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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Snapper

    Sniper One

    This book was serialised in a tabloid newspaper. Tony - do us a review when your done with a snap of the cover and we'll stick it up front. Ta in advance MB :-D
  2. Yes please. Let us know if you have anything, old or new, you wish to highlight. This applies to positive and negative views on products. They all count.
  3. He's had to go part time since a terrible incident at the Bar Tread disco which then spread into the clubhouse just after midnight. The vol-au-vents were all over the floor and we need a whole set of new fire extinguishers in the games room. Messy. Welcome Dave and Tasha. Sanity may be optional; but you will need to be able to suspend reality much of the time. Marigolds are in the cupboard next to the gun cabinet. MB
  4. Cheers Tim. I think we need to post this up front with the other reviews....Perhaps His Jackness could comment (well, we know that - but on this specifically). MB
  5. I like a side issue. So here's one. The father of a good friend of mine spent his war doing clever stuff, although he was always in uniform. He has the brain the size of a planet. The army made him learn Mandarin in a couple of months and then Russian. He spent a lot of time mucking about with signals and stuff. After the war he worked his way up to being a prof of some sort at Oxford and two of his colleagues were JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis. He only describes Tolkien as being a "Very odd man". I think he had a bit more time for Lewis, but thought they were both bonkers.
  6. True. I can't remember the owner; but it may have been Bob Flemming, running a Leopard at the Hop Farm yonks ago and the announcer telling us that the tracks cost 50k a set. How true is that...(open question)..??
  7. Moderator here requesting we don't go too :offtopic: But - being a mouthy soul - I hope I speak for some/all with this point. Being a townie I am ignorant about the realities of animal management (except for two cats). I have strong views about the countryside - here's the main one: I don't agree with town and city people passing judgement on something they know uckfall about. And thus I am sure we all sympathise with the people and animals suffering because of this mess and hope HMG will actually do something the farming community can take comfort in. Here endeth the lesson.
  8. Good question. I've seen that superb Tankograd book on British vehicles in Nazi service - but dunno if there is an opposite version anywhere. It's always good to see snaps and although we are primarily a MV site - I'm sure we all agree that any relevant pix you may have and want to share will be welcomed. MB
  9. Ok, I'm only a moderator, so I know bugger all about spiders except those my wife has me remove from the house at silly hours of the flipping night or as the olde worlde name for bungee cords when I were a nipper. Does this mean this shows where the search engine wallers are accessing the site??? As for 101s - love them. Want one. But the "want one" list is, shall we say - a tad long and the money and storage reality, is a tad minimal. I've got plenty of storage for spiders however - and a mate of mine has a tarantula - a dead one, in a case. Funny bloke.
  10. What a tragedy, in every respect, on Battle of Britain Day. God bless the pilot. RIP.
  11. Looks like for a warhead or stage of a missile of some sort????
  12. Thanks to (a) Rupert my nightshifts seem to always clash with potential days out, WFA and MVT meetings and gatherings of Legra which is a hapless band of anarchy/curry/kebab/alcohol devotees from Leigh On Sea.
  13. Top quality name if I may say so. Could be worse you could be, I dunno,...a Jack. But seriously; belated welcome from me to the centre of the universe. Nice to see you're already advising bloody students how to mess the place up. You are going to fit in nicely. MB
  14. The Scottish branch is growing. Good. Welcome to the forum. Don't think I've been to your place - but know Gifford and Haddington and have been a bit further down to Duns to see the Jim Clark Room (years ago). Hoping to get to Scotland in 08 for the first time in a ten years. Lots of people to see. See that the new HMVF Bar Grip nite spot is now open and serving drinks in the extended happy hour. There's no smoking allowed in the bar, but that never stopped Jack after a few beers and some pork scratchings. Gas, Gas, Gas- if you know what I mean. Run to the hills - well, actually; you're already there aren't you! MB
  15. I think this raid is covered in the biography of Anders Lassen, the fearless Dane who won a posthumous VC in 1944 in Italy. I think he was on this raid, which as Tony says included the death of a German soldier who was tied up.
  16. kebabs on the way home,,, I always get the hiccups, though. Mind you last time it was all the fault of the cider at the Rochford beer festival. I fell down an embankment and got covered in mud. Much amusement from the queue at Stavros's place. Not much amusement from the boss when I got home. Ah but, she wants to come along this year. She's a lovely little thinker but a bugger when she's pi55ed - so the song goes. Jack's Full General Monty sounds ugly. See you at the bar.
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