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Everything posted by montie

  1. You are right Richard, thanks for your interest! It is winter over here and quite chilly outside by the time I get home in the evenings, so very little productive work going on at the moment. I had my nephew, an earthmoving equipment dieselmech, troubleshoot the lack of power steering on the sarry. He opened the steering box and guess what!? More silicon found in the internals. He cleaned it up a bit, reassembled, and adjusted one of the valves, it reacts a bit better to the one side but turning to the other side is still bad. I guess both the valves will also have to come out, be cleaned and checked before we can go much further on this challenge. It took some figuring out from the drawing on how the power steering operates, the design does seem quite simple with the system relying on back pressure to get the job done! Another big job still outstanding is the centre bevelbox on the left side, it is leaking oil badly. I have already purchased the seals but don't look forward to removing the drive shafts for access, remembering the hassles on the driver's right hand side! I hate to think that the fuel tank might have to come out again. This much said, the gearbox is closed up but the panels not reinstalled for this reason. Come summer, there will be (several) late nights again!
  2. Please put up some pics of your sarry, man!
  3. Hi Clive, I am trying to put together a list of sarrys, with pictures if possible and none of the numbers you listed featured on the list I have! Not really Sherlock, am I?. Please put up the info nonetheless as I am sure a lot of people will find it interesting. Something odd I picked up was a duplicate registration number (32 BA 52), of a picture on the internet and the other I took down from one of the South African Saracens. Could have been written down incorrectly from the sarry but I doubt it. I going through my photos to try and pick up the picture. 32BA39 Saracen 28 Gurkha Transport Regt Hong Kong 32BA42 Saracen APC Hong Kong 32BA52 Saracen ACV Unknown 32BA52 Saracen Mark 3SA Saracen 88 32BA56 Saracen Clive Elliott 32BA57 Saracen Clive Elliott 32BA60 Saracen
  4. Hi Mettlen, I remember this number as it is so close to the one I have (69BA67) and when equiring from the tank museum, I got a copy of yor Saracens history card. I could have posted it before but here goes. I unfortunately don't have any other info on it though.
  5. Careful with the oil used in the different gearboxes! All tranfer and bevel boxes can use Hypoid but only the GL4 version, GL5 seems to negatively affect the brass components. The main gearbox does not use the same oil as it is friction-dependant similar to an autobox. Do a search on the forum, here are quite a couple of posts on the issue. Clive and Richard are both walking encyclopedias!
  6. Hi and welcome, go with the saracen but a lot would warn you against it. I prefer them.
  7. Hi Scott, very welcome from a fellow Saracen owner! Post some pics please! I dont have your vehicle on the Saracen register that I am busy with and would like to include it. The 05BA06 number looks very weird though?
  8. Another Cobraman! Your's original? I'm stuck with a replica. Sorry about the landy, though!
  9. This will 'p" me off too! Take as many pics as you like but selling it? No!!!
  10. Welcome to the forum. You sound like a second "me"! Enjoy and please post lots of pics! I am jealous regarding the Mog!
  11. Welcome sir, may you spend many hours browsing the info on here!
  12. Welcome, hope the sale goes through!
  13. And like me, I end up with gorilla welding, ugly but strong!:red:
  14. You are making good progress, keep going! Special tools! After a while you will wonder (if you suffer from old age like me), "where the heck did that work?"
  15. Good to see you back in action, one of these days you will be driving again!
  16. Welcome, you picked quite a challenge! You can have a look at this lot. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?19274-South-African-MV-Scrapyard-finds
  17. You are making very good progress!
  18. Welcome! I can only echo the querie about pics.
  19. No, the number on your vehicle is probably the civilian registration number, the army vehicle registration number normally has two figures, then BA and an additional two figures as in the case below. On this plate it is referred to as the hull number. On this reply it was clarified somewhat: "96BA67 is the UK MoD registration number. I suggest you get in touch with the Tank Museum Library (http://www.tankmuseum.org/) and get hold of the history card. This will show when it was sold off, and who to." This plate is normally found under the side escape panel on the lefthand side of the vehicle, I hope yours is still there. There should also be aditional numbers which was utilised at the Alvis factory, this number could be found stamped on a variety of components and on a plate just above the rear doors, in this particular case the vehicle is Alv 721. There is also a thread somewhere on the British Vehicles forum about these elusive vehicle numbers. I will have a look for it. On the escape door latches, it would for example be, NS721 (Near side) or OS721 (Off side). This would only be true if the doors have not been swopped around with those from other vehicles. I am also busy on a Saracen register, hence my interest. Happy searching!
  20. You do have a lot of work! Do you have the vehicle registration number for your Saracen?
  21. Welcome to the forum! Yeah, you are going to have some good times and some bad ones, looking forward to sharing them with you. A couple of stolley rebuilds on the forum!
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