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Everything posted by andreadavide

  1. I've spent the best of my days of study in London between LSHTM and St Thomas' pathology dept (oh well....) The hospital was a nice and friendly place. I loved the piano in the hallway... (and the pub just close to it 8-) ) Andrea
  2. Fabbrica Italiana Ghiaccio Artificiale (Italian Artificial Ice Factory) Meaning of the Italian acronym on a postcard..... 8-) Andrea
  3. Calling SUV a Land Rover...... :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: Now go, wash your mouth with soap.... :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: Andrea
  4. Heat gun isn't the best idea as it may even warp panels (as if they were straight from start...). andrea
  5. Barry, that is the reason. Some further informations can be obtained here http://www.icrc.ch/Web/Eng/siteeng0.nsf/htmlall/p0778/$File/ICRC_002_0778.PDF!Open and especially here: http://www.icrc.ch/Web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/htmlall/emblem-model-law-110107/$File/Model%20law.emblem-0107_eng%20.pdf Hope this helps! Andrea
  6. There are two uses of the Red Cross: - Protection mark, under the Geneva conventions and additional protocols. - National Red Cross Society badge. The first one isn't regulated by the National Red Cross society but by the parts signatories of the conventions and the protocols (i.e. the governments). The Red Cross indicates personnell, materials and vehicles used for the relief of the wounded and sick on the battlefields (I convenction), on sea (II Convention), WPs (III convention) and civilian population (IV convention). This is the meaning of the Red Cross on a military vehicle and shows that the vehicle is neutral for all the duration of the conflict. The second use is a "de facto" trademark for a national association, which has a mixed background of a private association and an official representative of the Nation on certain grounds. The national red cross society mark on vehicles and equipments must be smaller. Therefore you aren't displaying the National Red Cross Society badge, but the Geneva Cross as stated by the relevant International Law, and even if the National Society complains, it's just the MOD or the Foreign Office that is entitled to decide about the display of the Red Cross on HMVs. However common sense says that Joe Public doesn't know about these technicalities and can mistake your vehicle for a legitimate ambulance or a promotional vehicle of the BRC (if you are in the UK). This may lead to some funny or serious (i.e. in the event of a RTA) misunderstandings. My humble opinion is that, while we are all entitled to display the Red Cross for historic purposes on shows and reenactements, some caution should be used on the everyday use of our vehicles. Please excuse me for the poor typing and construction of sentences, but I hadn't time enough to polish my post. Andrea (Capt. Italian Armed Forces - International Humanitarian Law instructor)
  7. Sorry for the lack of a translation. The rethoric style cannot be rendered completely in English. It's the Supreme Headquarter Bullettin of November 4th 1918. Andrea
  8. Comando Supremo, 4 Novembre 1918, ore 12 La guerra contro l'Austria-Ungheria che, sotto l'alta guida di S.M. il Re, duce supremo, l'Esercito Italiano, inferiore per numero e per mezzi, iniziò il 24 Maggio 1915 e con fede incrollabile e tenace valore condusse ininterrotta ed asprissima per 41 mesi è vinta. La gigantesca battaglia ingaggiata il 24 dello scorso Ottobre ed alla quale prendevano parte cinquantuna divisioni italiane, tre britanniche, due francesi, una cecoslovacca ed un reggimento americano, contro settantatre divisioni austroungariche, è finita. La fulminea e arditissima avanzata del XXIX corpo d'armata su Trento, sbarrando le vie della ritirata alle armate nemiche del Trentino, travolte ad occidente dalle truppe della VII armata e ad oriente da quelle della I, VI e IV, ha determinato ieri lo sfacelo totale della fronte avversaria. Dal Brenta al Torre l'irresistibile slancio della XII, dell'VIII, della X armata e delle divisioni di cavalleria, ricaccia sempre più indietro il nemico fuggente. Nella pianura, S.A.R. il Duca d'Aosta avanza rapidamente alla testa della sua invitta III armata, anelante di ritornare sulle posizioni da essa già vittoriosamente conquistate, che mai aveva perdute. L'Esercito Austro-Ungarico è annientato: esso ha subito perdite gravissime nell'accanita resistenza dei primi giorni e nell'inseguimento ha perdute quantità ingentissime di materiale di ogni sorta e pressoché per intero i suoi magazzini e i depositi. Ha lasciato finora nelle nostre mani circa trecento mila prigionieri con interi stati maggiori e non meno di cinque mila cannoni. I resti di quello che fu uno dei più potenti eserciti del mondo risalgono in disordine e senza speranza le valli, che avevano disceso con orgogliosa sicurezza. Diaz
  9. What kind of bike are you selling? Andrea
  10. The battle of Agincourt is also reported to be the birthplace of the "two fingers" . Andrea
  11. http://www.gtr.co.uk/forum/upload/82089-never-trust-sat-nav.html Andrea
  12. Sorry to disappoint everyone. The antitank Vespa was made by the French branch of Piaggio and adopted by the French army. The Italian army has always had the commonsense of avoiding Vespas There is one on display at the Piaggio museum near Pisa. I'll post a pic ASAP. Andrea
  13. Suppostorium applicator? :shake:
  14. And it's displayed correctly, too! (most of hotels in Tuscany manage to fly the Union Jack upside down) Once I told a friend hotel manager who is the only one to fly the Union Jack correctly and he replied that, as a Scout he knows by heart the chapter od Scouting for Boys dealing with the topic.... Andrea
  15. Someone may actually enjoy this....... :evil: :evil:
  16. Does HMCF accept contemporary (i.e. 1995 issue) military bikes? I have one. Andrea
  17. I'd rather give them address and bank details of one of the robbers... ehm... clamping fine collectors you have there in UK..... 8-) Andrea
  18. Sandbag is her codename due to her role when offroading..... 8-) Andrea
  19. Hello and welcome! Have yopu been in the Nordbat by chance? Andrea
  20. This would look credible on your Jeep project. Sandbag is in the agricoltural machines business and she knows about prices of offroad vehicles.... Andrea
  21. I would really love the Iltis, but wife wouldn't let me spend 2,200 quid..... 8-( Andrea
  22. Alas, the good old Italian Lira (you needed 3,500 of them to make a UK pound) was swapped for euro five years ago, otherwise it would have been a good idea. Now I am waiting for the proforma invoice to be sent, on the name and office address of the head of Computer Crime unit of our police..... 8-) Andrea
  23. This isn't a Land Rover problem, it's a Land rover feature. Andrea
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