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Everything posted by rambo1969

  1. Mrs rambo bought me a tom tom, the only thing it's any good for is speed cameras! It trys to send me up one way streets/no right/left turn etc etc. Thier maps are so out of date!
  2. That was my mate alan, I did it for him, all the advantages of a hard top with the look of a soft top.
  3. He was a top bloke, my thoughts are with his family.
  4. I got a computer off mrs rambo, enough aftershave/deoderant and shower gel to last the year! My sister got me a printer for comp and some small wind up torches which are brilliant! Come on guys, what did you get!
  5. Blimey! how did you get so close to the ordenace!
  6. Thats a nice boat! Maybe a HMVF jolly boys outing to holland in it next year! after all, you do look like uncle albert!:-D
  7. U turns on the headboard? When I get mine cut I could save some for you jack
  8. Sod the organic! we want loads of calories! My cakes are organic though jack(judging by the mould in my kitchen!)
  9. Stick a pair of range rover diffs in it, did mine and what a difference!
  10. I did'nt watch it as I KNEW it would wind me up!
  11. I'm thinking of becoming a bus driver, regular money and paid holidays. Anyone on here drive a bus?
  12. Mine comes from the drivers at work, they all call me rambo! (and they salute me as well!)
  13. As alot of you know, i'm a private hire driver in london. The last 4 weeks have been the worst I have had in earnings since I can remember. Very worrying as london is normally reccession proof. I'm going to have to pick my shows carefully next year as I think money is going to be very tight. Do you think you will be cutting down on show's next year?
  14. Gonna get the boys reg's this weekend for you. Nice chicken pie for you.
  15. When I read the title I thought we were talking about catweazle:-D
  16. I'm sure my dad gets his from the local newsagent who orders it for him.
  17. 89.9 in a couple of london garages.
  18. I'm not ashamed to say that the video brought a tear to my eye.
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