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FV601 (R.I.P.)

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Everything posted by FV601 (R.I.P.)

  1. Good to see that the forum is spreading far and wide Welcome to the madhouse :evil:
  2. Welcome to the madhouse David You'll love it here especially being ex-forces as there are a lot here Wonder if you used to be a Redcap? :roll:
  3. Entschuldigen Sie mich Roland, aber ich scheine, etwas in der Übersetzung zu verpassen. Es könnte ich gut sein, wie ich meine Sprachsachkenntnisse in ziemlich vielen Jahren nicht verwendet habe.
  4. Wundervoll, kann ich meine deutsche Grammatik jetzt üben :-)
  5. Rob Not 100% sure yet mate but might be convoying up like last time. Dont think they will let us have the entire ferry again but who knows :roll: Will let you know more when I do.
  6. Hey mate here's one for you http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ex-armt-trailer_W0QQitemZ180084752868QQihZ008QQcategoryZ122309QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Bloody cheap at the moment
  7. Hey Roland Good to see you here mate, its a good place to hang out with some friendly faces and knowledgable ones as well :-D Dont mind Jack though :whistle:
  8. "DUKW suffers heart attack after seeing Neil's Stolly swim " Rex Ward called to scene to administer first aid When asked to comment DUKW replied " I just could'nt believe my eyes and then there was a blinding pain and I was on my back" DUKW now undergoing tests to see if any hallucegenic drugs had been ingested before the event. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
  9. You should see that happen in a Saladin :schocked: Talk about fireworks :evil: :evil:
  10. Going to need crew in the Sally as well Ian Steve might be going but its Leslie's birthday and even though she has said its OK ...............well you know
  11. Neil I would suggest you mail either Preston or Major Whatley as there has been some mix ups and your details may have gone astray.
  12. Good to have you aboard Clive And great links BTW :-)
  13. Welllllllllllllllll I just happen to know of one thats coming from Essex :whistle: You must have missed the original request by Preston Issac in Autumns Windscreen. As far as I know there are a few of us from the Essex area going. 3 days logisitics and rehersals and 1 day for the Pageant itself. Apparently it will be televised as well as DVD's being available. Will be good by all accounts
  14. Much as i would have liked to my scanner is defunct so it was not an option Looks like you guys are going to have to shell out a few shekels and employ a team of bloodhounds to hunt a copy down. Come to think of it perhaps I should try and grab another so I can frame it :whistle:
  15. Of course its worth the wait Jack You finally get to see my handsome countenance in print :whistle: That and of course my excellent vehicle in brilliant sunlight :schocked: (Boy am I glad you used that filter John)
  16. Simple way to find out Buy another compression tester Damn sight cheaper than a replacement engine Seriously though it might be no more than valves not seating correctly and your losing compression that way. Do you get any evidence of over run or pinking? if so you might just need a decoke
  17. Well you could always go Lee's route Clive Use the dishwasher :evil: :evil: I speak from first hand knowledge of watching him load it up with the brake calipers from the Fox as well as other bits and pieces. Only thing to remember is not to put rinse aid in or all those matt surfaces start to gleam :whistle:
  18. Indeed Neil :-D Got to love that Beltring Dust, it gets everywhere and I mean everywhere :whistle:
  19. Great picture of Lee doing his "Meercat" impression after the arena at Beltring.
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