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Everything posted by Rangie

  1. Well that's a new one on me, potato flour!!! I presume the bleaching part of the process is still the same, to ensure the whiteness?? As you say, replace Beets with Potatoes..... Alec.
  2. Agreed, It's a pretty standard de-hulling (or macerating), cleaning and bleaching (and/or grinding) process. The Rasper would tend to suggest Sugar Beet Root processing - tearing and macerating, with the settling tanks used for flocculation or raw sugar juice or the first stage of molasses extraction. You said earlier, however that it has nothing to do with sugar processing. The auger and bolter would tend to suggest post-1780 a-la Oliver Evans, flat belts were used until the 1930s (proven technology and useful for bucket elevators before air ejectors were adopted). The sketch would tend to suggest around the 1830 to 1900 mark though. Grinders were used for simplicity/cheapness but you can't beat stone or roller-grinding for flour. However I don't think flour/meal was intended here, unless in a lower grade (if army, that could well be the case), it looks more like pulp/waste processing. Again if beets were involved I would say its for producing feed/fodder for animals. Hmm...... :nut: That's my tuppenceworth, 'm going to go and lie in a dark room now, this is bothering me..... Alec.
  3. Looks like a Rice Mill to me, it could certainly be used for the purpose...... Alec.
  4. Rangie


    Well, I've done the CDM Regs/MEWP Training/Various others and as per their guidance, its 9m horizontal from the pole for cables on normal wooden poles or 15m on steel pylons. This goes for people, cherrypicker baskets and anything else conductive!! This is a wee bit contradictory as the minimum heights for respective cables above the ground, taking into account the droop between poles are 7.2m for 400kV, 7m for 235kV, 6.7m for 132kV and 5.2m for 33kV and lower. Considering a telehandler's reach, or the height of a fully stacked bale trailer, the propensity for a f@@k up can be considered high!! In practice, just keep the hell away, minimum 10m, 20m better...... Just one of the fires I have to fight on a regular basis, don't even mention earth bonding of scaffolding :argh: Mind you, that's only guidance (but try arguing it in a court of law..... :angel:) Just wear rubber boots and a pair of marigolds and you'll be fine :cool2: Alec. http://www.hse.gov.uk/electricity/information/overhead.htm
  5. Like the look of that! Go on Guinea-(Humber)Pig Elliot, give it a whirl and report back please Alec.
  6. Good job you found out before you fitted the Trakmark!! :shocked: I too have used evostick, but applied with a 4" roller. It left enough of a lick to adhere to but not so much it glooped down. No, it wasn't an excuse to get high, we were applying plastic signs to steel panels inside stores/workshops. Some were laminated expanded foam and others just hard plastic. They got pretty hot but none came down, the workshops were demolished before they fell off, circa 8 years....... Largest was about 3 foot by 4, smallest about 10" square. Good question though, wonder if there is anything better.......... Alec.
  7. Great to see you sticking your head over the parapet! Watch out for friendly fire.... Alec.
  8. Rangie

