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FV601 (R.I.P.)

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Everything posted by FV601 (R.I.P.)

  1. 38.525 at First attempt :evil: Gonna give it another go
  2. Pulled a Brilliant on my first go :-D
  3. Top cover for a SLR ...plain not one for mounting a scope, it is to complete a project I am working on.
  4. I happen to know where there is a trilux sight and top cover for sale but it is not cheap :schocked: £250
  5. Red Ingle and his Temperance Seven
  6. Somebody say BURGER :naughty: :beer: :naughty:
  7. Would'nt mind Did'nt get to see any of the porn hence the post :thankyou: Anyway some of us beed our beauty :sleep:
  8. Trying to look at one of the more recent threads I get this message The topic I am looking at is now no longer on the list
  9. Interested in taking you up on that if poss Tony
  10. Does he still fire his air rifle though Mark? Last year (2005) a group who shall remain nameless thought it would be a good idea to do a bit of nightstalking with Night goggles and airsoft weapons. Result was a visit from the Armed Response team of the local constabulary along with Rex, they ended up having all weapons confiscated (including deac's, blank firers) and a police warning regarding their behaviour in general ( yes they had been a total pain in the ar*se before that with loud music and general idiotic behaviour). After that incident it was extremely quiet and I am glad to say that particular group was not in attendance this year. So perhaps where it didnt work in the past it is more likely to now, who knows.
  11. Just an aside Clive I have attended Kemble on several occasions and have been charged every time. Considering I am a fully paid up member of the MVT I was of the understanding that I should be allowed in free. Perhaps it is not just W&P that are selective in their charging policy. As to Odes? There just might be one in the offing :wink: I do see your viewpoint though and yes it is somewhat criminal that some pay and others do not, however as you have pointed out whilst some people may make a stand others will not. Even you actually support the show by your attendance be it with or without a vehicle and in doing so help to perpetuate the situation in its present form. Yes there is dust, mud (on the rare occasion it rains), Idiots who spoil it for everyone (although this has become better since the marshalls are quicker to react), but all in all the very atmosphere of the gathering of so many like minded people tends to offset this, unless you are unfortunate enough to have the idiots camp next to you ( that said we as a group have a particular way in dealing with such :evil:). Things like this will unfortunately happen when there is such a large gathering be it MV related or otherwise (take a look at Glastonbury etc.) its the very nature of the human beast, but to cite it as a reason, be it one of many, is a little bit of a cop out. The fact that people get drunk and behave like a**holes is not the sole domain of Beltring, it happens in most cities, towns, villages several times a week and although the more sensible ones amongst us do not behave in such a fashion, there are the few who do. In my opinion it is up to those more sensible amongst us to actively identify those who play up and get the show organisers to ban them from attending. And before anyone says it, I too enjoy a relaxing after show evening cracking a few cans/bottles and jawing about things MV related and otherwise so i am not saying drink should be banned (lets face it if its not drink its some other substance that causes some of the idiots to act as they do). As i've already said, the facilities at W&P have improved over the past 5 years and as of last year so has the after hours marshalling so it looks as though someone is taking notice of what has been said in the past. Perhaps if those MV owners who feel as you do make that opinion better known to those in charge it might achieve something also. As to the assistance offered re getting particular vehicles to the show, I am much in agreement with Chris's viewpoint as even though some people do own armour it does not mean they are financially able to ship their vehicle all over the country. Once again just my thoughts
  12. Natural fibre will rot after a time and be laible to break when you least expect it. Go with the polypropylene
  13. By diameter Neil eg. 1" manilla. 1/2"sisal, 9mm Nylon etc.
  14. Mark, hate to say it, but we are aware also that the tickets were handed out at the main IMPS meeting and not made available to other areas unless people from that area happened to be at the main area meeting. Maybe not the "elite" as it has been put, but those in the know definately as this has been the normal practise in the past from what we have been led to believe. Would also like to add that on occasion the monthly newsletter does not arrive on peoples doorsteps until after the main area meeting, so being there for the handout is not an option for the many that might like to avail themselves of the free ticket offer. I myself do not pay for vehicle entry as I am a long term member of IMPS, and whilst I can understand the viewpoint of those who feel they should not be paying to attend a MV show I ask where can one "camp" for up to a fortnight in this country for £25.00 ? The facilities are what you make of them and whilst they can be a little "neolithic" at times they have much improved over the past 5 years. Also considering that there are some 3000 -4000 plus exhibitors its no wonder they do fall down on some occasions. What I do take umbrage with however, is the exorbitant pricing from the consession stalls to the vehicle exhibitors. They in effect have a "captive" customer base with us onsite and appear to take advantage of that. I understand the need to make a profit when running a business but surely with the amount of public that pass through the gates and use the consessions they could "adjust" their prices after the doors close to the GP. The fact that we have to wear an wristband is an identification of being an exhibitor be it vehicle or living history and as such anyone wearing a wristband should receive a discounted price from the consessions. Just my view
  15. Did this many many moons ago as a cadet. knocked the hell out of a lot of the entrants even then but very worthwhile and character building. What to expect?? very sore feet and muscles especially if you have'nt done a lot of activity over the years. It's a road march as such and when I did it we were working to a timed pace and distance. Surprising enough we managed to beat some of the regulars who were competing, so all in all we were pretty proud of what we achieved. Assuming you will perhaps be doing this with the regiment backing I would imagine the infrastructure of water supply etc. should be in place so all you should require are a decent pair of walking/ marching boots already broken in and decent socks, shirt sleeve order would be my suggested dress and a light pack with supplies ( we used 58 pattern webbing and pouches and found this adequate)
  16. Wanders off mumbling "bloody top brass get all the ruddy perks whilst us ordinary blokes get all the shyte" :wink:
  17. Looks like a "civilianised" Willy's A lot of people picked them up cheap after WW2 and if they were handy with metalwork made the hardtop for them. Looks like this chap has gone a bit over the top and made a couple of front mudguards as well. Cheap way of getting a car I would guess
  18. I happen to know where a Saladin is for around that sort of money. It needs work and the owner was going to do it himself but if he did he would want a lot more for it. It is not me BTW as I would'nt let the old girl go to attached to it. PM me if you are interested.
  19. I am assuming you mean the part regarding flaming of an MV group Mark. That being the case what is to be depicted as flaming? Are we to denote that any criticism of an MV group be it constructive or derogatory be classed as flaming? That being the case most of the people that have posted to both this thread and the other regarding PW should now be receiving a ban from the moderating team. Whilst I appreciate you are trying to do what your position here states, moderate. Where does that leave those of us who have opinons that can be construed as flaming. For instance does my ode to a jimmy fall into the realm of flaming another member? I do not envy anyone who has the task of moderating such a forum as it is a fine line regarding decision calls at times. Perhaps a clarification is needed.
  20. I know the weather is due to get bad this winter but it would appear that my monitor has developed a hole and is letting the snow in :eek: It would'nt be so bad but its beginning to build up in drifts at the bottom of the screen and because ive got the central heating on there is a puddle forming on my workstation where the freshly fallen stuff is thawing. HELP!!!!
  21. I asked if I could see this as it was supposed to be local to me. Heres the reply I got. Broken Camera and now a plethora of interest !!!! This bloke can sell my MV's anyday if he gets this price :? :? :? :eek:
  22. Spaseba Tovarich :roll: But vere is photo of Zil ????
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