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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. A DAF would be great - don't tempt me. I love them..... Anywayzzz - here is another batch. The main event is getting closer, and I'm still sorting out my library at home - (ie a huge pile of cds - some of which don't run - I have to rescan all my negs from 2000/2001 period - the joy of it all....) Hope you like this batch. BTW - who IS in the Dingo. I'm clueless. Adrian Barrell appears in his artillery tractor in this lot....hope he doesn't mind..one of my favourite mvs.. The shot of Pip Biddlecombe's Stuart means a lot to me - my first CMV centre spread..
  2. Just don''t try to do too much straight away. Conserve your energy, your beer money; your toys money and prepare for extremes of weather. If you like to party then it is the place. If you don't then try to find somewhere quiet. Have fun. MB
  3. Hello folks, In my capacity as member of the gutter press and all round parasite I am taking the opportunity to get a proper idea who is definitely Bolero bound and what you are bringing along. I'll be honest, I want to get an idea who I need to snap (as many HMVF chaps as poss - is the plan) and who might be willing to allow me to fill a seat/bit of floor so I can snap the convoys properly for CMV - - No pee take involved, I am not making any demands. I don't want to use my car - it won't fit in - but will do if necessary... I have even gone to the trouble of acquring some plain green trousers for the occasion. There are other HMVF members coming to sunny Suffolk who may also be shy of a ride. Hopefully we can all fit in. I've not got a ticket for the dance - no duds and no dancing feet - but if you want snaps of yourselves in full bib and tucker let me know. The rest of us will be looking for a Little Chef or Wimpy Bar, I presume....... Gawd knows where I'll be charging the camera batteries.... Mark B
  4. Nor do I! (unless Jack is bringing his truck - I've been off air and am just catching up. We'll get by. There must be someone who'll let you ride in the back. mb
  5. John Keep Your Big End Up! Snapper
  6. It's not a Ford GTB is it??? check last month's CMV?????? Sounds a bit like one to me. If so and it is in good nick then perhaps Tony Corbin, who is an HMVF regular can offer a comment.
  7. Greetings, There is more to life than Beltring, but not if you are my fourteen year old son; who can't waiit and he won't wait for the great week to arrive - I know some of you stay longer - but I need to stay married. This lot are all from early 2000s shows and a few frames from earlier. The DAF is a motor I would definitely like to own. Not so sure about the Trabant - but it might be fun. I've always wanted to snap one of the Alfa Romeo jeeps - but they never come in the arena. I do have a shot of one cruising the Americas field - but it ain't no classic. Whether any of these snaps are is a moot point. If you want to see a decent snappers work - have a look at Nick Halling's site. Have a good weekend....
  8. this all sounds a bit masonic to me...
  9. Looks great. If I ever go down the LR route, this is the beast. Infact as soon as the Barnes funds are topped up to a decent level in the next year/eighteen months - the Iltis will go and I will try something else. A lighweight is a possibility, along with a Weapons Carrier, MUTT, a DAF 128 or any of the PW Volvos. Depends how much SWMBOAAC allows me to spend (once I've paid her back for the Iltis).
  10. Spongebob lives.......Any sign of The Hoff?
  11. It would be a brave soul who would operate one on the MV scene in German style, given the paucity. Mind you, if someone were to convert an old garage recovery motor back to MV standard it would be an interesting project. Trying to think how many of them I've seen, though!.........
  12. Nought amiss with the NLBA. They're from North London (perfection), they're an army and they're Barmy. Whats not to like? I sat at a post Beltring celebratory dinner table with two of them last autumn. Quiet as church mouses, they were.
  13. Jack - I haven't got a ticket for the dance - but wondered if the gutter press are allowed to snap the guests. Regardless of this, I wiil happily join you for a darjeeling and a snorker somewhere in sunny Suffolk. As yapped, I will not get to Parham until early Friday AM. So I'd be more than happy to see Friday as an HMVF knees up of some sort. And to REPEAT dear chums, I do not really want to sour the convoy with my Toyota and would appreciate it if participants will allow me to hitch along the route to do the snaps and chats for CMV. I solemnly promise to wear a green shirt of some sort and green trousers of indetermined length. No happy Hawaii and no Beltring press team red tops. I'll save them for another fine Mess.....Remember, my legs can be reviewed in this month's CMV.
  14. The Tankograd book on British vehicles in German service is a gem. I think they are putting another one together on North Africa.
  15. Is the Duke of Normandy closer to Farmer Giles than he cares to concede. We did actually consider making some cammo cushions for the Iltis - but they'd triple the value of the vehicle (like the day I left my laptop in my Renault 5). I don't blame anyone for trying to be comfy in their wagon. At some time in our lives most blokes may have resort to the Order of The Pink Cushion. Amen.
  16. I seem to have allowed the Order of the Pink Cushion to pass me by. My question is - does the cushion have any significance to the Rockford Files?
  17. Nicely done. I still haven't managed to get to Hill 60. Mad. But the Salient has so much, I will get their eventually. At one time there was a museum and a cafe. All since gone. When you read the old guides it is sad to see how many things have disappeared. At some point I'll start posting more pix from Flanders and the Somme, etc on this site. It is easy to get caught up in the Normandy thing because it is so huge but there is another world beyond it. Watch this space....
  18. amazing....I NEVER find such bargains......
  19. You're no lightweight.... I wish my Mrs would come - but she thinks we're all strange.... I hope to get round everyone. I hope to be able to use the Iltis for this. I've only got an orange pass for it - but the infamous Press Team t-shirts may help. My old legs only have so much energy these days. If you've seen CMV then you have an approximate idea what I look like. My brother-in-law said the last time he saw legs like that they were on a piano. Maybe so but it plays a lovely tune. Highway to Hell by ACDC. We'll see how things pan out. I'm hoping to get a snapping job done this weekend to provide the beer money. We live in hope. Office furniture has its merits. Roll on Beltring, I love it.... but Bolero is next. MB
  20. finally.... Hope you enjoyed this lot. Tons more from Beltring close at hand if required..................
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