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FV601 (R.I.P.)

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Everything posted by FV601 (R.I.P.)

  1. Yes Richard it is, noted by the .50 cal spotter rifle on top.
  2. Easy answer to that one Richard Buy a bigger shed :whistle:
  3. Need to speak with Carl at C&C as he had that up for sale last year. Not sure if he still has it but it will fit behind the garden shed ................or is that barn? can never seem to get those two right :roll:
  4. Looks at Neil and chuckles And which June are we talking about mate? :roll: I'm supposedly in for surgery in March for my medical weight gain and they dont see me starting to lose the weight until at least mid June. As much as its a pain in the A being big and trying to fit in armour it can be done, even with my bulk I can get in and out of a Scorp (only if it doesnt have the drivers periscope fitted mind) That aside though, Soviet armour does appear to have some room in the driving position at least. Why not go for something like this http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e211/Daemon1/b.jpg[/img] Would probably be a better bet and would keep SWMBO happy as it doesn't come with a gun
  5. No worries mate .......was just wondering was all 8-) Tend to believe Bovvy and the records more than a generalisation anyway :whistle:
  6. Hi Richard Am finding a little disparity with the list regarding my Saladin. Date in service is 1967 but if one goes by the reg number it should have been 1965 Any ideas mate?
  7. Hey TR You weren't part of the LSD programme back in the 60's were you? :whistle:
  8. Will be speaking with one of our lads with a 432 tomorrow regarding using his vehicle for the test, and have a couple of locations in mind if we are allowed to take it off road. Will report back when I know more. BTW did anyone find out if the test has to be taken on the road? Reason I ask is that when taking the test at Duxford the members there take it on the airfield (actually at the back of the Land Warfare Hall).
  9. Hi Adrian This has been the crux of this thread throughout in all honesty, however its been sidetracked and hijacked on occasion and even waxed poetic on other occasions :roll: Would agree with you wholeheartedly re the anti PW organisers and has been said by others, when they place such shows under the guise of being MVT affiliated or associated is when the PW side of the club feel left out on a limb. I guess that in some way it is done to avail themselves of the MVT public liability insurance, but then again as ALL MVT members pay for that in their subscriptions once again it seems a little one sided.
  10. At Last a head to match my stomach :tongue:
  11. Well fast for Neil, Mark :evil: :evil: :evil: :whistle: Just so happens it might be Neil as well as a certain Saracen owner also, Looks like Essex just scored a hat trick :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:
  12. Welcome to the Madhouse Grumpy ;-) Good pic's and a good choice of vehicles I know someone who will be pleased with your Militant as well as the Tatra as he regrets getting rid of his Militant a couple of years ago. You will have to get together with Artist Rifles re the clutch change on the Stolly as he is having problems with his clutch at the moment and would be glad of any assistance you could offer.
  13. Not a problem Adrian Thats the headache with the written word, can't get the right expression into it sometimes and so leads to misunderstandings. Catch you later mate.
  14. Comment wasn't meant as a gripe Adrian, just an observation is all. I have no doubt as to the abilities of Jaques and quite rightly as you say its his money so he can do what he wishes with it. Sorry if you thought otherwise
  15. AHEM!!!!!! Considering that these issues were brought to our Area Secratary over 2 years ago now and were also brought to the attention of the CoM members in an email to all members, I personally would have thought that some comment either in Windscreen or by return email would have been forthcoming. I would also add that the above comments from an Area Secratary of the MVT do not serve to aleviate the feelings shown by the persons commented upon. Like it or not Clive they are fully paid up members and are disgruntled with how things are, and not getting a response from those in authority does nothing to ease that disgruntledment. Whether that response is in the positive or negative to their feelings doesn't really come into it, but a response either way would be more than what has happened so far. As for attending CoM meeting, been there, done that, and will probably do it again. The issue? Well lets take a look at just whats been said here alone, surely that can be seen as certain members feeling pretty strongly about it. There again though perhaps there are countless other people out there that feel they are banging their heads against a brick wall in regards to this and have walked away from either the issue or the MVT. Makes one think doesn't it
  16. Check out the cover shot What a beauty :evil:
  17. Tend to do it in smaller groups Richard, mainly because working on Armour is a little restrictive anyway. But agree it is indeed a good idea especially when one doesn't have the neccessary skills (eg. welding). I try and aid Lee as much as poss as he does me especially when it comes to those awkward to reach places. :evil:
  18. Just goes to show you can restore just about anything if you throw enough money at it. Much prefered the Comet one as at least the lads are doing it off their own back. That said it is still good to see rare machines being brought back to life and on display. Off once again to search for that elusive commanders traverse handle for the Saladin, Watch out Duxford :evil:
  19. A group of us will be making a visit this Sunday Tony so if you are about might see you there.
  20. Not to worry Lee, if Jack is very very good I might just let him have a trundle in the Saladin, then he can say he drove something that was used in action at least :evil: :evil: :evil:
  21. Jack (Dorset) richardrosser (Kent) Mark (Kent) Neil (Essex) John (Essex)
  22. Will be there all things being equal along with several others
  23. That sounds like Cyprus colour to me
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