    WW2 Welding

    I also have a morbid fascination in most things mechanical/metallurgical If you get the chance I can wholeheartedly recommend "Until the Sea shall free them" by Robert Frump. An astonishing read, written at a reasonably technical/factual level about the American Merchant Marine service after WW2 and their "recycling" of vessels. Culminating in the sinking of the Marine Electric in 1983. Alec. Found link on amazon...... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Until-Sea-Shall-Free-Them/dp/1591142849
  9. RS then :-D 1289 Battery 221-204 http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/speciality-size-batteries/0221204/ C Battery 451-855 http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/c-batteries/0451855/ C Holder 114-1683 http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/battery-holders-mounts/1141635/ Worth a go, at 2 pounds its worth a punt to see if it fits the hole.... :cool2: Alkalines though, you don't see may Zinc Carbons these days. For your purposes they'll do no probs. As with all batteries in test gear, DON'T fit and forget, have a peek at them occasionally to make sure they look good. Alec.
  10. A pair of 4.5V 1289's on the left. On the right, the wire is for the 1.5V cell. It was a common battery in test gear (An R1662), with a positive brass terminal on the middle of the top and a black negative wire poking out the top corner. Take the link wire and use one end of it to connect the +ve to the cell and connect in the -ve black flying lead to the other...... Now, have a hunt around Maplin/RS and find solder-tabbed 1.5V cells (C Cell), and solder flying leads onto it and hey presto, connect it in! When we were still using one (we had a few Avo8 for testing some gear but had one Avo7 and a Multi-Minor for posterity), we couldn't get that little battery latterly so I dissected one!! Inside was effectively mounted a C cell, replace that and off it went for another year until we changed it out of routine.... :-D The maintenance regime was kinda daft, change batteries annually. They were used for reference voltages instead of constant-voltage generators as it was seen as a more rugged and basic solution back in the day. A few milli/microamps were then drawn during the actual resistance test. A battery could last 10 years!!! :shocked: Hence why you should always "Zero" an ohmmeter, it's actually setting the base current for the future measurements, when the battery is flat it won't even have the energy to deflect the needle!! :-D Again, for these reasons you should use Zinc-Carbon Batteries instead of Alkaline ones to get more stable results. Blue Ever-Readys instead of Red ones, remember them?? :cool2: Pictures of the beasties: (found on t'interweb) Alec.
  11. The 7 Mk2 uses a 9v 1M resistance circuit and a 1.5v 10K circuit. The batteries are in part to power the circuit but mainly there for biasing purposes. From memory its a pair of the old flat 4.5V torch batteries with the long brass connectors, 1289 rings a bell. We used to solder on a couple of stud connectors and upgrade to a PP7 or PP9, commonly available from the main stores! :-D They used a fair mix of batteries over the years, not to mention the 22.5V cells used in Avo8's and Panclimatics!! Alec.
  12. I've always had good experiences with Blanchard's. Quick, efficient, knowledgeable. My ambulances came through there, as well as any military landrover related gear. New parts and reclaimed parts both of good quality and fair value. Some things aren't bargains but they're certainly on the money value wise. Alec.
  13. Hi Folks, Does anyone know what model of Smoke Bombs were used with some of the Shorland APCs? I don't know if they were the quite common No.80, or another variant specific to these devices? The sizes stated appear to vary greatly whilst searching the net. I would really like to get an expended/deac/drill variant for showing with the vehicle! I am also looking for a set of rubber caps to suit such dischargers, 64mm nominal I/D. I will be displaying a set of Dummy types out and about. I have one set of caps but they are far too big, 75-80mm Nominal I/D, must be for another variant. Alec.
  14. Sorry to revive a thread from the dead! :cool2: Having difficulty picturing the sequence of operations for loading/firing a grenade. Pull the pin, stick it in? :nut: Won't that handle have to come off first? How does the electrically-discharged side of things work? Alec.
  15. Ahaa, was that where the famous AF Budge was? Could be, I'll ask the previous owner, may just jog his memory..... Cheers for a possible lead! :-D Alec.
  16. Hi All, Just rooting around for history of my Shorland. The previous owner bought it from a Dealer/Distributor type in Retford, Notts in approx 1994/5. Anybody any clue who that may have been? PO cannot recall. MV Dealer or just a purveyor of unusual equipment :-D Any ideas gratefully received.... Alec.
  17. Ah, a pair of Irish C's in the forum............. :cool2: :-D Alec.
  18. Hi, welcome to the forum! If you care to have a nose around the technical section, or even a search for "all charged up", Clive Elliott has written a pretty exhaustive tomb on the subject. A wealth of information!! :-D Alec.
  19. Welcome to the forum! Source of many bad ideas for the bank balance...... That's my favourite kind of vehicle list....... Alec.
  20. Hello, welcome to the site! We love pictures...... Can't get enough!! Let's see your beast! Any experience of Shorlands by the way..........? Just fishing..... Alec.
  21. Do I smell a Bro-mance blossoming? :laugh: Alec
  22. Hi, 25 pounds was the last fee I paid. Payment was via personal cheque. The address/telephone number is on the application form, they may be able to accept another payment option. Give em a ring, nothing to loose! Alec.
  23. Hi Folks, Are Deepcut still the contact for obtaining Vehicle Cards? I had a vague recollection that the service may have passed into other hands........ Alec.
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