a Loyd there in any way shape or form !
  17. just to let you know, the road now along the edge of the arena will be open excpet when battles are on and if we need to close it for safety reasons. In any case there should only be vehicles going to and from the Arean during the show if you read the exhibitors notes.
  18. Greetings all of you with big heavy wrecking toys, especially Mike ! We have fixed a time in the Arena at W & P this year at 1430 on Saturday and 1415 on Sunday for you to show off. That doesnt stop you coming in at other relevant times if you want to though! Mike, I have spoken with Rex and he will find you something big and heavy to play with, but could you contact him direct again via e-mail to arrange. We can talk through what you need to do and timings on site in July. Cheers chaps, Andy Mitchell.
  19. Afternoon all, We have arranged for an event at W & P for universal carriers and all their variants on Saturday at 1300 and Sunday at 1215. Windsors, Lloyds, Universals, Carden LLoyd, T16's all are welcome: when I first suggested this earlier in the year we seemed to have about 14 or 15 interested, but I hope we can do better. As far as I a can remember (over the past 25 years) we have never had a slot purely for the most numerous armoured vehicle built and felt that should change. So anyone who has a tracked carrier of any type, please come out and play ! I do know that we have one being shipped from Australia and one from Canada to take part at W & P so lets set a benchmark for others to try and reach. Also, just to let everyone know, the Arena Events are open to anyone with a vehicle relevant to the Arena heading, so please look at the programme when you arrive and come and show off ! Look forward to seeing many of you there. I will post this on MLU as well but please feel free to pass the info on to anyone who might be interested. Andy
  20. Hi Rick, Oh yes please all that British C armour at once and I would be right beside it in the Arena ! See you all there I hope ! Andy p.s. I will come back to you about the Daimler Heavy tyres soon I promise.
  21. Welcome, come to the W & P show if you dont already, pleanty of people to talk to there. I have just acquired whats left of 2 Daimler Heavy Armoured Cars so if any pets of those come your way let me know ! All the best, and keep looking after our history. Andy
  22. Hi Ian, I still have a K5 for sale up on milweb at the moment, looks like condition is porbably less rusty than yours ! Are you coming to Holland in September ? Andy
  23. Hi Ian, I still have a K% for sale up on milweb at the moment, looks like condition is porbably less rusty than yours ! Are you coming to Holland in September ? Andy
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